video game addiction

Only the weak of mind could become addicted to something like video games.
lol hillarious

Its definitely a joke. There is a show called intervention on A&E that they are mimicking for this video
I'm suprised he has had a first kiss but I'm glad he got help in the end.
Look at his face when his mom hugs him, lol.

Can't escape the power of video games in the end!
I found this so funny because the guy looks and acts like Jim Carrey. He even says "Alrighty then".
This is idiotic. All he needs to do is find a job. There is nothing wrong with playing videogames. What a bunch of morons his family and friends are...

EDIT: It's a joke? Anyways, if this was real, I still stand by my statement.
In my experience the average British citizen spends between 3 and 6 hours a night sat motionless in front of the TV watching mindless crap, and yet spending time instead playing games, honing reflexes/dexterity and using the brain, is classed as a harmful addiction that turns kids into psychopathic killers. Go figure.

Fake or not, this is the kind of poison that is being force fed to an idiotic population over here which is lapping up every drop.
Fake, just like the episode about a guy who masturbates too much.

At least I hope it's fake. If not, that dude is the only sane one in his family. Funny regardless.
^Ennui, you heard that doctor didnt you? Video addictions lead to a lose of self and reality. He was a ticking time bomb, someone had to do something..
No its not a joke, you dont think this is a serious problem in society? I find your attitude and lack of care for your fellow man disturbing.
Well shit, that's kind of disturbing. All that drama over videogames? Sure he needs to get his priorities straight and start doing other shit in addition to gaming, but the graveness of how they were all crying are referring to "his problem" is absurd.

Don't you think your relatives would be worried if "it wasn't unusual for you to play for 17 to 24 hours straight"?

Let's not get defensive here, because we enjoy video games ourselves. Spending your whole day gaming (if he really does that and the documentary doesn't blow this out of proportion) is not fine.
Video games have nothing to do with it. People with addictive personalities can become addicted to anything.

Being addicted to games isnt the worst kind of addiction, but no addiction is good.
This was actually on the show Intervention on A&E.

EDIT...I guess I should read through threads before posting lul

this is jamesbrosnan
I think video games and jobs both are different. Video games are only for entertainment there is no earning in that field and but in the case of jobs we can get money and we can get entertainment also.
I Removed Your Link Because You're A Twunt Love From Sulkdodds
this is jamesbrosnan
I think video games and jobs both are different. Video games are only for entertainment there is no earning in that field and but in the case of jobs we can get money and we can get entertainment also.

Funny man.
Missed this thread first time around... man, that's one family that needs to f*ck right off. Agreed with CR0M and Ennui. I found the 'submit to this therapy or I'll have nothing to do with you' part particularly sickening (although I guess that's what makes it an 'intervention').
I seem to remember reading that nowadays decent experts don't believe there's such a thing as "videogame addiction" per se and that using such terms is not helpful to the persons involved.
I don't get the dynamic between him and his pseudo-girlfriend either. She seems to be dangling her cooch in front of him as an enticement to quit gaming, failing to realise (or care) that being endlessly prickteased isn't great for a guy's mental health.

As for "video game addiction" as a valid term, various groups in America have been wrangling for it to be added to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders) but the American Psychiatric Association declined to do so last year, citing lack of research/evidence. While they didn't rule out including it in future, it came across as something of a climbdown in their stance and I believe it was from their statements that the impetus came to rephrase 'video game addiction' as 'overuse'.

EDIT: checked out some more of this episode on Youtube and I was relieved to see that the 42-day program didn't make much of a difference to the guy.
And here's an old article from technewsworld about "VG addiction" not making it into the DSM:
An American Medical Association committee recommended that the group "strongly encourage the consideration and inclusion of 'Internet/video game addiction' as a formal diagnostic disorder in the upcoming revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders." However, the committee reportedly backpedaled after its suggestion was met with hot debate at the group's annual meeting.
True. If you bark manufactured propaganda like this loud and long enough at a sheeplike culture, you herd them all into the pen eventually, whether it's true or not - mark my words, the UK will be burning games in the streets by 2010. And Jupiter will collapse into it's own giant asshole.

I also agree with jamesbrosnan - video games and jobs are indeed both different.
Video games are only for entertainment there is no earning in that field and but in the case of jobs we can get money and we can get entertainment also.

Ever heard of MLG?

Lovely $200'000 or something for winning.
Also becoming involved as a game journalist is a decent job.

dont underestimate the possibilities of job prospects in the gaming industry fool!
Yes, avoid people who play those types of games. THAT WILL HELP THEM. Thanks so much for that inspiring post Ramya, I will be sure to check out your advertised website and purchase whatever products they offer. Clearly you guys know what you're talking about and speak perfect English.
Games and Gaming

this is jamesbrosnan
I think Games and Gaming both are different. Games are only for entertainment there is no earning in that field and but in the case of gaming we can get money and we can get entertainment also. But some gaming's suffering other people. I think, In my point of view games must be entertain to the people not to suffer to the people.