visual waveform software?


Jun 19, 2004
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K i've been using alot of different music programs (mostly sequencers) and i'm looking for something that may, or may not exist.

A want a program where you can _make_ sounds, such as visually changing the volume peak / cutoff / res / reverb etc. to make some basslines that aren't made in notes.

Using echos and such i've managed to make some things sound more flowing and less blatant notes, but it's not fully what i want.

Eg. track 08 on that main page.
Not how i want it really, i was thinking something where you have a graph of Effect(volume/res/pitch or whatever) against time, with handles to change it.

I can't find anything similar in FL, i don't want to use notes i want it to be one constant, yet varying sound.

Pretty much every sequencer can do what you're asking for. For instance, in Logic and Reason I think it's called automation. You can draw what you want the sound to do (for pitch, attack, decay, etc.) in a graph.

Here's an example of how it looks in Logic:

And play around with an event called 'portamento', which can be found on pretty much every soft/hardware synth. It'll 'glue' two seperate notes together, and create the needed pitch change automaticly. it'll seem like one note. (as heard in the example you gave)

Hope this helps a bit