Video Tutorials


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Would anyone be intrested in some video tutorials? What i was thinking was perhaps a start to finish of a weapon. Modeling, unwraping, texturing, rigging, animating and compiling to work in perhaps CSS?

Of course this wouldnt get done overnight but i just wanted to know if anyone was intrested befor I started doing anything.

I think it would be good for alot of people who are just starting out and really want to get work ingame. I know css is pritty damn popular and people are really into weapons so it is probly one of the better choices. The tuts would be made using 3d MAX and photo shop.
i actually thought of doing this as a community effort we have some really talented members in this community (or atleast we did) that could share their own approach on different areas of asset development.
I'd love that...would like to step in to source modelling and coding...animating??? yamayee ;)...
But there's the threshold of trying and failing. And like the difference between reading a book and watching the movie. Vids would be a real push.

I'd like to contribute with some (humble and modest) tutorials on drawing, dig painting and some Rhino stuff.

Although I am fairly decent at modeling I can still use all the help I can find, so I would say this is definately a good idea.
Hope I can live up to it...But I'll defenatlly have some basic drawing tusts ready by mid september. I'll Need them for courses (just 1 in a week)...First time at the other side ;) We'll see.
What i find is alot of people make tutorials but seem to miss out alot of what they are doing. My tuts would aim more at an amature, i wouldnt want to miss out a single step so once the tuts are compleat they would be happy creating there own content.

Atm, if i did do these tutorials i would probly want to replace a pistol as these are the simplest and dont take to much time to unwrap. So if you are intrested what weapon would you like to see produced and for a replacement of what!?!? mayb a 1911 to replace a deagle?! Give me some ideas.
I would also be intrested as doing this as a group effot but at the same time i would like to do this by my self because one of the reasons for my doing this is to practis the skills i all ready 1/2 understand. Saying what i am doing to a mic seems to be a good way for me to drill into my head skills that i already know and understand.
How about a p99c. I have modeled one befor so i got some 1/2 decent referance for it.

well its up to you mate . no complaints on my side . do you need any help with texturing ?
I have just done a quick skinning vid tut. It's 30 mins long and i make a basic metal texture. The file is 180mb but i don't know where i can upload it?! Anyone got any ideas?! That be the final product.

You can upload it to They have a 1gb limit, and the download speeds seem to have improved. I get 400 - 500 kbs usually instead of around 150 that i used to get from them.
Bure and check this out before you make your next tut.

use 5 fps
don't be a spaz with the mouse
compress the audio

Use a lower res if possible. If not you can resize it if you're using Camtasia Studio when you export it. You'll lose some quality but it's not that bad. Just make sure and put the Techsmith codec on fastest compression when doing so. Larger file but you're going to compress it again anyway so you want to keep the original as high quality as you can until then.

The key to high quality/low file size , aside from the low fps (and compressing the audio), is keeping the screen as still as possible.
With the audio compression what compression would you recomend?
Depends. I've seen a few tut's where they resized to 800x600 (still looked ok) and used 11025khz mono. Used a bitrate of like 100 so it was around 1mb per minute and looked good and sounded "ok", but it's just voice so...

The tutorial above I used 165 bitrate, and I believe 48kbit, 22050hz 6K/s mp3 stereo. Which all said and done was about 1.5mb per minute. But you can certainly get away with mono since it's just voice. How low you want to go is just up to you on how good you think it sounds. Compressing audio takes no time at all which is why I do them separately, and do a few runs to see where I get a good trade off. But you can compress both audio and video on the same pass, I just prefer to let each codec do its thing one at a time.

Lame mp3 is good, but Radium has a lot more options.

If real estate is an issue you can always try the fixed region too.

Just set it to 1024 and fit PS inside the box. Any other apps you're going to use or talk about make sure they fit, too. At least gives you the sense of working at your normal dekstop res. (I run CS in a window @ 1024 in order to get everything lined up first, or you can just start a test recording and fit everything that way)

That way your IM doesn't pop up either, not that it's a big deal, but anywhere you can keep the motion low it'll help prevent artifacting.
Pretty nifty, eh? Saves you a lot of uploading time, as well.

Awesome tip on the text part. I'd been trying to make a stamped look and after diddling with the bevel and emboss forever finally came up with this.

But by the time I was done I had no clue how I'd done it, and it didn't look that good or how I wanted it to look anyway. But your method is not only easier but exactly the look I wanted. Thanks again, great tut.