Video game purcahses you were most satisfied with

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I was just thinking of all the games I've bought over the years...and which ones I still play today. Wow...some of these games have given me tons of bang for my buck so to speak. If not the actual's the mods or custom maps that come out for it.

These are games I've logged at least 100 hours each playing a piece:

-Diablo 2 (used to play it a lot)
-Warcraft 3

Hmm....seeing a trend with Blizzard games? I'm sure I'd be hooked in if I bought WoW

-HL1 (mods of course)

These are all games I've played probably over a hundred hours a piece with at least. I don't play Diablo 2 and Starcraft any more...but I regularly play WC3 custom games (I like a good DOTA) and I still play HL1 mods from time to time. Lots of other games out there don't have that much replayability worked in...and I applaud Blizzard for making their games stand the test of time. Just check out Bnet and see how many still play Starcraft, D2 and Wc3...hundreds of thousands. It's crazy.
-Unreal Tournament 2004.
-Far Cry.
-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
-StarCraft (This was a Christmas gift, but I'll still count it.).
-Half-Life (bought brand new when it first came out for 20 bucks at a computer show. Definately worth it.)
-Starcraft (have a burned copy, and I still play it. Buying the Battle Chest soon.)
-GTA: San Andreas
-Chrono Trigger
-Harvest Moon (I swear to God I'm straight)
Grim Fandango
Warcraft III
PoP:Sands of Time
I barrowed WarCraft III and The Frozen Throne expansion from a friend, and I did not disappoint me. I loved the bonus RPG-style campaign in the expansion.
Grim Fandango
Star Wars : KOTOR
monkey island 1 - 3.
mechwarrior 2 & 3 [and expansions]
command & conquer [up to tiberian sun]
total annihilation & expansions.
diablo ii & lod.

these and a few other games i still play regularly with no problems.
Heroes of might and magic was really funn that me and few mates of mine could play for hours suplyed with drinks...and all on 1 PC.
Fallout...I just like that atmosfere. Like in HAlf life sort of.
Deus EX...variaty of ways to acomplish something. To bad Invisible wars was bad, IMO.

Half life offcourse....would be stupid to explain why in here;)
Halflife, even after you beat the game 60 times, there's always an endless supply of mods to keep the appeal up
Warcraft 3, One of the best RTS i've ever played, and with multiplayer particulaly custom maps, it's hard not to find something new
Colonization, played it for 1½ years every i love that game..
Max Payne 2
Operation Flashpoint
Tiberian Sun
Rainbow Six: Raven Shield
1. Battlefield 1942
2. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
3. Mafia
HL2 (silver)
Deus Ex
C&C (up to Tiberian Sun)
Far Cry
Unreal Tournament (the original)
Painkiller (was fun for a while)
Zelda OOT
Mario 64
Body Harvest
Goldeneye 007
All Metroid games
Probably more but my memory sucks.
My memory sucks
How the hell did I forgat FAR CRY?
Sparta said:
Grim Fandango
Star Wars : KOTOR
Finally, another person that has played Grim Fandango!
I try and I finished a lot of games until now so far, so I made my list (below)

Diablo 1/2 (the sequel's the LoD expansion set)
Warcraft 3 RoC/TfT
Empire earth
Half life 1 (Mods: Cs, DoD, Team fortress)
Quake 3A
Doom 1/2/2a/3
Far cry
Starcraft brood war
Medieval total war (viking invasion too)
Rome total war
Age of empires 1/2/conq
Worms 2 (a fuzzy game I still playing)
Pharaoh/First Emperor
The sims (don't forget the add-ons)
Europa Universalis 2
Rollercoaster tycoon 2
:bounce: :)
Let's see... games that I bought...

Final Fantasy 7
Was an impulse buy. Had previously hired it out and thought it was a piece of crap. I'm still not sure why but I had a random change of heart and decided to dish out for the platinum edition. Once I got past the teddybear character models - BEST. GAME. EVER. ;)

Got GOTY. So much replay value, and the Single Player was fun as hell first couple times through :sniper: BEST. CHRISTMAS PRESENT. EVER. (to the best of my recollection)

Unreal Tournament
Got it second hand from Cash Converters for like $10. Was awesome to finally play the full game after being addicted to the demo for literally about a year :E BEST. DEMO. EVER. (and also) BEST. MULTIPLAYER GAME. EVER.

Half-Life 2
Obviously :rolleyes: BEST. FPS. EVER.
Half-Life 2 - Best FPS Ever.
Final Fantasy VII - Best Game Ever.
Call of Duty - Great FPS
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Hours of Multiplayer gaming as well as the Single Player
Commandos 2 - Loved it.
Well I've gotten quite a few games in my time and rather than list them all I'm just going to say I'm happy with all my purchases save for Deus Ex: Invisible War.
1) All Metroid games--Especially MP and MP2

2) LOZ: Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker

3) GoldenEye

4) Half-Life 1

5) Half-Life 2--not a good ending, IMO, but a great experience nontheless.

6) Super Mario World

7) Halo

8) Doom 3

There's more, but I can't think of em..
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance
Unreal Tournament 2004

...and hopefully Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition...
Unreal Tournament
Half-Life 2
Fallout 2
C&C Red Alert 2
Mario 64
SMB 1, 3 & 4
Mario Kart (snes)
Mario Golf (N64/GC)
Worms (ps1)
Street Fighter 2
Super Bomberman
Secret of Mana
Final Fantasy 3
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark
RTCW (multiplayer)
Zelda LTTP/OoT
Baldurs Gate 1 & 2
Planescape Torment
Advance Wars

Have put over 100 hours into all these titles :) (for some a good 2-3 hundred plus)
-Half Life
-Half Life 2

Looks like I need more games... :O
half life 2
diablo 2/x
warcraft 3
jedi knight jacademy
half life
i cant think anymore
Half-Life 1, then someone stole my cd-key
Half-Life 1 Platinum Pack
Half-Life 2 Silver pack
Diablo 1
Diablo 2
The day of the tentacle
Rallisport Challenge 1 & 2 (Xbox)
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

Damn this games like Crack or something......
Diablo 2 (seems to be a trend here), Half life and its mods, GTA:Vice city, GTA:SA, Deus ex. These are all games I have that have had just lasted for ages.
oh god dont even get me started on diablo2. that shit is crazy. not fun anymore but i used to play it ALOT lan games where most fun.

here the list---

goldeneye and perfect dark 64
half life
halflife 2
halo 2
gta sa
I'd like to add Dungeon Keeper/Deeper Dungeons and Monkey Island 1 to my list. Both great games that ive played over and over again.
WoW CE (first CE i've ever bought...infact, first game i've ever felt i needed to pre-order too)
GT1,2 and 3
MGS1 and 2
FF7, 8, 9, 10 and 10X or whatever it is.
Soul Calibur 1 and 2

Many many more that i can't remember.
HL2!!! £25 for HL2, CS:S, HL2DM, Source SDK and every other game. THAT is great value.

WOW i havent bought yet, but i can garantee i will love it. damn CE for selling out, I HATE GAMEPLAY!!! anyway, the CE sold out. i was a saaaaaad bunny. its not even out till febuary... ;(

HL1, because i got every steam game ;)

warcraft 3 and expansion, i love those games.

C+C gens and expansion, multiplayer kept me entertained for over 200 matches over a year.

MGS 2. i was sooooo happy. i could hold up guards!!! best thing ever!!! for me, that was the first game that was truly innotave.

all my favorite RPGs- BG2, fallout 1 and 2, SW: KOTOR etc.

i have spent over 600 hours of my life playing FF games, and im replaying FF8 as we speak, so i have to include them.

hmmm... GTA VC and GTA SA, they rock. over the christmas holidays i will be playing SA a lot, i have had exams recently ;(

UT2k4, its just so f'ing big

this doesnt count as a game, but EVERY SINGLE SECOND i spent at my local internet cafe before it closed. i knew EVERYONE there and we had SUCH fun playing CS and a hell of a lot of other games. the best gaming experience ive had in my life :D i REALLY wish it was still open, with HL2DM and all.... the only people from this forum that went there were me, sulkdodds and dancemag, we had such fun.