Vivendi promotion gears in motion?

CB | Para said:
To be honest I don't see why alehm would make up such a thing...
He didn't make it up, his friend--or whoever sent him this phoney email exchange--did.
Edge said:
damn people are dense

Not much more dense than water, which is not particularly dense. So actually I'd have to disagree with this claim.

Unless "damn people" are more dense than regular people. I'm not familiar with them.
Wildhound said:
Not much more dense than water, which is not particularly dense. So actually I'd have to disagree with this claim.

Unless "damn people" are more dense than regular people. I'm not familiar with them.

your attempt at witty humor was limp.
What exactly do you guys get by proving him wrong?

Oh noes, I guess they really weren't making HL2 coffee mugs...

Honestly, if he is telling the truth then great. It means that we'll be able to buy plenty of HL2 stuff. If he is lying, I really don't think anyone is going to cry over it.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up Alehm. Let us know if you guys score anything.
CB | Para said:
Alehm do you have anything to say? :|

Nothing more to say, except I crack up at the scoffers.

I have the email and it is not fake, I am so sure this lady isn't into making up stuff about HL2 just to fool people she works with. Some people actually mean what they say... I know its a shocker but it still happens in the 21st century.

The world isn't so black and white either, just because she didn't type in perfect english structure doesn't mean she is a liar, just because UMG does 98% of the music market doesn't mean they might have a hand in promotion for other products, in this case HL2.

If Vivendi owns UMG I can't answer why she stated that "they own Vivendi" I am just quoting her email.

I posted this thread because I think it actually adds just a little insight as to what Vivendi is doing concerning HL2. Since there has been nothing but silence since Valve sent the release candidate to Vivendi. It just so happens the way I got this information was through someone I know. Though I doubt if I happened upon this information from first hand experience how it would add any credibility to the circumstance, hence I said "flame away" once I posted it.

I tell you what, if we do get some items I will be the first to ressurect this thread and post some pix of the goods.
God people need to get their heads out of their buts and show some respect. You dont know this kid, yet you instantly call him a liar with no proof. At least be respectful, all the crap you guys say has been said millions of times before and has lost its humor.

"Oh man Gabes colon told me..."

Hahah that was funny, but not the 10000X somebody does it. If you dont believe it just say so.
I like how people assume UMG couldn't possibly do any marketing for VUG or for a game when they're a music publisher. I say why wouldn't they. UMG would be very well experienced at marketing due to their 98% share of the music industry, so why not leave the experts to do it.

I wouldn't go assuming how any company does business unless I worked for them...

And yes I'm sure you all really care about my point since this is my first post, but hey, gotta start somewhere. I joined in August and have been reading nearly every day since, so...

i believe him ... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: send her another email and ask her about how the rc is doing and all that jazz ... get some juicy information from her ... DO IT ... DO IT ... DO IT ...
Hope I didn't come across as rude.

I'd still like to see the email headers, or something. It's one thing to make a claim that really may be true, it's another to actually provide some key information so that we aren't left to assume it's hoax #1441 :imu:.

We all want to believe you, but even if it's true, we can't possibly know that.

Stop laughing at us!
alehm said:
Nothing more to say, except I crack up at the scoffers.

I have the email and it is not fake, I am so sure this lady isn't into making up stuff about HL2 just to fool people she works with. Some people actually mean what they say... I know its a shocker but it still happens in the 21st century.
Nobody is saying you don't actually have emails that contain the information you say they do. However, we do question whether or not what they say is accurate. Just imagine you were in our shoes and you saw somebody post yet another "Honest to gawd insider information!" thread. Wouldn't you be skeptical?
if anything throws me off its the way she asks him if she wants a hat ... " do you want an hat??" ... lol ... hat does not begin with a vowel lady ... heheheh ... :D :imu:
Eh, Vivendi probably is producing all the Gold edition stuff. Ironic as hell, but the contract probably outlines that Vivendi gets a cut in steam sales too. Just.. not as much as the retail.
That's good to hear if it's the hype over there. Because they must be getting their asses in gear and trying to make HL2 gold, or at least they better be. :)
Xeron said:
I like how people assume UMG couldn't possibly do any marketing for VUG or for a game when they're a music publisher. I say why wouldn't they. UMG would be very well experienced at marketing due to their 98% share of the music industry, so why not leave the experts to do it.

Thats what I was thinking. Half-Life 2 is probably goign to be advertised nonverbally (as in NOT on TV but more in magazines and billboard and stuff liek that). What other iindustry makes heavy use of those mediums? Music. They would probably be the best people to do marketing on something like HL2.
not to mention the HL2 IS music,right? hmmm
Alehm, I believe ya. He posted here quite often, and I don't see any dire need in his case to just make up sh** and start posting to get people's hearts in desire.
hahahah .. I don't buy it :P
but let me give you the benefit of the doubt:
it's "her" fault.
maybe by marketing, she means she's responsible for just the advertising, not actually selling and shipping. yeah, I buy that.
she was drunk when she wrote the email, that's why it has spelling mistakes and that's why she said "we own vivendi"