Vortigaunt Appreciation Thread (Probably spoilers).

Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
... 'cos they're just so cool.

It's no secret that they were my favourite aliens from Half Life.

I love the way they always call people "The [Something]". "The Freeman", "The Eli Vance". And the way they talk... so cool. Kinda like monks, or old timey philosopher dudes.

And I finally got rid of that jerk of a helicopter, thanks to the one who fixed that pulse gun to the Mudskipper. That was fun...

I was surprised by the amount of expressiveness in their faces. I wasn't expecting them to show so much feeling, or be so animated. And not to mention the detail in the models (not that that's unusual for Half Life 2).

Anyone else feel sorry for the janitor 'gaunt at the start?

What do you guys think of them?
Yeah, that made me laugh out loud when I saw it. That whole elevator trip was cool, just looking out and seeing the Vorts working on different things...
I like 'em, they are cool... Mmmm Votiguant chefs :D
I lauged out loud in the elavatore ride. The vortiguants are awesome.
imo the vortigaunts are disgustingly underused. some vortigaunt rebels fighting alongside you wouldve been awesome. they were probably in the game for about 4/5 minutes tops.
Remember the chess game?

And about the lack of appearances... I say "Roll on 'Point of View Part 2 - The Continuing Adventures of Xonxt'!"...
It says in the strategy guide that they were target practicing their electricity so they would be ready if the Combine attacked.