Violence in video games and christianity views.

Double_Blade said:
If you look closely on that anti-game article, it also says that christians who likes entertainment are fake christians (they said "so-called christians") and Satan worshippers.

So now we're all Satan worshippers :p
I think the only cure for this is force these lunies to play Carmageddon all... day... long :)
Only way out is if they reach the highest splatter bonus :)
Ome_Vince said:
So now we're all Satan worshippers :p
I think the only cure for this is force these lunies to play Carmageddon all... day... long :)
Only way out is if they reach the highest splatter bonus :)
Is anyone else's favourite part of that game when you drive down the mine shaft with pinball mode and completly total your car? :LOL:
MMmmm... unbending, self-righteoue moral christio-extremists. What fun we shall have!
I love it when these fake chrisitans offend our culture but at the end of it, they themselves are the retards.

How about they sue me for setting a blog that encourages Survival Horror and First Person Shooter (My blog at the sig).