Viewing HL2 Models in hlmv


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
First make a backup of gameinfo.txt anywhere

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin

then open the copy in your bin and then replace it with this

// If running under Steam, use this info.
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load the depots associated with this app ID in addition to the
// normal SteamAppId.

SteamAppId 220 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).

Game |STEAM|.\cstrike_sample_content
Game |STEAM|.\cstrike
Game |STEAM|.\hl2 // Note: when T
Game |STEAM|.\..\hl2 // Allow use of custom models in hl2/models
Executable_Path |STEAM|.\bin

Game .
Game ..\cstrike
Game ..\hl2
Executable_Path ..\bin

// This can be omitted and it will use the same directory as gameinfo.txt is in for the write path.
// WritePath . // This is 'gamedir' in the tools, and the filesystem will write into here.

Next, run hlmv.exe from your BIN folder, not your steam, it should then see hl2 models when you goto add new models, enjoy :)


Thanks to Grub and CannonFodder :)
Copied the "bin" to steamsdk (now a copy). Pasted a copy of gameinfo.txt into the bin folder and pasted the above text into it. Ran HLMV.exe inside that dir. When I hit load model nothing happends...
you are probably using a different file directory than they are... you could rewrite the script... lol
It should work no matter what, you first just have to make a

backup of gameinfo.txt which is located in your /bin directory just

in case, and then after that you open gameinfo.txt in your /bin

directory and then replace it with the text above and it should be

perfect, just run hlmv.exe from your /bin directory and then Load

Model - and you should see half life 2 models now, try that... it

should work you didn't make a copy of /bin did you?

Now someone tell me how to load models in the game with animations...
k I fixed it.

Game |STEAM|.\cstrike_sample_conten t

should be

Game |STEAM|.\cstrike_sample_content

oh okay, it automatically puts a space there. that's stupid.
I think what he's trying to say is the code should be this...
Okay...this is a very-stupid question but...

Is this gameinfo.txt you're referring to in the launcher folder?
i dint have a gaminfo.txy in my sdk bin folder anyway... is that normal? is my steam a freak?

the only reason it wouldnt work before is because i am a retard at following simple instructions. thanks all :) i actually need to view the models as well, im making a comic and i need referance pics.
I get a fatal error.

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\****\sourcesdk\bin\gameinfo.txt is not a valid format.

What is this?
are you sure you downloaded the one that freemanHL2 attached?

and if so, make sure it is in the right folder. thats where i went wrong. it goes in C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\****\sourcesdk\bin