Video stress test result´s...?



Is there some place for stress test overview in public for every steem user?

I got 159.01 in the test... Is that god?

\ Thunderhawk
90FPS 1024x768 Medium 0xAA
84FPS 1024x768 Medium 4xAA

3200+ AMD Athlon 64
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro
I get about 36 :) lol.... EVerything medium. Something is wrong i suppose

2ghz P4
Geforce FX 5600
1gb PC3200
I get about 88 FPS with 2AA 8AF with textures to high at
1280 by 1024 resolution with a 6800nu. does that sound right?
I smell bs, I took out AA and AF to none and I gained 1 FPS in the stress test 89. WTF?
DerekJR321 said:
I get about 36 :) lol.... EVerything medium. Something is wrong i suppose

2ghz P4
Geforce FX 5600
1gb PC3200
same card 512 ram p4: 2.8 getting 45fps (medium no AA and shit)
try other divers: 66.81beta boosted my fps by 6 compared with the offical ones that are out right now

mat_dxlevel 81

to your gives me a 30fps boost in the stress test. Will help you a lot Derek.
I get 46 with the settings on Normal with no AA or AF (DX 9.0) using my Radeon 9100pro. It's weird though becuase I turned the settings to high with the AA and AF maxed and It lowered my fps 1 and when I turn my settings ultra low I only get a 5 fps boost.
AMD 3200+ 2400Mhz,
X800Pro (non vivo 12 pipes) 619\606,
Gigabyte Ga-k8nsnxp Nforce3,
Reseretor1 (Zalman Water)

Score: 136.0
thunderhawk82 said:
AMD 3200+ 2400Mhz,
X800Pro (non vivo 12 pipes) 619\606,
Gigabyte Ga-k8nsnxp Nforce3,
Reseretor1 (Zalman Water)

Score: 136.0

thats some nice overclocking never seen a x800pro go that high
giant384 said:
thats some nice overclocking never seen a x800pro go that high

Thank you...!

I am so lucky over my card :)

I have ever never seen an x800pro that are like my card...

Ps. 3DMark2003 = 13624, 3DMark 05 = 6109 Ds.
AthlonXP 1800+
512MB PC1700 DDR RAM
ATI Radeon 8500LE 128MB

Texture Detail: HIGH
All other settings LOW/OFF

Stress Test Average: 65fps
In-Game Average: ~30fps

Is there some place for stress test overview in public for every steem user?I got 159.01 in the test... Is that god?

depends what settings ur running on.

for me i game at 1280x960 4xAA 16xAF highest settings i get
137fps. when i overclock my card to p.e speeds i get 154fps.

my old 6800gt 1280x960 2xAA 8xAF i got 103fps. and that running at ultra speeds.
ok does this sound right to anyone......take alook at my rig below, with 1024x768, everything on high, aa and af maxed and i only get 80fps with a platinum edition, plz tell me if this is close to wat im ment to be getting
Evolution_rulz said:
ok does this sound right to anyone......take alook at my rig below, with 1024x768, everything on high, aa and af maxed and i only get 80fps with a platinum edition, plz tell me if this is close to wat im ment to be getting
That sounds like it might be a bit low. Make sure you've:
- Disabled vsync
- Updated your drivers
- Defragged your hard drive (might help, somehow... :))
- Closed any unnecessary background programs (i.e. MSN, Kazaa, Internet Explorer, WinAmp, etc.)

That should probably do it.
evolution that sounds low, i get waaay more fps than that on higher res too.
damn i dont know why the F*** this is happening, im so annoyed at the moment, ive gone through 3 drivers and still havnt hit over 90fps, im reinstalling the game, maybe when my friend was over he did somthing with the game to make it work better on my old card (9600se) and its affecting my new one, im dissappointed as i was lookin forward to playing this game on full with no lag, and i still cant play HL2 and keep a steady 60fps + i looked at benchmarks with my card just before, and i was like WFT why the hell am i having this problem, do u have anymore suggestions?, oh and btw i did tried disabling/turning off v-sync and closing back ground progs, and not so long ago i defraged my pc, so i dont know wat the problem is :( :( :(
seriously, overclock your cpu evolution, itll help more than overclocking the vid card.
ok well i shall try that, i'll start a new thread cause im a nOOb to cpu overclocking, BTW after reformating my computer, i now get 90.43fps but that still doesnt meet the standard i want because my friend running on a Geforce 6600 PIC-e got 102fps
+10 e-penis points for thunderhawk82 for mentioning his high scores in all four of his posts on this site...

Also, I'd be expecting valve to put results into their site like they did with the survey results soon
this is getting way! beyond my what my stress level can take (literally) im being driven insane by these incorrect stress test results, what the hell should i do about it?
evolution im sorry man, i dont know what else to tell ya.

oh does your friend have a p4 or amd? because AMD's usually give better gaming scores.
Im getting 60.3 FPS with everything on full and 4X AA and 16XAF 1024X768

10,300 on 3dmark 2003.

3.4 gig P4
nvidia 6800 GTO 256mb
1 gig ddr 400 pc 3200
audigy 2 ZS
he's got a P4 extreme 3.4ghz, i know its abit better, but the rest of my system is the same except for the cpu and graphics card, i took out one of my chips of RAM, and cause it was a older chip, that game me a boost, everything now turned up gives me about 100fps, still not tops but better than before, is there any thing out there that defrags RAM?
bliink said:
+10 e-penis points for thunderhawk82 for mentioning his high scores in all four of his posts on this site...

Also, I'd be expecting valve to put results into their site like they did with the survey results soon

Yes my Penix are big :) How could you guess?!
(((Also, I'd be expecting valve to put results into their site like they did with the survey results soonI))) hop so! :)..................!
Evolution_rulz said:
about 100fps, still not tops
The human eye can only perceive up to about 70-80fps. You'll be fine.
Evolution_rulz said:
is there any thing out there that defrags RAM?
Probably not. RAM handles data a bit differently than a hard drive does.
640x480, all settings on low, no AA or AF
p4 2.4 ghz
x800 XT PE 256
1gig ram

Score: 85

Something is wrong....
woh spiller man, somthing is rong......ur proccessor is letting u down abit, but why is everything set on low? that system should be running on high settings 1024x728 no aa or af at least!
1280x1024 MAX ALL (6x AA 16xAF I believe is the max HL2 can do) 100 FPS :)