Viewing HL2 models in the model viewer


Apr 13, 2004
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I saw someone with a crazy grinning GMan photo from HLMV, but try as I might I can't get it to load HL2 models. It ONLY looks at CSS! How was it done?
Varsity said:
I saw someone with a crazy grinning GMan photo from HLMV, but try as I might I can't get it to load HL2 models. It ONLY looks at CSS! How was it done?
Using the ancient stolen version.
Here's another way, that should be legal:

1. Get GCFScape
2. Unpack gman* from "source models.gcf" (place them somewhere in \cstrike_sample_content\models)
3. Unpack models\gman\*.* from "source materials.gcf" (place it in \cstrike_sample_content\materials\models\gman)

Now load up gman.jpg in HLMV (I'm not sure why gman.jpg, but it manages to find the other files itself then)
It actually is possible :). Go here. http://www.*************/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=15508 (Replace the asterisks with h l 2 w o r l d . com (no spaces))

goto notepad. copy the code text from this link which was created originally for getting HL2 stuff into Hammer http://www.h l 2 w o r l d .com/bbs/viewtopic.php?p=229190#229190

save it as gameinfo.txt and put it in sourcesdk/bin/

MAKE SURE that steam is open, then open up hlmv FROM THE BIN FOLDER, not from steam itself. It'll take a bit, but eventually you'll find yourself in the HL2 models folder! I must thank Cannonfodder for originally making that hammer tutorial. Without you, we'd probably still be in the dark until the SDK was updated.

Heh, sorry for the double post, but incase you're not registered, here is the code
      // If running under Steam, use this info. 
         ToolsAppId            211      // Tools will load the depots associated with this app ID in addition to the 
                                 // normal SteamAppId. 

         SteamAppId            220      // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2). 

            Game            |STEAM|.\cstrike_sample_content 
            Game            |STEAM|.\cstrike 
            Game            |STEAM|.\hl2      // Note: when T 
            Game            |STEAM|.\..\hl2      // Allow use of custom models in hl2/models 
            Executable_Path      |STEAM|.\bin 

            Game            . 
            Game            ..\cstrike 
            Game            ..\hl2 
            Executable_Path      ..\bin 

      // This can be omitted and it will use the same directory as gameinfo.txt is in for the write path. 
      // WritePath   .         // This is 'gamedir' in the tools, and the filesystem will write into here. 
I try running HLMV, but it wont run at all. Double-clicking thru steam or windows explorer yields nothing... It doesnt do anything at all...

Any ideas?