Video of PSP getting dismantled to install the PSP 2 TV

haha that was effing rediculous

only way i'd ever do this is if that guy did it for me (and if I had a psp)
wow, that had me laughing, nice find I could probably just about follow that, if you pause it and wind it back a few hundred times.
Well.. That was convenient.. Now if only I had the PSP I SHOULD have ****ing got for Christmas, maybe I would try that.
Yeah, but he didn't turn it on did he? Probably doesn't work now.
Wow that some skills right there. Nice find.
That's awesome! And that music is cool too- all ringadingadingy and middle-eastern, yet with an oh-so-funky bass.
That was pretty cool watching it. I know that if I tried that, somehow it would be cut in half, and all the cicruits would be replaced with water.

I'm not very good with small screws and little circuits...
CyberPitz said:
That was pretty cool watching it. I know that if I tried that, somehow it would be cut in half, and all the cicruits would be replaced with water.

I'm not very good with small screws and little circuits...

ditto, that guy is rediculous at it tho :o , i've got a friend who is a pc hardware enthusiast (crazy benchmarking, has a monster pc) who could probably pull this off if he cared about psp
Shamrock said:
Well.. That was convenient.. Now if only I had the PSP I SHOULD have ****ing got for Christmas, maybe I would try that.

Maybe thats why you didn't get it...:|
babyheadcrab said:
ditto, that guy is rediculous at it tho :o , i've got a friend who is a pc hardware enthusiast (crazy benchmarking, has a monster pc) who could probably pull this off if he cared about psp

It's not that hard to do if you know what to do.

What is the point however?
DiSTuRbEd said:
Maybe thats why you didn't get it...:|
I hope death strikes you on December 31. :thumbs:

I am good with gadgets and building and replacing parts and what not. I once rewired an entire radio to accept satellite images from mother Russia!
Shamrock said:
Well.. That was convenient.. Now if only I had the PSP I SHOULD have ****ing got for Christmas, maybe I would try that.
*Evil laugh* I'm installing a GITS: SAC 2nd GIG onto my PSP at the moment, just encoding it... can't wait for it to start copying, tired...
If I had a PSP I would replace all the parts with that of an RC cars, give it wheels, and drive it into a pond.
"Pimp my PSP" :upstare:
btw...the video never showed if the PSP worked properly...would be quite funny if one of the buttons or something didn't work :laugh:
JNightshade said:
that music is cool too- all ringadingadingy and middle-eastern, yet with an oh-so-funky bass.

Yeah it went on and on and on and on .... Just like that vid.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Maybe thats why you didn't get it...:|


But yeah, what'd he really do? I don't understand. He put a bigger tv on? And it took 3 hours of work? Lol? :hmph:
dekstar said:
If I had a PSP I would replace all the parts with that of an RC cars, give it wheels, and drive it into a pond.

I was following you all up until the pond part, you plot ruiner :)
Freemanator89 said:

But yeah, what'd he really do? I don't understand. He put a bigger tv on? And it took 3 hours of work? Lol? :hmph:
No he added this gadget that lets you hook the PSP up to a TV so you can look at the shit quality in big-vision!!11teh1!
I can't believe I wasted 9 minutes of my life looking at this utter piece of shit. :|
I think I did something wrong. I followed the instructions but the TV screen is a lot distorted or only shows a blue/black screen. :(