
The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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I've seen in a lot of places, that these irritating creatures will be allied withGordon in HL2. Is that true? And if so, why? Have the scientists liberated them from their Masters, or what?
Yea, their allied with Gordon. It's probably because the Nihlanth "died" and the Alien Controllers and Grunts all lost their power to control the slaves so they allied with Freeman because he was the one who did it...

Or they allied with the scientists, the scientists being the most broad-minded humans, as Gordon wasn't actually present (I don't think he was, anyway...).
Oh, I never said they didn't, I just don't think he was there to ally with.
Maybe a little tension when Gordon and the Vorts meet each other again... He did basically massacre a few of them during the Black Mesa Incident... It was unavoidable, but still...
More like hundred if you ask me. ;)

I agree with the Thing on this one.
CreamOfetus said:
im pretty sure they know gordon liberated them.

I'm not sure, how would they know? Obviously they'd realise if the Nihilanth died, but as to who killed him/it...?
gordon is friends with the scientists, vaurtigaunts are friends with the scientists
gordon is friends with the vaurtigaunts...
and the surviving scientists? How did they know Gordon killed the Nihilanth, until he reappears in HL2?

Obviously they can find out during HL2, that wasn't the issue.
Eejit said:
and the surviving scientists? How did they know Gordon killed the Nihilanth, until he reappears in HL2?

Obviously they can find out during HL2, that wasn't the issue.

They could just ask the vortigaunts. :)
Nihilanth definitely had a sort of psychic link with them, and we know that they are now able to speak english good enough that Alyx can understand them, and Eli can order them around.

So, the vortigaunts probably all knew how Nihilanth died, and told the scientists when they teamed up.
Just for the sake of argument...aren't we assuming more than a little bit about an alliance with the Vortiguants? After all, we only see one Vortiguant in the current HL2 videos (that I remember), that being when we see Eli talking to one as we're coming down the elevator to meet him (again) first the 1st time. You'll notice that the Vort is gone when Gordon gets to the bottom though...kinda like Eli doesn't want us to know about him.

While it's totally plausable that the Vort's were slave soldiers on Xen and Gordon's defeat of Nihilanth freed them, isn't it just as likely that there is something shady going on with them and their seeming "alliance" with the remaining scientists in City 17? After all, why do we assume that Eli and the scientists don't have alterior motives like the G-Man or the Admin do?

Remember, this is Half-Life. Unexpected plot twists WILL happen. Personally, I can't wait...
Bing_Oh said:
Just for the sake of argument...aren't we assuming more than a little bit about an alliance with the Vortiguants? After all, we only see one Vortiguant in the current HL2 videos (that I remember), that being when we see Eli talking to one as we're coming down the elevator to meet him (again) first the 1st time. You'll notice that the Vort is gone when Gordon gets to the bottom though...kinda like Eli doesn't want us to know about him.

There are some more you see on another floor electrifying something when you're on the elevator... and the one talking to eli doesn't go away, he walks like 10 feet over to a machine... unless Eli thinks Gordon is blind or something, I don't think thats the case.
Yeah, and Valve said the Vorts would be on our side this time.

Well, while the Grunts were artificially created and controlled, the Vorts were simply 'slaves', so they were set free when Nihilanth died while the Grunts passed to the G-Man's control somehow (Or at least that's how I see it).
I wonder what there voices will sound like...maybe they will talk to you through your mind? :O

Oooooohhhhh, weeeiiirrrdddd.....
Mechagodzilla said:
They could just ask the vortigaunts. :)
Nihilanth definitely had a sort of psychic link with them, and we know that they are now able to speak english good enough that Alyx can understand them, and Eli can order them around.

So, the vortigaunts probably all knew how Nihilanth died, and told the scientists when they teamed up.

He possibly had some sort of psychic link, there are other ways for the collars to work. I think they would know he died due to the whole teleporting situation, but not who killed him or how.
All I'm saying is we shouldn't assume that the vortigaunts and scientists are (apparently) allied because Gordon 'saved' the slaves, since we can't be sure any of them knew that until he reappears. Maybe for all the slaves know it was Joe. Random Shocktrooper that killed the Nihilanth.

Lets see if I got this right. Some people are claiming the scientists know because the vortigaunts told them, while others say the vortigaunts know because the scientists told them...