Voltigore and Antlion Guard

If these two aliens fought each other, which would be the victor?

  • Voltigore (Opposing Force)

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • Antlion Guard (Half-Life 2)

    Votes: 21 56.8%

  • Total voters
Im not really sure. *Thinks* Riomhaire and Angry Lawyer for sure, Pai-Mei (Cant spell lol) if he was still around, Me, and you because otherwise i'd be hit with the Ban Stick :p. Actually, Sulkdodds instead of Pai-Mei since the latter no longer posts here
You'd have to complete a trivia first. Not that this would ever happen I mean...what would be the point?
Hey, it was worth a thought :p

I suppose noob control? Althouh that isn't a problem anyway these days.

ríomhaire said:
Yes, but they work in teams with shock troopers.

That is kind of Strange, this could either be sloppy coding (Such as in Foxtrot Uniform' Shock Troopers attack a Gargantua, which does not fight back. Shock Troopers AI was based on human grunt AI and Pit Drones, whose AI is based on that of a bullsquid, will attack headcrabs but not other Xen aliens, the shock troopers animations are called along the lines of "CROUCH_MP5")
or the Voltigore's knew the Shock Troopers somehow, but its confirmed Race X is not from Xen, and the Voltigore has more Xen characteristics than that of Race X...
The Mystery Thickens...
Llama said:
Shocktroopers were awesome...cyclops soldiers ftw, though they didnt have big claws AKAIK. Pit Drones did, but they were brown
I wonder do they have depth perception?
If the eye is actually made of several connected eyes (Like a flies compound eye) then maybe. If not, they could always judge depth on some sort of extra sensory perception. (Sensing vibration, using sound waves?)
Llama, you made me think. Maybe we sould e-mail Pai-Mei to inform him he won?
Llama said:
If the eye is actually made of several connected eyes (Like a flies compound eye) then maybe. If not, they could always judge depth on some sort of extra sensory perception. (Sensing vibration, using sound waves?)

Or maybe they don't have depth perception.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Or maybe they don't have depth perception.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah. Though you'd think that if they evolved in an eco-system with animals that had depth perception (like the pit drone) that they'd have gone extinct.
I'd think they would need 3-D vision for lobbing those bouncy green spores of death.
Infact, unless the shock roach was held directly infront of the troopers eye without depth perception it would be very hard to accurately shoot it. Which clashes with the ingame experience (Shocktroopers accuracy was badass)
Ok, so shocktroops have a sixth sense as well as the one eye. Problem solved ;)
Llama said:
I'd think they would need 3-D vision for lobbing those bouncy green spores of death.
Infact, unless the shock roach was held directly infront of the troopers eye without depth perception it would be very hard to accurately shoot it. Which clashes with the ingame experience (Shocktroopers accuracy was badass)

Close one eye and throw a ball. It still mostly goes in the direction you want it. If you were blind in one eye, you could still train yourself to be a sharpshooter, or a grenadier.

-Angry Lawyer
you guys are forgetting one thing
if the antlion guard kills the voltigore, you must recall that the guard only has melee attacks with which to do said killing
and dead voltigores explode

actually someone probably already mentioned it :{
Angry Lawyer said:
The Voltigore code's not exactly clever itself. Once it gets within a certain range, it tries to melee, regardless of foe. It'd get ripped to shreds.

-Angry Lawyer

The Antilion Guard would be hurting badly by the time he got close to the Voltigore, at which point the Voltigore has really nasty claws. It really all depends on the setting. If the Guard caught the Voltigore by surprise he could probably ram it and beat the hell out of it. Voltigores didn't seem that agile (though they aren't exactly slow either)

...and Voltigores are only easy if you bust out the M249 and/or lots of explosives. :p
Yes, but thats assuming the Claws would do the same to the armour like hide of the Guard as it did to a marine. The gaurds armour is far stronger than a PCV.
Cabt someone try it out in garrys mod or something? I whouldnt know, but could it be done?
Rizzo89 said:
Cabt someone try it out in garrys mod or something? I whouldnt know, but could it be done?
You heard lawyer. It would take months.