voice over spam!!


May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Today I went on a server with 2 of the most annoying players I've ever played with. What made them annoying is they had some sort of mod where they would press a key and some annoying music would play, or some annoying one liners would play. I couldn't make out the reference, but it sounded like some annoying ass cartoon. it wasn't funny and during the 5 minutes of playing I had to hear it 90% of the time. all the action was muffled cause of these two idiots. It was soo bad I left the server. Anyway anybody encounter this sort of stupidness??
You can mute players from the escape menu.
I hate it when we try to tell people like you to just use the mute button, but your so busy trying to ignore the damn mic spam that you won't notice the text explaining how to mute something.
I hate it when we try to tell people like you to just use the mute button, but your so busy trying to ignore the damn mic spam that you won't notice the text explaining how to mute something.

Lol QFT!
I've run into this myself...I either take off my headphones or turn off the speakers...or I find another server.

Simple solutions are the best.
Or muting it. Just a nice checkbox and all goes away. And it's probably best to keep away from servers like that, they're not worth playing.
I enjoy it, most of the time \=

But yes, escape -> mute in game voice
thanks for the comments. but can I only mute certain people?
You can mute anyone. Just hit ESC while someone is doing it, go to the "Mute Players" option in the main menu, click on his name and then "Mute In-game voice."

If you don't care about voice at all, you can turn voice off entirely in options -> multiplayer.
Or open console Voice_Enable 0 will turn it completely off, as well.
if you mute a player you can still see what he types.
Dont Unable voice :p

Usually once in awhile some real players come along and tell you.

Spy as something
had a couple from a clan on hl2.net server 2 put mic on whenever they belched, you can imagine what other crap they did