Video Game Periodic Table


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score

Pretty awesome. Can we name them all?

H - Han Solo
He - Heavy
Li - Link
Be -
B - Bomberman
C - Cloud?
N -
O -
F - Fox McCloud
Ne -
Na - Naruto
Mg - Megaman
Al -
Si - Sim
P - Pacman?
S - Samus Aran
Cl - Clank?
Ar - Arbiter?
K - Kirby
Ca -
Sc - Sonic
Ti -
V -
Cr - Crash Bandicoot
Mn - Manuel Calavera
Fe - Marcus Fenix
Co - King of all Cosmos
Cu -
Zn -
Ga - Ganondorf
Ge - Gex
As - Astroboy?
Se - Serious Sam
Br - Rayne
Kr - Kratos?
Rb - R.O.B.
Sr - Sephiroth?
Y -
Zr -
Nb - Niko Bellic
Mo - Mario
Tc -
Ru -
Rh -
Pd -
Ag - Agent 47
Cd -
In - Indiana Jones
Sn - Solid Snake
Sb -
Tr -
I - Pit
Xe -
Cs - Carmen Sandiego
Ba - Batman
Lu - Luigi
Hf -
Ta -
W - Worm
Re -
Os -
Ir - Iron Man
Pt - Pitfall?
Au -
Hg -
Tl - Miles "Tails" Prower
Pb - Pinky & Blinky (clever...)
Bi - Birdo
Po - Popeye
At - Afro Thunder
Rn - Raiden
Fr - Gordon Freeman
Ra -
Lr - Larry
Rf - Raphael
Db -
Sg -
Bh - Hammer Bros.
Hs - Homer Simpson
Mt -
Ds - Doctor Stewart
Rg -
Uub -
Uuq -
La - Lara Croft
Ce -
Pr - Princess Peach
Nd -
Pm - Pikmin
Sm - Sam & Max
Eu - Eugene H. Krabs (never thought that bit of knowledge would help me with something like this...)
Gd -
Tb -
Dy -
Ho -
Er - Earthworm Jim
Tm -
Yb - Yogi Bear
Ac -
Th -
Pa - PaRappa
U -
Np -
Pu - Pikachu
Am - Amigo
Cm - Cooking Mama
Bk - Bowser
Cf -
Es -
Fm -
Md -
No -

Copy this list and fill them in! :E
H - Han Solo
He - Heavy
Li - Link
Be -
B - Bomberman
C - Cloud?
N -
O -
F - Fox McCloud
Ne -
Na - Naruto
Mg - Megaman
Al -
Si - Sim
P - Pacman?
S - Samus Aran
Cl - Clank?
Ar - Arbiter?
K - Kirby
Ca -
Sc - Sonic
Ti - Great Tiger
V -
Cr - Crash Bandicoot
Mn - Manuel Calavera
Fe - Marcus Fenix
Co - King of all Cosmos
Cu -
Zn -
Ga - Ganondorf
Ge - Gex
As - Astroboy?
Se - Serious Sam
Br - Rayne
Kr - Kratos?
Rb - R.O.B.
Sr - Sephiroth?
Y -
Zr -
Nb - Niko Bellic
Mo - Mario
Tc -
Ru -
Rh -
Pd -
Ag - Agent 47
Cd - Count Dracula
In - Indiana Jones
Sn - Solid Snake
Sb - Strong Bad
Tr -
I - Pit
Xe -
Cs - Carmen Sandiego
Ba - Batman
Lu - Luigi
Hf -
Ta -
W - Worm
Re -
Os -
Ir - Iron Man
Pt - Pitfall?
Au - Auron
Hg -
Tl - Miles "Tails" Prower
Pb - Pinky & Blinky (clever...)
Bi - Birdo
Po - Popeye
At - Afro Thunder
Rn - Raiden
Fr - Gordon Freeman
Ra -
Lr - Larry
Rf - Raphael
Db - Diablo
Sg - Sagat
Bh - Hammer Bros.
Hs - Homer Simpson
Mt - Mike Tyson
Ds - Doctor Stewart
Rg -
Uub -
Uuq -
La - Lara Croft
Ce -
Pr - Princess Peach
Nd -
Pm - Pikmin
Sm - Sam & Max
Eu - Eugene H. Krabs (never thought that bit of knowledge would help me with something like this...)
Gd -
Tb -
Dy -
Ho -
Er - Earthworm Jim
Tm -
Yb - Yogi Bear
Ac -
Th -
Pa - PaRappa
U -
Np -
Pu - Pikachu
Am - Amigo
Cm - Cooking Mama
Bk - Bowser
Cf -
Es -
Fm -
Md -
No -
Hf- Heffer you ****ing losers. Don't know why he's on there, though. He's a damn cartoon character. Though I think I remember a Rocko's Modern Life video game....
Md = Madden, John -- of EA's Madden Football
Tm = Thomas from Kung Fu Master of 8 bit Nintendo
Cu = Cut man enemy from Mega Man
Fm = Fire man enemy from Mega Man
H - Han Solo
He - Heavy
Li - Link
Be - Bernard
B - Bomberman
C - Cloud
N - Nova
O -
F - Fox McCloud
Ne -
Na - Naruto
Mg - Megaman
Al - Alice
Si - Sim
P - Pacman
S - Samus Aran
Cl - Clank?
Ar - Arbiter
K - Kirby
Ca - Cats
Sc - Sonic
Ti - Great Tiger
V - Vectorman
Cr - Crash Bandicoot
Mn - Manuel Calavera
Fe - Marcus Fenix
Co - King of all Cosmos
Cu - Cutman
Zn - Zangief
Ga - Ganondorf
Ge - Gex
As - Astroboy
Se - Serious Sam
Br - Rayne
Kr - Kratos?
Rb - R.O.B.
Sr - Sephiroth
Y -
Zr - Zerg
Nb - Niko Bellic
Mo - Mario
Tc -
Ru - Rush
Rh - Ryu Hayabusa
Pd -
Ag - Agent 47
Cd - Count Dracula
In - Indiana Jones
Sn - Solid Snake
Sb - Strong Bad
Te - Toejam (& Earl)
I - Pit
Xe - Xemnas
Cs - Carmen Sandiego
Ba - Batman
Lu - Luigi
Hf - Heffer
Ta -
W - Worm
Re - Reaper
Os -
Ir - Iron Man
Pt - Pitfall?
Au - Auron
Hg -
Tl - Miles "Tails" Prower
Pb - Pinky & Blinky (clever...)
Bi - Birdo
Po - Popeye
At - Afro Thunder
Rn - Raiden
Fr - Gordon Freeman
Ra - Rash
Lr - Larry
Rf - Raphael
Db - Diablo
Sg - Sagat
Bh - Hammer Bros.
Hs - Homer Simpson
Mt - Mike Tyson
Ds - Doctor Stewart
Rg - Roger Wilco
Uub - (Isn't this the guy from Wolf 3D? William_"B.J."_Blazkowicz. How does that fit? Do they take "uu" as "double u"?)
Uuq - (game is outcast?)
La - Lara Croft
Ce -
Pr - Princess Peach
Nd - Nathan Drake
Pm - Pikmin
Sm - Sam & Max
Eu - Eugene H. Krabs (never thought that bit of knowledge would help me with something like this...)
Gd -
Tb -
Dy - Doctor Wily (Megaman)
Ho - Hoagie
Er - Earthworm Jim
Tm - Thomas
Yb - Yogi Bear
Ac -
Th -
Pa - PaRappa
U - Ultraman
Np - Nick 'Havoc' Parker (C&C Renegade)
Pu - Pikachu
Am - Amigo
Cm - Cooking Mama
Bk - Bowser
Cf - Cannon Fodder
Es -
Fm - FireMan
Md - Madden
No -
Es - Erik the Swift (The Lost Vikings)
Os - Olaf (The Lost Vikings)
Gd - Mollock The Glukkon (I'm not quite sure where they got the lettering for this from, but it is the dude from Abe's Odyssey)


H - Han Solo
He - Heavy
Li - Link
Be - Bernard
B - Bomberman
C - Cloud
N - Nova
O -
F - Fox McCloud
Ne -
Na - Naruto
Mg - Megaman
Al - Alice
Si - Sim
P - Pacman
S - Samus Aran
Cl - Clank?
Ar - Arbiter
K - Kirby
Ca - Cats
Sc - Sonic
Ti - Great Tiger
V - Vectorman
Cr - Crash Bandicoot
Mn - Manuel Calavera
Fe - Marcus Fenix
Co - King of all Cosmos
Cu - Cutman
Zn - Zangief
Ga - Ganondorf
Ge - Gex
As - Astroboy
Se - Serious Sam
Br - Rayne
Kr - Kratos?
Rb - R.O.B.
Sr - Sephiroth
Y -
Zr - Zerg
Nb - Niko Bellic
Mo - Mario
Tc -
Ru - Rush
Rh - Ryu Hayabusa
Pd -
Ag - Agent 47
Cd - Count Dracula
In - Indiana Jones
Sn - Solid Snake
Sb - Strong Bad
Te - Toejam (& Earl)
I - Pit
Xe - Xemnas
Cs - Carmen Sandiego
Ba - Batman
Lu - Luigi
Hf - Heffer
Ta - Tank (?)
W - Worm
Re - Reaper
Os - Olaf (The Lost Vikings)
Ir - Iron Man
Pt - Pitfall?
Au - Auron
Hg -
Tl - Miles "Tails" Prower
Pb - Pinky & Blinky (clever...)
Bi - Birdo
Po - Popeye
At - Afro Thunder
Rn - Raiden
Fr - Gordon Freeman
Ra - Rash
Lr - Larry
Rf - Raphael
Db - Diablo
Sg - Sagat
Bh - Hammer Bros.
Hs - Homer Simpson
Mt - Mike Tyson
Ds - Doctor Stewart
Rg - Roger Wilco
Uub - (Isn't this the guy from Wolf 3D? William_"B.J."_Blazkowicz. How does that fit? Do they take "uu" as "double u"?)
Uuq - (game is outcast?)
La - Lara Croft
Ce -
Pr - Princess Peach
Nd - Nathan Drake
Pm - Pikmin
Sm - Sam & Max
Eu - Eugene H. Krabs (never thought that bit of knowledge would help me with something like this...)
Gd - Mollock the Glukkon (Needs confirmation - Abe's Odyssey)
Tb -
Dy - Doctor Wily (Megaman)
Ho - Hoagie
Er - Earthworm Jim
Tm - Thomas
Yb - Yogi Bear
Ac -
Th -
Pa - PaRappa
U - Ultraman
Np - Nick 'Havoc' Parker (C&C Renegade)
Pu - Pikachu
Am - Amigo
Cm - Cooking Mama
Bk - Bowser
Cf - Cannon Fodder
Es - Erik the Swift (The Lost Vikings)
Fm - FireMan
Md - Madden
No - Noob (Mortal Kombat)
Yeah, that's what I thought Pesh...but the letters didn't mix up to Mullock.

And seriously guys. A BattleToad with the name Ra...


I'm disappointed in you.
Ce - Cairne Bloodhoof or Chieftan, I'm not sure who it is specifically.
Tc - T.J. Combo from Killer Instinct
Hg - Mike Haggar from Final Fight
Tb -Blobert from A boy and his Blob
Kupo said:
... still no.
You're really breaking my heart here.

Little Nemo, based off the stories by Winsor McCay, had an animated motion picture and became an NES game. Really? Draws no memory?

He had a flying squirrel named Icarus...fought the Nightmare King...traveled with a cigar-smoking guy named Flip...really rings no bells?
Heh, I remember playing that when I was just a little one. Probably the first game I ever played.
Little Nemo, based off the stories by Winsor McCay, had an animated motion picture and became an NES game. Really? Draws no memory?
There's this thing called the Atlantic and it appears to have got in the way.
You're really breaking my heart here.

Little Nemo, based off the stories by Winsor McCay, had an animated motion picture and became an NES game. Really? Draws no memory?

He had a flying squirrel named Icarus...fought the Nightmare King...traveled with a cigar-smoking guy named Flip...really rings no bells?
Some of us don't spend 23 hours a day playing video games and memorizing them all..

Some of us don't spend 23 hours a day playing video games and memorizing them all..
Leave this place.

Kupo said:
There's this thing called the Atlantic and it appears to have got in the way.
Well it ain't getting in the way now. Go. Play Little Nemo. Watch the movie.

Play Little Nemo while watching the movie.

Actually holy shit that'd be insane. I should go do that...