Vivendi confirms the delay


May 14, 2003
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I hate to shatter the hopes of those last few die-hard fans who, despite the evidence, still think it may come out on the 30th. Vivendi Games, the publisher of Half-Life 2 has confirmed what Valve said about the release date. The game is still on for an unspecified "holiday release". Read the article on Vivendi's statement here.
this bitter will make the sweetness that much sweeter.
think of it as that and your woes will not be so trecherous.
realize the improved gaming experience you are too recieve.
realize the extened time to save more money for a new video card.
eh Vivendi has no say when Valve will release, so its still coming out the 30th IMHO. Until Gabe Newell himself goes online with live video feed and says its delayed.

(kidding of course)
too bad
hiya, i'm from holland and i think they mean with "holidays" christmas, is that so, cause i'm not entirely sure.

Originally posted by Tork
Things couldn't of gone any worse then it already has ;(

I can think of a lot worse things then this happening to HL2.
Originally posted by PunitoR
hiya, i'm from holland and i think they mean with "holidays" christmas, is that so, cause i'm not entirely sure.


PunitoR..." season" is a pretty nebulous statement. It could mean anywhere from mid-November to December 31. But you can BET on a pre-Christmas release(at least 2-3 weeks) so ppl can buy 'em as X-mas gifts.
I am still holding out hope for a date in the first half of November...but then I am an eternal optomist.
Holidays generally means the holiday shopping period, which includes thanksgiving to the early weeks of december. However, maybe they mean Halloween? :)
this sux i already bought a new video card with this delay i could of gotten a higher quality card. I damn my trust for valve. Believing the lies of not being like other companys and not pushing back the release.
Still have love for valve but no more trust.
Don´t mind. There are other cool games coming out. For playing until HL2 comes out. Max Payne 2, XIII, Call of Duty etc. But i also want to have that game.

Sorry for my english. :-)
From the people who didn’t bring you Team Fortress 2…

Seems like Valve are too busy mutually respecting ATI to show any respect to their supporters – the people who actually buy their games. Leaving people hanging on a specific release date for months and then barely leaking the fact that it ain’t gonna happen a week before that date? That’s just plain shoddy.

Would it really have broken Valve to issue a release explaining the delay? I mean it’s not as if they're too wrapped up in the final crunch for the 30th to make a statement is it?! And is Gabe still going to be doing the “no comment” thing after the 30th?

For what it’s worth (not a lot!) Valve remain my favourite PC developer and Half-Life remains the best, most value for money PC game I ever bought. Like a lot of people I got years of gaming from it thanks to TFC et al. So I guess that’s why I’m so disappointed at the way this has been handled. If Valve had just announced back in May that HL2 would be out “by the end of this year” we’d still all be doing cartwheels. But they didn’t – they announced a very specific date, stuck to that date, then sort of mumbled out the side of their mouth that it wouldn’t make it just a week beforehand.

Is the delay a development thing? A Vivendi thing? Maybe even an nVidia thing? It might be a nice idea to let all of us potential purchasers in on the secret.
Originally posted by Manny Calavera
Don´t mind. There are other cool games coming out. For playing until HL2 comes out. Max Payne 2, XIII, Call of Duty etc. But i also want to have that game.

Sorry for my english. :-)

your english is fine and i agree with you :D
This smells so much like TF2 and the hype around the HL1 release..

I remember how we were all fed "TF2 will be fee addon to HL1" so we all went out and bought HL1 and the rest is history.

I guess some companys never learn or never change the way they treat there customers.....

Very sad imho.
Originally posted by synth
I hate to shatter the hopes of those last few die-hard fans who, despite the evidence, still think it may come out on the 30th. Vivendi Games, the publisher of Half-Life 2 has confirmed what Valve said about the release date. The game is still on for an unspecified "holiday release". Read the article on Vivendi's statement here.

I wish they had announced this originally. I had already bought a new computer and by then I could have aforded something much better.
If Vivendi confirmed this delay, wouldn't it be in the press release section of their site here?
Originally posted by KappA
If Vivendi confirmed this delay, wouldn't it be in the press release section of their site here?

Hell just the fact that gabe is no commenting on the release date means that it has been delayed
Welcome to corporate America people. Wait till some of you get a little older and get jobs in the real world. Have your insurance cut, get promised a raise by a certain date and dont see it, get layed off, etc. and so forth. I have found there is no more loyalty (actually its just hard ot find now adays) between consumer and customer, employee and employer. It is all now about the bottom line.
what do you think?
is there a chance that they mean halloween?! :naughty: :)

that would be awesome.. but i don't think so. :(