Vodcast For you Half Life and Portal Fans




I've been making some vodcasts (3 episodes so far + one lame Episode 00). I call it the Headcrab Zombie chronicles and I s'pose it's time to tell the world (well, other than readers of my blog of course)

Episode 00:
Episode 00

Episode 1:
Episode 1
Technical Information and Trivias

Episode 2:
Episode 2
Technical Information and Trivias

Episode 3:
Episode 3 (or lack thereof)
Technical Information, Credits and Trivias

Bring on the comments and critiques! And if you like it, do rate and share the videos with all your friends!
Don't know quite what to say.... but keep doing your thing.
Well, not my cup of tea, but looks like it has some great potential! Keep it up! :thumbs:
kudos to you , i wouldnt have the patience to hand animate...

LOL. I make quite a lot of small movements with my head when I speak. I find that if I use a tracker, that makes the headcrab move a lot, which may look a bit weird. So I use macro tracking - i.e I track major movements only. And in between I hand animate on random keyframes.

CyberPitz said:
Well, not my cup of tea, but looks like it has some great potential! Keep it up!
Thanks anyways. For the next episode, you will be baked, and then there will be cake.
I lol'ed at the portal version, will you try a poison headcrab movie?
Regarding the black shirt - Not because I'm emo. Wearing black doesn't mean you're emo. I just happened to be wearing a black T-shirt that day. I also seemed to have alternated between black and white.

But the emo zombie idea is so cool! Thank you!

My next vodcast is being scripted and reshot. Not black shirt this time. :D
You will [warble warble and electronic noise]. And there will be cake.

Poison headcrab zombie eh? Cool idea. I'll see what I can do.