Volvo flips after avoiding head-on; internal cam

Hasn't this video been posted like 10 times already lol.
That was pretty cool, especially considering that it looks like noone had any worse injuries than superficial. A really good video with an indicator of what can go right in a rollover when you wear your seatbelt.
A really good video with an indicator of what can go right in a rollover when you wear your seatbelt.
"Holy shit... is everyone alright? Jesus, that was close, did you see that car just swerve out of nowhe........ OH MY GOD I found a penny."
It'd scare the shit out of me being in an accident like that. Or any for that matter D:
I want to know what happened to the guy who wasn't getting out of the car. D:
I wonder why the guys first thought was to climb out the window rather than open the door.
I'd chase down the car that caused that, and beat their ass.
WTF is the guy in the white t-shirt doing holding onto the wheel?

his fault.

Food for thought.