Vivendi Delay Statement on Gamestar

Originally posted by rec
I remind people again, this is a statement from a VU rep, this has not been confirmed by Valve.
That's kind of a catch 22 seeing as Valve is not really in the habit of confirming or denying rumors. Unfortunately, the last time a rumor started floating around, it turned out to be 100% true.
ha! knew it delay delay delay. lying bastards Valve.:flame:

the new delay has got nothing to do with your hack or stolen source, hell u probably orchistrated that yourself didint u?!

im telling u people...valve are ****ing lying. want to know the REAL REASON????


PC developement has halted, XBox will either get an exclusive or simulataneous release along side the PC version.

STFU Valve, Vivendi and most of all M$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.:flame:
Originally posted by Frost
This cannot be true. This will be true once its CONFIRMED on

Look, a comedian!
Man as soon as the HL2 fans get the announcement how only a fragment of the source is stolen and there close to catching the guys, we get another juicy topic to sink our teeth into. Wonder what people at ATI are thinking right now about this little announcment
Damn, if this is true i relly do hate thos friggin hackers! They ruin it all for the whole community! ;(
This is just plain silly, I was really excited about HL2 but I'm just getting more & more pissed per day.
Why not release SP over steam? It'll give us a chance to actually play the game until they get Mp sorted out.
This delay stinks of bullshit, Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Well I happen to believe Vivendy and not Gabe. It was Vivendy who told Us the game was going to be delayed. Gabe just kept playing with us until the last day.

It was that same Gabe who told us that HL2 was going to be released in Steam in a encripted form a week before the official release the 30th.

I have lost my faith in a holiday release of HL2, blame the need to improve multiplayer, blame the hacker's intrusion and steal of the source code, blame the problems with steam, blame whatever you want.

Valve should do the right thing and told Us now a realistic release date. A release date they surely can do.

They may release the game earlier but at least we won't be refreshing the HL2 news sites every two minute to see a damn Halflife2 release date news.

I don't know what are Valve fears on telling Us a release date. We'll buy their game even if its released on 2005, we just need a date for:

1)Reschedule all our personal and profesional life events three months after HL2 release.

2)Start saving some $$$ to get the best ATI card money can buy to play their game the best we can.

Valve, please, give Us the magical date.
LOL :) I'm just saying that they don't normally publish something as factual unless they've CONFIRMED it with Valve. They do report rumors and I don't think anyone here actually goes to gamespy first for news on Half-Life 2 because is the BEST source for all things Half-Life 2. I'm saying that reporting the delay on their main page would be more believeble then some site from another country. With all the spoofed e-mails and fake crap going around I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be fake too or at least not entirely true.
Originally posted by Radeon
Damn, if this is true i relly do hate thos friggin hackers! They ruin it all for the whole community! ;(

Nothing to do with it! Valve are USING the hackers as scapegoats, nothing more. This game was destined to be delayed a long time ago.
there'll be no mercy to the hackers if this is true

EDIT: kill 'em anyway
This is just great. Just bought the 9800xt with the HL2 coupon in it. I did need a new video card but it almost seems like a waste now.

This is not a wise move Valve. :frown:
well, it is kinda ironic, I actually have more faith in VU now, although most of their published games suck, they do hand us the info
Does any1 remember when Teamfortress 2 was showed at E3 i think it was 1999? There you can talk about a long wait. :dork:
I'm going to cry...

This i just like in Melrose place, when everybody thought Andy was dead from a motorcycle accident, and then suddenly it turned out he was Gina's father, even tho they were lovers, and evil Tony tried to stop them, but then now it turns out Tony was the doctor who performed experimental brainsurgery on Andy, thinking he really was Mitch. But then Gina came and everybody was everybody's father, and nobody knew what the hell was going on, so they had a funeral, but there was nobody in the coffin(?!). And the police arrested the murderer.

Yeah, this is just like Melrose place, only more twist and turns.
And you know what? It pisses me off! :flame:
Dvraven did you read my post above? They can't possibly publish the game 4 months from now with the huge deal with ATI and Valve... you have to be getting the game in some form or another around when you can get your card. BTW when is it expected to ship and be at your house?
This is bad news for Valve.
Missing the 30th and thus what would have been the most successfull launch ever is one thing, but now they also will have to compete with a ton of other AAA games due for release around this new date.
While they would have had a completely revolutionary product September 30th, and most likely also around November, now, technologically speaking, it might end up being just one of many.
And what about the ATI deal? Not only will parts of the point of buying their XT cards be gone, are they still gonna be paying $6 million to have a possibly technologically average, or perhaps even inferior game shipping with their next-generation cards?

*Replaces HL2 desktop image*

If this news is indeed true (and it looks like it most certainly is), then Half-Life 2 won't be half as good as it would have been if released this year.

Looks like Max Payne 2, DOOM III, Stalker, Far Cry AND Deus-Ex 2 will be out before HL2, and that SUCKS.

Max Payne arguably has better faces than Half-Life 2.
Arguably, Doom III and Stalker have better graphics than HL2.
Deus-Ex 2 almost certainly is more open-ended and deep than HL2.

If HL2 comes out in April 2004, then the wow factor will be seriously diminished.

Its Halo PC all over again.
good one sfa, though we can't be sure that anything will be better, it's safe to say that each one of those games will have some parts that are superior; I have no doubt that Stalker will have better graphics, Far Cry is getting tons of praise for its AI, Doom3, if the shadows are fixed, could have better lighting and Deux Ex 2 more open-ended like you said, and MP2 with its facial animations (I have my doubts tho...), but it could be more gritty and a deep story has now jumped on the delay bandwagon
*waits for a valve response, and see what has to say*
Originally posted by Frost
Dvraven did you read my post above? They can't possibly publish the game 4 months from now with the huge deal with ATI and Valve... you have to be getting the game in some form or another around when you can get your card. BTW when is it expected to ship and be at your house?

Yeah, I read your post. I hope you are right, but that is nothing more than wishful thinking to me at this point.

My hopes have been raised only to have them crash down time and time again.

I am guessing that I should receive the card sometime this week with a coupon for HL2 in it. ATI's website hardly gives any details on my order. The truth is, just like everything else lately, I don't know.
Publicity stunt or what

This is the worst BS I've ever heard. Delay until April 2004 because of this? Rewrite the code? Crock of sh*t.

I mean, I'm probably going to get a hardon when this game comes out but the least we (the gaming community) deserve some respect and sincerity!

We should give Valve credit for the ingenuity though. You guys made CNN.

/Mr. Cent
I canceled my order from ATI today. By that time there might be an even better card from them or nVidia.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
This is stupid. Oh well, more time to buy GCN games instead of HL2.

Hell yeah! RS3, MK:DD and a few other games will keep me busy for the rest of the year.
You know...

You do relize that cheating isn't the only thing hackers could do with the source code? They could use HL2 and steam to take over your computer, delete files, steal passwords etc. Look what they did with Outlook, how much more insecure is HL2 now.

This is more than just taking control of MP games so the hackers can win, someone could break into a college or corporate network and do some nasty things if the users on that network are running HL2.

Just think about it.

Its funny how calm and composed Gabe seemed throughout September. How they continued to mislead the fans regarding the release date.
Like someone else said "The novelty is gone".
In my opinion, Valve handled this affair in a terrible manner. Not just for the fans, but even for so called "partners". ATI is surely not going to be the happiest of the lot now.
Oh well.. Unreal Tournament 2004.. here I come :)
An April release will kill any chance Half-Life 2 had of being a trend setter. Now it runs the risk of getting lost in the shuffle.
I think it's really disappointing when we get to a point in time where a dev team begins to lead it's fans around like lost animals. Although VALVe created Hl, we made it what it is now. As much as I'd like to believe otherwise, if it wasn't for the gaming communities constant modifications on a dead engine, we'd have a dead game.
Don't get me wrong. I still play Hl every-so-often, but that's because I can't afford to run out and buy other games for a PC that can't handle them, nor I can I afford 50.00+ games for the Xbox, especially with the bills I have to pay,...and it's an awesome game. I've had to scrounge every last penny to get my computer together for this game.(Which my computer isn't even finished yet)
To tell you the truth, I don't trust either one of them. Because of the fact that VU is a broke down publishing co., and has a habit of making false statements. I don't trust VALVe because they couldn't pull off a release date if they tried. At this point I don't care what either one of them has to say. We haven't seen new content for months. No new images, videos, nothing. A couple of sketches Spitcodfry took snapshots of.
Either they truly are going to release Hl2 this Holiday season, or they have bad PR skills, because you can't hold a community for 6 months without new content. At least id. stills releases new screenshots of D3 every month or so. Though I plan to stay with this until Dec. at the very least, VALVe could seriously lose fan$ if they don't do something quick.
If it's delayed until April I guess I'll just quit caring in Jan, then start caring in March, again, and it'll make the wait shorter.
For the most part, I think VALVe can pull this off,..if they push themselves. Hopefully some of the things HlRadio said are true and things are going well. They've been playtesting for over a month, maybe two, now. While finishing up the game at the same time.
At this point to having out in mid-late Nov. I'd speculate that they'd be finished by late Oct, ealy Nov.
A release in time for Christmas would be mid-late Nov.
Hopefully one of these is the case. Aside from ours own needs, I seriously hope VALVe gets this game out by Dec., because it will really help them. Good luck guys!

30 sept.
holidays 2003
and now april 2004? wtf is going on here.

hope is just a false statement.

atleast release a demo or something. jezz :|
It's ironic that Valve prides themselves on their community relations when they're always keeping us in the dark.
oh well hehehehehehehe I DONT CARE Doom3 for me!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!
I wish they'd release the single player only, agh.

Holding up the freaking game for 6months for mp code to be re-written most likely.
Valve should have kept the whole game a secret. Inform the public when the game is actually done. That might be a way of releasing a product. And statements like when it's done are quite bad. Does anyone remember the wait on Max Payne. I understand wery well the reasoning behind the delay thou. And please do remember that the design will propably be more polished as more time goes by. Or do you think that the designers at Valve are kept in corner doing nothing and reciving cash. If the game "IS" released next year .The generation 420 and likes form Ati and nVidia might be ready. Makes your upgrading hell more fun. This is for Gabe and for any nimbos out there who are doing or tryign to do some actual stuff. Keep your stuff out from the computer that's on the net. I would newer trust platform from this one "company" to bee so safe that I would keep important stuff on it and at the same time would be using it as a passageway to net. NEWER. And does anybody gues what software company I'm talking about? anyone? I might trust Linux if I knew it thru and thru. And for those of you who think stuff like It's crap when it comes out so late I tell ya. Some far Cry (looks like another SOF 2 with palm trees) or Doom 3 (play it throu and forget) will newer be as fun to play or to edit as HL2 will be. And what comes for Stalker. That might be pretty close. And then If OPF2 arrives early next year (and I gues not). well again time will tell. I could buy Max Payne 2 in the mean time. (if it's done)
Hey above me...

MAX PAYNE 2 has gone gold allready!

Check ya sources

HL2 will be born-dead. Its history now. The delay til April 2004 will kill vivendi as there stocks went dont 1.2 % since the delay msg was out.

Valve is getting money problems as well when they dont get money this year and ATI, well ATI will cancel the 6 mio. Dollar contract with them cos the bundle as planned is worthless in april. Graphiccards generations changing every 6 months.

Its "just" another game that bites the dust.

Electronic Arts - I know you all hate them for being soo "big" but they release games ALWAYS to deadline. No delay, No strange source code stealing stuff. Ever ask why?

The hacker who "stole" the source code is "just" a sandcorn on the beach. There is soooo much strange stuff behind valve ongoing. You wont believe what I know.

So HL2 community. Wait 1-2 days for GABE's statement which will be full of promises for a SP demo and the "final" release date for april 2004. And then in 6 months we all speak again and you will see. There is no "HL2".

Did you ever ask yourself what happend to "TEAM FORTRESS 2" ? Just another legendary game from valve which was far of its one. Well, its dead as well.

Half-Life 2 Moves to April 2004
Aramo | 7:06 | Action

Publisher Vivendi Universal Games has delayed the release of Half-Life 2 until April 2004 due to the theft of one-third of the original source code.

Developer Valve last week revealed hackers had infiltrated its Internet-connected development network in recent weeks and obtained a version of the Half-Life 2 code which includes anti-piracy and anti-cheating measures.

This is the second time the highly-anticipated sequel to the 1998 original has been delayed; VU Games last month pushed back the release date from September 30 to "in time for the holiday season." The delay is obviously bad news for VU Games, which suffered a 29 percent fall in revenue and an operating loss of 52 million euros in 2003's first half and was betting on swift holiday sales.
Well **** this!! I'm done with Half-Life2 until 2004 April, I'm not going to waste one more ****ing second on this crap until it gets released. ****!!! HALO, here I come!!
well if this is true say goodbye half life 2 hello halo 2!!!!!!!!!!!!