video in pci card


Sep 23, 2003
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hi, can anyone recomend an alrite video in pci card? all i want to do is put a few of my videos onto my pc. thanks
pci is pretty much dead now, unfortunately. However there are still same fairly 'decent' cards out there. I dont know where you live but if its in UK go here. You'll see sum FX5200, Radeon 9200, MX440SE all alright to do the job you want.

Hope that helps.

I think he is talking about a regular PCI card to capture video, and not a graphics card.. :) or??
Pinnacle has a few out there.
I have a DC10 Plus that I got for 80$? a year ago or so.
RCA/S-Video in
RCA/S-Video out

ATI TV wonder (pro) has RCA/S-Video in/out as well as a TV tuner.
The VE version cost less, doesn't have a remote and may not capture at as high resolutions.
yeh vguard, ive already got a graphics card i just figured there would some cheap pci card that i could racord some of my videos to my pc with. and yeh i am in the uk.
Well then, Asus' suggestions are probably among the better.. :) Check out pinnacle at you local hw store, or on the net.