Video: Kid looses it getting killed in CS

this was a great video keep posting man ive never leughed at a hardcore cser like that
I did something like that today, I died in Office, started cursing and threw up my hands without realizing I was still holding my (wireless) mouse, which then flew across the room.

Then I tripped on my chair when I went to get it.
That's why I hate any form of Counter-Strike. People are getting to good and you just can't get better because they keep killing you. ARGH
That one is great. "Hey nigga I'm about ta get ma bazooka."
"drop that gun nigga drop that gun! i said drop that gun- dont ever talk to c-note like that"

When his whole team surrounded him at the spawn that was freakin hilarious

I know I am going to gametiger for this guy next time
Thats freaking funny stuff man. When his whole team was surrounding him and stabbing him that was great. :bounce: :farmer:
I get killed the majority of times, but nehh there are worse people than me.

There's nothing as satisfying as chucking a flashbang into a window on 'office'
Hehehe, I've seen this somewhere before. It's a great vid. I have a friend that used to act like that when I killed him in CS. He usually raped his keyboard, so he had to spend half an hour putting the keys back on.
these are true classic...there is another one with a swedish dampunge who breaks hes keyboard...
hahaha! really funny videos :D
That first video with the swedish guy reminds me of my brother.Well, maby hes not as loud, but he bashes the mouse and keyboard around pretty heavily.
I think that guy is just acting out, because he didnt harm the comp anyway. :p
Some people take that too seriously, I usually just outcry and laugh when I die. whats the fun in rageing about that.
I laugh a lot too. It's only a game - What's the point of taking it seriously?

Another good anit-rage technique is to change your name and try to knife as many people in one level as possible

My best is 18 Knife kills to 17 Deaths. seriously, on Piranesi.
genocide604 said:

ITs kinda funny, i goto this lan cafe downtown vancouver, and there is this guy i named "speed"... he does speed then comes and play cs, he goes ****ing ape shit when he dies... i should get a hidden video cam and show yiou guys... he nuts.. if he caught me he might stab me with a needle tho..

man o man speed + counter strike is real life violence waiting to happen

funny tho, the guy must look like a wreck when he plays :naughty:
Try playing the "bink,bink!" video in fast and slow motions.
oh god the C-note one was so ***ing hilarious hen his team crowded him and just stabbed the hell out of him

"thats my little brother man, hes just trying to have a good time on CS"
o my ****ing god...biggest noob ever...damn...the movie goes on for EVER...holy pepperoni !!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooob
hah I love people like C-note..people who just play to have fun and just **** around the whole time. It always pisses me off when people whine "hey stfu" and try to be hard asses. Just fricking mute them.
It's really funny, how the guy is trying to pick up the monitor :D
LOL u know why he is so pissed , look he is playing 1.5 , he is saying "Damn man i hate this game it sucks stop torturing me i want decent graphics , this game sucks *shoves guy* you suck too , ARGGGHHHHH spilt coffee on myself"
These videos are all funny as hell but they're really old.

Anyway, the C-note video is awesome. I have the demo of it. That guy is my hero.
Showing the worst side of Sweden... how ****ed up all the kids are nowadays :(
disruptioN_ said:
These videos are all funny as hell but they're really old.

Anyway, the C-note video is awesome. I have the demo of it. That guy is my hero.

that's old as jesus :p but still really funny.
heheheheh that's a laugh :LOL:

although... I get it. I feel like that quite a bit while i play. I also swear and yell at my screen, and almost broke my mouse once. but it costs less than a monitor so that's okay. :|

"bink! bink!" lol...
i suck at life, so i take gaming seriously, but at least i dont act like that...