Video: Ravenholm re-run: completed in 1:36 on hard.

LightningX very nice, however you shouldn’t be posting in here, too many idiots have no idea what they are talking about most of the time. Post it over at or other game forums, at least you won't have deal with "omfg he is haxor and pathetic loser" crap.
DreadLord1337 said:
Shut up!! Troll elsewhere! He didn't hack, he didn't cheat, he didn't do ANYTHING wrong. Nor did he say anything like "PWNED LOLP!" so why don't you take your childish crap elsewhere.

Hmmm... I find that ironic coming from someone who uses the word "1337" in their username. Now please, get back to the closet you came from.
Pretty cool seeing that flying hover thing for the first time. Also well presented movie. Its pretty cool how HL2 doesnt force you to do stuff to progress, for example, you got to the last bit of ravenholm without the mad priest, or the shotgun.

Nice work lightningX. :D
Awesome movie.

I guess you've never seen a speedrun hl2addict, thats the point of a speedrun, is to take advantage of every aspect of programming flaw, and take advantage of it. I can just see you going into a hacking cs server, and shouting "WTF DONT HACK U FUKKKEKRJSLKJ :SOMG OMG OMG OMG STEAM BAN ID" :D
BTW how do you do the hover trick? I hit E and try to stand on something but I can't over....
RAST said:

Why don't you spend just half the time working on your own vid as you do dishing out the drivel. Lightning X too the time to figure out the map and produce the vid. Why don't you do it the way you think it should be done and produce your own vid? That will get you a thousand times more respect than dissing people on the forum.


BTW how do you do the hover trick? I hit E and try to stand on something but I can't over....

Adter you hit E, look down, and hit jump as quickly as you can.
The point is he uses bugs in the game to finish it. I loved when he used grav gun jumps or nade jump because they are the result of the expected and predictable physics, but this is just pure hack. There's a point when a bug becomes a cheat, and that's when you can do this incredibly excessive exploiting of the engine bugs = cheating. So whos to say that typing sv_cheats 1 noclip in the console is cheating? It's not a "hack" because you "can" do it so its not a cheat???
Also avoiding to complete tasks like deliver buggy to lighthouse and rescue Barney from snipers IS cheating. Run through the game means playing the actual game fastest possibile not cheating the game.

Hmmm...I think I'm gonna go into noclip and make a HL2dQ movie. Hahaha. Beat that time suckers... :E
you dont understand what a speedrun is either m00b... part of a speedrun IS taking advantage of the glitches in a game. I guess all of you "haters" never saw some of the hl1 speedruns, they were far worse, they skipped about half of the game :D A speedrun is getting through a game as quick as you can without using "Cheats". Glitches are NOT cheats. If that was true, then bunny-hopping is cheating. Some of you act like all the did was ride a piece of wood through the entire level, and he has no skill... did you not see him at the start and most of the rest of the movie? Twas leet :D
before this is locked, have any of you naysaying idiots ever seen a metroid sequence break video? speed runs are built around explots. that the WHOLE POINT.
"before this is locked, have any of you naysaying idiots ever seen a metroid sequence break video? speed runs are built around explots. that the WHOLE POINT."

I've just discovered that I don't like speedruns... :(

So why don't you guys use cheats? If you are using exploits, why not cheats?? So you can say "we didn't use cheats!" ?? Ahah you ppl make me laugh... or not. :|
like OMG LightningX is so hotttt. i totally wish that we could be friends and stuff!! LOLLERSKATES!!!

edit: his gravity jumps and hovering tricks really make me hott :eek:
m00b said:
So whos to say that typing sv_cheats 1 noclip in the console is cheating?

because you have to turn cheats on to do it ...
dumbest comment i think i've seen on this sig tbh
bi0_gauss said:
because you have to turn cheats on to do it ...
dumbest comment i think i've seen on this sig tbh
You have to turn flying on by taking a peace of wood and tapping jump like crazy. It takes less time to type noclip in the console.

Why I'm sad about them using cheats is that I looked forward to their movie to watch a skilled player do his tricks. Now it's like "who cares I can cheat too". :hmph:
thats not turning it on..its not cheating..
exploits are not cheats

exploiting is using something in the system to do better
cheating is changing the system to do better
but there's no point in trying to reason with you as anyone can already tell you won't understand/listen

if its so easy to fly/grav jump/smg jump/bh...why don't you throw together an HL2DQ avi?

askldfjas;ldkfj **** it ..learn to reason on your own
I found a point where they somewhat prevent you from doing just about anything...

in the canals place, there is a section where you are supposed to go through a red train-car with teh hovercraft, and ride under the pier. I made it into the area under the pier using the pile of rubble on the opposite side of the red train-car (ie, not blowing open the car and going through). There is a distinct and definate invisible wall at the pipe exit, also the only way to get through.

I was like god damnit, and was like !wtf! is the use of having this a possibilty and then restricting it?

Needless to say it took me a while to find the explosive barrel in the train-car.
I was quite irritated at one point too. Basicly, I ran my jeep into the water very early in Highway17 and couldn't get it out. Rather than load my save, I decided to just play on. There were a few times when I found it to be a bit sketch. One of these was when the locals have to open a gate for you, and the guy says, "Bring your car around and I'll open the gate". Thanksfully, you can screw him and juyou stack some stuff up. The thing that pissed me off was the god damn bridge jump. I hate to create a jeep for the jump abd then go on foot again. Sometimes I wish the people who do the graphics and physics from Half Life would join forces with the plot, character, and level design people from Deus Ex. That would be an awesome game. Here's to dreamin'
Certainly a showcase of some awesome skill, Lightning, tho, I think it would be a cooler video to watch with an actual non surfing play through. Although, I do understand your motivation to use the exploit.
This is a sport. So lets keep the lame teenage-kid-with-pirated-post-production-software shit out of it, yeah?
ank said:
I was quite irritated at one point too. Basicly, I ran my jeep into the water very early in Highway17 and couldn't get it out. Rather than load my save, I decided to just play on. There were a few times when I found it to be a bit sketch. One of these was when the locals have to open a gate for you, and the guy says, "Bring your car around and I'll open the gate". Thanksfully, you can screw him and juyou stack some stuff up. The thing that pissed me off was the god damn bridge jump. I hate to create a jeep for the jump abd then go on foot again. Sometimes I wish the people who do the graphics and physics from Half Life would join forces with the plot, character, and level design people from Deus Ex. That would be an awesome game. Here's to dreamin'

The entire coast level is faster to run on foot than to drive it with the buggy. With bunnyhopping + shortcuts it's about 5 minutes TOTAL from where you get the buggy at the pier to after the lighthouse battle where you ditch it. On foot, it's possible to skip the entire crane/gunship/jump segment, and also the entire bridge level. You can skip the gunship battle in the first town, and also the dropship battle at the lighthouse.

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