Video Editing

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I'm trying to convert an avi file with size 640x352 into dvd widescreen size. without stretching it but rarther adding black strips along the top.
Anyone know how to do this?
My recomendation? Magic, and lots of it!
Or some good video editing software, but that is only stuff of fairy tails.
The only free software that I know of which has the capability to do that is TMPGEnc

Edit: Just thought I'd point out, it's basically for converting movies into mpegs for VCD. You can achieve what you're attempting to do with this software as well
TMPGEnc is very nice. A lot of ppl perfer it over professional apps like Canopus mpeg Encoder or Main Concept Encoder because it does awesome quality.
It does Mpeg2 as well btw. It works best onces you know all the settings and you don't have to use the wizard mode.

Is the 640x352 avi 4:3 ratio? Does it fill the square screen with no black bars or is it widescreen?
If it is widescreen then it is pretty easy. Set TMPGEnc on the first menu to 4:3 and under the next tab/page set to 16:9 NTSC or PAL depenting on the source video. That will create a 4:3 video but will handle the source as 16:9 and keep that ratio by creating black bars on the 4:3 final video.

If it is fullscreen then the only way you can get widescreen out of it is to cut off parts of the top and bottom making them black and keep it 4:3 ratio...which does not look good.
If your source is fullscreen they already cut off the L/R sides so you cannot get that back unless you get a widecreen source.
Adobe Premiere is great but it is video editing yet you can add codecs for encoding but a dedicated encoder is better.

BTW when I mentioned Canopus Mpeg Encoder...I ment Cinema Craft Encoder (CCE).

I tried Tmpgenc but I'm now using VideoEdit COnvertor Pro. Everything's fine except for one minor problem.
The output video has come out upside down, This happens in every player I try. I'm using the xvid codec.
Any suggestions?
Okay back to tmpg, How do I select xvid because the audio from the original xvid isn't being picked up by it.
You can open the original video with VirtualDub and run it through TMPGEnc using avsynth or something like that. I would check for guides. TMPGEnc creates mpeg's (VCD) and mpeg2's (DVD/SVCD format). I would give Virtual Dub a shot. It's free and very versital. You can stream a/v through TMPGEnc or filters. Whatever you need. Lot of plugin's availible.
The problem with the reverse video is a codec issue though. The codec it is using by default has a setting that is making it upside down.