

Nov 8, 2003
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I thought Id do the Viper from Battlestar Gallactica, as Fenric suggested a while back :)

you might know that the origional viper was used in the 2003 feature film, I thought the film was cool anyway with all the flak fire and stuff :)

and starbuck becoming a woman .. :O . well u know what I mean.. to be honest with the hairstyles I cant really tell the diffrence :p

Its going to be a high poly model. im aiming this at Beginner's, and people with a general intrest in 3D modelling, sort of a community thing, ive done a few before. The method is alot like putting a model kit together :) Id like to think you guys can learn a few things. getting an idea of how its all done, or just enjoying it, crits along the way are welcome of course .

heres the kind of result im aiming for, to give you an idea of the model.


and heres the first renders of the set up, and the basis for the cockpit hull piece.


  • Viper.jpg
    63.9 KB · Views: 269
  • Viper1.jpg
    57.2 KB · Views: 255
ive done a tad bit more, but thats all for today I think.
As usual bloody brilliant m8. love your work :)
keep it up.
GOoch said:
As usual bloody brilliant m8. love your work :)
keep it up.

Theres nothing there..... LOL!

Obviasly it will hopfully look briliant when its finished. But its far from briliant atm. I would wait before u say anything like that.

i have an FTP hosted by one of my associates,, but its for the mod im working on. but thanks Pendragon . I may take you up on that offer yet. :)
IchI said:
Theres nothing there..... LOL!

Obviasly it will hopfully look briliant when its finished. But its far from briliant atm. I would wait before u say anything like that.


To be perfectley honest ill say what i want m8 it looks brilliant and you know what the bloke is capable of turning out.
made a start on the engines, , and worked a little bit of detail into important areas.
im going for it on this one, but I like my maps too..:D. Panzar is a badass though, id seriously need another 1 - 5 years of practice of techniques in order to consistently produce stuff like Panzars stuff, those guys must spend ages on one model,, they are the gods of patience :p , and they are officially one of my idles :)
hmmm, i guess giving it a go wouldnt be a bad idea.. ive never really thought of going ridiculously high on the mesh detailing.. cause i get used to smaller working time frames.

*me looks around for team of guys*.... oh well, me on my own.. something like Panzers stuff ey? . Seeya in a few months.. :p
ah more progress. I worried a little about how it was all going to come together , but now i have the engines in position im quite a happy chappy :D
models nearly done, just some extra details to put on, then I can map it ;)
Pendragon said:
That looks fantastic! What would you say to porting it to Unreal as an alternate Raptor model?

lol that would own :p
Net time for that clarky? Cuz that's pretty amazing.

[lol, don't make me fel bad, lie if you have to]
Pendragon said:
That looks fantastic! What would you say to porting it to Unreal as an alternate Raptor model?

Ive been meaning to get into the Unreal model making,. Id just have to put this model through a multi res optimizer.

but thanks guys :),, got to do the maps yet though.

net time, around 3 or 4 hours, maybe getting close to 5.
Whos Panzers?
a model studio team. the link is back on page 1. They do high poly, animateable rig, chaos characters. They are God :)
havnt had much time to do this lately, but I managed to make, and get half the maps done :). atlast. lol