Vortigaunt Revolution

Aug 26, 2004
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Recently it has been confirmed 'The Vortigaunts will play a very important role in what happens in later episodes'.
I no a few bits of speculation have arised here and there but I'd like to see a discussion on the possible revolution that lay ahead involving the vortigaunts.
I guess that it will involve them on the same side as Gordon as they seem to respect him. But, what are they planning? Valve aren't going to make a repetitive plotline of maybe, 'the vortigaunts strike the combine in force'... that would be to expected and we've already seen a scale of battle against the combine in HL2 with the resistance fighters.
Take to note it's a ''very important role '' though and occurs ''in later episodes''
So it may not be the most extraordinary idea there is because surely that kind of epic scale would be left for HL3, right?

maybe the vortigaunt will try and take over the world :O
after all we did for them too....
Well, with the promise of Gman being fleshed out more in Aftermath, and with the clear fact that the Vortigaunts are in some way connected to him, we can only assume that is how they will tie in. Besides, they are pretty awesome beings.

And, its not like there is definately going to be a HL3. We'll have to see, but no discussion of such in this thread :p
good ol Samon, everyone can always rely on you to post a worthy response in threads :p

and no sadly not much discussion yet :LOL:
i would but i'm lazy :|
vortigaunts dont do it for me
Would be quite cool if the rebels managered to drive out the Combine only to have the Vortigaunts stab (shock) them in the back.
The vortigaunts are the highest bidders! What? Its possible, right?.

But seriously thats pretty cool, I can't wait to see what they have planned for the Vortigaunts, they haven't really explored all they can do, It would be interesting to fight alongside one.
The vortigaunts have nothing to bid with. They are refugees on Earth.
cquinn said:
The vortigaunts have nothing to bid with. They are refugees on Earth.

But they have the vortessence, whatever that actually is. They certainly sound a more logical possibility, than the human rebels. That being said, I don't believe that we've yet seen a glimpse G-man's actual employers. Hopefully he mentions at least something about them in the Episode 1.
''Vortigaunts can communicate with one another telepathically through a life-force they call the "Vortessence", which they believe is the fabric of the universe, made of "vortal cords", of which everything is woven (and therefore everything is connected). The Vortigaunts are able to read and control this force for their electrical powers, nearly hive-mind telepathy and, likely, their ability to take power from objects. The Nihilanth's powers and enslavement of the Vortigaunts were also gained through control of the Vortessence.''

Black Mesa corp said:
''Vortigaunts can communicate with one another telepathically through a life-force they call the "Vortessence", which they believe is the fabric of the universe, made of "vortal cords", of which everything is woven (and therefore everything is connected). The Vortigaunts are able to read and control this force for their electrical powers, nearly hive-mind telepathy and, likely, their ability to take power from objects. The Nihilanth's powers and enslavement of the Vortigaunts were also gained through control of the Vortessence.''

If all that is actual part of the canon, then it sounds like something even G-Man could appreciate and have use for.
They're already involved in a revolution...the revolution against the Combine. The job isn't over once the Combine have been driven from Earth; I'd imagine that the vortigaunts as well as Gordon--if only because of the G-man's orders--would want to continue liberating other worlds, to topple "the greater master."

The slaves also have no reason to backstab humanity, or take over the Earth. They've already expressed their feelings about this miserable rock, and they're honorable beings to boot. They would not turn on former allies because the opportunity presented itself. In addition to all that, vortigaunts don't seem the type to WANT to control worlds. They seem more suited to living out their lives peacefully, thinking about philosophy and science.

When I first read that interview with Robin Walker, I assumed that it would be the vortessence, rather than the vortigaunts themselves, that would play a big role. Gordon's already tapped the vortessence before...maybe he'll tap into it again.

Also, as big a bargaining chip as the vortessence is, they wouldn't have been the highest bidder. There's no way they'd barter with the very core of their society; the vortessence is all at once their life-force, religion, means of communication, and the foundation for their entire civilization. All this to bring back Freeman? Highly unlikely. Besides, who's to say that they could just give it over in the first place? Gordon touched the vortessence by complete accident. Also, if they were the highest bidder...wouldn't they have said, "We were expecting the Freeman," rather than, "We remember the Freeman?" It seemed more like, "Oh hey, I remember you" more than having paid over your most sacred thing for the guy's help.
Thats what they want you to think.

That would be an awesome twist, though. It turns out the Combine came to Earth to stop the Vortigraunts mad quest for power. With the Combine gone the Vortiguants enslave the earth and breed an army of humans to conquer the MULTIVERSE HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coolest twist ever.
Darkside55 said:
Also, as big a bargaining chip as the vortessence is, they wouldn't have been the highest bidder. There's no way they'd barter with the very core of their society; the vortessence is all at once their life-force, religion, means of communication, and the foundation for their entire civilization. All this to bring back Freeman? Highly unlikely.

I did not mean, that they would actually trade away the vortessence - it seems to be as much a part of their beings as our organs and limbs. I meant, that they could give G-Man access to the vortessence in return of Freeman's services, or possibly give him some information that can only be accessed through it.

I'm not saying that this would actually be the case, in my opinion. I'm just throwing around possible ideas and if we were to assume, that G-Man's employers have already appeared in the game, then the vortigaunts would be the best bet.

Also, if they were the highest bidder...wouldn't they have said, "We were expecting the Freeman," rather than, "We remember the Freeman?" It seemed more like, "Oh hey, I remember you" more than having paid over your most sacred thing for the guy's help.

That isn't really evidence in either way. The vortigaunts don't seem to believe in clarity in speech. Who knows what meanings are included even in their simplest phrases?
I don't see how the could trade something as amorphous as Vortessence. It'd be like trying to trade gravity or something.
Could it be that the Gman is an "Avatar" (an embodyment) of the Vortessence? Or the way Gordon sees it or sense it?

EDIT: aww forget about what I said, I was trippin........... :(
I agree with Mr Side Double Five. The Vortigaunts will be an important ally in the future War on Gasmasks (or whatever you want to call the continued effort to liberate ALL worlds enslaved by the Combine, which is where I reckon the story is going).
Well, that's what I hope. Expanded universes tend to rock, especially if they've got something as awesome as the Combine at their core...
I'm sure Valve are planning something much more innovative than just using the vortigaunts as an ally to fight with. OK, so they might be an ally but in what way they help, is a big ?
esplin said:
Thats what they want you to think.

That would be an awesome twist, though. It turns out the Combine came to Earth to stop the Vortigraunts mad quest for power. With the Combine gone the Vortiguants enslave the earth and breed an army of humans to conquer the MULTIVERSE HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coolest twist ever.

It would still be an improvement for humanity than facing extinction while enslaved to the Combine. Heh, that would be quite a twist. The final boss would be the severed soul of the Nihilanth, and you'd have to enter the Vortessence to defeat him.
Black Mesa corp said:
I'm sure Valve are planning something much more innovative than just using the vortigaunts as an ally to fight with. OK, so they might be an ally but in what way they help, is a big ?

They'll be allies who double up as suit chargers ofc. ;)