Video shows hospital a terror base


Jan 17, 2006
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Israel's military on Wednesday released video that it said proved a hospital it raided overnight deep inside Lebanon was actually a Hezbollah headquarters.

Hospital aye? Well yeah, we also store weapons, militia leaders and armed men in our hospitals...


Whether to believe its a HQ i dont know and i doubt, but its certainly no "ordinary hospital"...
Doesn't that break some sort of international law? Considering that Hexbollah is now a party.
Why is isreal raiding lebanese hospitals? havent they given enough harm to the people they've bombed?
No, it's not that. It's just that you asked why they were raiding hospitals when the reason was provided: they believe it was a Hezbollah HQ.
I think its really dumb how they're firing all those rockets into isreali territory.
I think hezbollah make HQ's in the midle of civilian structures so the israeli attacks kill civilians too,and make more hate to israel
It is actually. No doubt about it whatsoever. That's the tactic they use.
You guys do know that Hezbollah does own and run 4 hospitals in Lebanon, right? If this was a Hezbollah-run hospital then the Israelis have really good reason to suspect it could be an HQ for them.
Are you trying to convince someone that hezbollah is bad? Or are you trying to justify Israel killing civillians? The goal of this thread confuses me, I already despise hezbollah, and you can't justify innocent casualties. Lets pretend you are a lebanese civillian, a group of me with rockets and ak-47's decide they want to open up shop in your neighborhood, again, they have rockets and guns and probably won't hesitate to shoot you. You could just pack some provisions and leave, but all the major bridges and roadways are destroyed, and since chaos pretty much reigns supreme its probably more dangerous out and about than it is in your home. Even though there is a 50/50 chance that an air raid will happen and level the neighborhood.

So WTF do you do?

I've said it twenty times before and i'll say it again, both sides are wrong. If you pick a side in this, you're a nutjob. Demand Cease Fire.
heh. Its better to read this than "Terror camp turns out to be a hospital"
The goal of this thread confuses me

I ask myself the same question every time i see a new topic popup on an Israeli bomb hitting some civilians.
This is not to justify anything, other than show Israel is not bombing Hospitals etc because its "evil and wants to kill civilians".
That part of the reason these targets become targets is because Hezbollah decides to setup shop there, and we can all guess "why" they would store weapons there...
it simply cant be the case in every single scenario ..people arent that stupid to hang around artillery/fighting. As qana showed, isreali doesnt simply hit precise targets some instances they carpet bomb an area

indescriminate fire if you will

as for hospitals being used as HQ's quite common in fact ..the US recently took back Ramadi hospital in iraq because it was being used by insurgents to treat their wounded

however you'd have to be pretty stupid to stick around at the hospital if you're a civilian
You're right, though it was not my intention to show it as "this is every case of collateral damage", mere an example that in this type of warfare, this type of confusion and tactics are common.
I dare you ome_vince, instead of saying collateral damage, from now on say dead innocents, see if your perception changes.
Perception change on what? That their deaths are an unecessary tragedy? I agree, but thats not what i'm argueing here...
Great, now where is that video that proves they had a real target in Qana where all those kids died?
I think its really dumb how they're firing all those rockets into isreali territory.

Wow. Just wow.

You shouldn't be allowed to comment until you even know what's going on in the smallest sense.

Do you think Israel just began moving into Lebanon suddenly out of the blue and no one expected it, unprovoked?
I just think they got it into their head to all of a sudden attack, and start bombing, aiming for kids in particular for no apparant reason... lol
no you are both wrong, soldiers were captured, thats what started the bombing of children! Makes just as much since doesn't it!?
excluding the shelled civilian towns and 8 killed soldiers... yes :)
Show me the news link, I want to see where hezbollah shelled israel pre-air strike/capturing/conflict. I'm not sympathizing here, but everyone keeps saying they were shelling israel before they captured the soldiers that started this whole fiasco, and frankly i've never seen or heard of such a thing. Hamas, sure they comitted suicide bombings sporadically, yes, but what about hezbollah/Lebanon?
There ya go

The conflict began on July 12 when 8 Israeli soldiers were killed and a further two were captured. At 9:05 AM local time 2006[1] Hezbollah's military wing launched a barrage of rockets and mortars on the northern Israeli town of Shlomi, apparently as a diversion.[2]