Video Info From Erik

guinny im with you i got ban for telling pople like that to stfu..... i hate whiners
heh, i joined just in time to see that too, was hilarious.
Then if you dont like al lthe questions being asked there then leave, or simpley ignore them. Noones asking you to shout out abuse all over the channel.

If all the foul language had bene removed it would have probablly been plausable and you would not have gotten banned.
I mean seriously, wtf are these people thinking. They're like zombies in resident evil looking for flesh to eat.
This was like a classic CS spam party .. only on a smaller scale. Ahh good memmories :)
guinny ur becoming less and less of a good guy... im fearing you right now..

I managed to clear up the END of the MIRC chat.. heres what I've got:

<devttys0> EricJ - Will steam's billing system be run using a large Oracle DB?

<ErikJ> devttys0 - No, it runs on Berkley and SQL.

<Pressure> Erik - Can I join Valve as the official new programmer?

<ErikJ> Pressure - Send in a resume.

<blob> Erik: Will Hl2 support the new 64-bit processors by Intel and AMD

<ErikJ> blob - The server will, but not sure about the client at ship time. When there is a 64-bit OS, then it will be more viable.

<synth> Erik: Will Valve be like it did in HL1 where it looked for a couple mods to endorse early on, or will you actually support the mod community a lot until HL3 comes out?

<ErikJ> synth - I like to think we've supported the MOD community pretty well.

<OD-Black_Fire> ErikJ- Will hl2 explain any background on characters? Like Alyx, Barney, or gman, like relationships?

<ErikJ> OD - Yes.

<sportz103> have u guys decided on the max resolution for the game

<ErikJ> sportz - No.

<Pressure> Erik - Can my 3.0 ghz 800 fsb 1 gig ram geforcefx 5900 ultra be able to run hl2 at full graphics?

<ErikJ> Pressure - Yes, likley.

<burn> Eric: what orther types of meida will be shipped on steam??

<ErikJ> burn - Not sure yet, movies will be a good start.

<ErikJ> Sven Co-Op is a cool mod. Saw that at the last Mod Expo. Got to meet Sven, who I've chatted with since

<Sniper> Gee, Thanks Erik!

<ErikJ> Sniper - You work on the MOD?

<Sniper> Yeah, I'm the lead programmer for Sven Co-op.

<ValVed-RaY> hey Dear Mr.Erik, i would like to know if half life 2 will have a maximun fps ammount

<ErikJ> Valved - I did answer you question, you have to read fast. The answer was "likley".

<ErikJ> Sven not working on it anymore?

<Sniper> Nope, he's still working on it. But he's getting really excited about Half-Life 2 and such.

<ErikJ> Sniper - That's cool, looking forward to it.

<Sniper> Me too.

<Automator> for another update: the bots should buy deagles at start

<ErikJ> Automater - That's a good idea.

<UndeadSco> Erik: When are Opfor and Richochet going to be fixed?

<ErikJ> Undead - Been really busy, sorry they aren't fixed already. They will be soon.

<doom> ErikJ: is there going to be any themes for steam when it goes final?

<ErikJ> doom - Do you mean skinnable UI? If so, yes, we'll be doing that at some point.

<omlette> ErikJ - Do you have any plans to include the "tech demo" map in the full game? Possibly as a bonus as such? Same thing for the maniuplator gun used there? An answer would be appriciated. =) (Sorry for being forced to repeat myself.)

<ErikJ> omlette - Not sure about that.

<Viscid> ErikJ: Steam is ugly. When can we skin it? =P

<ErikJ> Viscid - You should let greg0r know about that.

<synth> ERIK: are you planning to add any more major features to steam?

<ErikJ> synth - Yes.

<Rabid_Llama> Erik: Another stupid movie question, sorry. Does the new movie release have the demo playback fixes in it, or is it the exact same video as at E3 (but a direct feed instead of shakycam)?

<ErikJ> Rabid - It'll be a direct feed. It should look close to exactly what the game will look like.

<synth> ERIK: what kind of features will steam have?>

<ErikJ> synth - Steam is a pretty long term project, there are too many to list.

<devttys0> ErikJ - What was VAvle's motivation behind putting its own IM system into steam instead of just making a deal with MS or AOL/ICQ or using Jabber?

<ErikJ> devttys0 - Having it really tightly integrated with the game was something that was really important to us.

<|Tr0LL|> ErikJ .. i still have some font problem with cs 1.6 and my FSAA enable to 2x ...

<ErikJ> Troll - Will you send me an e-mail with a screenshot please ([email protected])?

<Automator> can any valve staff comment on cz being done already, and it being held back by valve and/or sierra?0

<ErikJ> Automator - It's not done yet. Soon.

<Pressure> Erik: Will you marry me?

<ErikJ> Pressure - Sorry, can't do that.

<xplode^m> ErikJ: How well will a 1.6ghz with 512mbram and a gf4 ti4200 run HL2?

<ErikJ> xplode - yes.

<dassbaba> ErikJ: will the official release of CS 1.6 be used the same way steam is?

<ErikJ> dassababa - I'm not sure what your question is.

<MinorThreat> ErikJ: Can you make decisions like..."HEy you TF2 guys, stop what you are doing, and start working on CS 2 mod for HL2, Now! Get to work with the CS Team, tell them to stop working on CZ"??????????

<ErikJ> Minor - No, that's JohnC.

<blob> Erik- The p90 is overpriced. Are you going to lower the price or fix the unbalancefulness

<ErikJ> blob - I agree, the P90 does need an upgrade.

jeezus... there was so much spam inbetween those I had a hard time just even copying the text... :( oh well.. someone have the beginning?
mIRC reading should be considered a skill! trying to see what Erik was typing between all the crap was painful, jeesh. next time Erik should say "if i see one more bit of spam im leaving!" so everyone would shut up. not sure thatd work though as most people there were illiterate...
You have to admire how they keep their cool despite being surrounded by little kids incessently bugging them.
woo, my question made it into joeys post. a lot of people were asking it, and it just came into my mind, so i figured i would ask it while i had the chance. :D
Heh, you people need to learn how to use mIRC's built in chatlog function. Here's the entire chat, complete with stupid and/or pointless comments from Erik and with all unanswered questions and chat removed.
Last edited:

<ASHOK> ErikJ, will there be any footage that wasnt shown at E3 rlsed any time soon?
<ErikJ> ASHTOK - No, these will be the same videos as E3. But in much higher resolution.

<BWMASTER> Erik: Is there any chanse that we will be seeing anything new in this week?
<ErikJ> Yes, there will be more stuff this week.

You just don't get it... Will be availabe more than one video! The E3 one with a new scene and more new stuff.
He asked will any footage beides E3 be released anytime soon, he said no. then he said yes more new stuff this week. WHICH ONE?!
That doesn't help .... and the 1st answer, erik says he hopes to have the e3 shit out tomorrow
uhh, iv been out of the groove for a while while i was on vacation for about 5 days, i just got back today. im a bit confused, when are some new videos supposed to come out? i have steam. it sounded like there should be a new movie tomarrow? help
Sounds good, Valve always releases stuff on Bink. I remember downloading a movie for Opforce/Blue Shift/High Def Pack and it was great quality. Only bummer is lack of features like skipping to scenes but then its gonna be multiple vids anyway so eh.

Oh cool post counts were removed! Thanks Mod :D
:'( i cant believe the vids aint out.

aww well! bk to waiting.
Not really :P
i got beter things to do now!