Vortigaunts in the Civil War (spoilers)


Dec 29, 2004
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Since Freeman liberated the Vortigaunts, they have chosen to join the resistance, rather than the Combine. You can always see them at resistance points (eg. Shorepoint Base, Black Mesa East, NLO etc), so they're obviously helping the rebels/escapees.

Now, my question is, why didn't the Vortigaunts take part in the uprising that broke out after Freeman destroyed Nova Prospekt? If the Vortigaunts are here to truly help the resistance, why didn't I see a single Vortigaunt in the all-out street wars during Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman? I mean, in a battle of that scale, that is, a full Resistance-Combine war, the Vortigaunts should've participated, no? Were they afraid? Or have they betrayed us?
Or maybe there are too few of them to mount an effective offence?
There are lots of reasons. It's probably that Valve deemed them too powerful as roving allies.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, there was a few of them. Maybe, some fought on some parts of the city... you were not able to go to...
It's an all out war, I'm just wondering what happened to the Vortigaunts. As for being over-powered allies, I don't think it would matter, really. I mean, the Combine had Striders, for example, as if they weren't powerful.

I would've loved to be able to command a couple of Vorts. The citizens get boring after a while. :(
After the Black Mesa incident, the method of teleport to and from Xen was severed.

The remaining vortigaunts decided to camp it out on Earth with the resistance rather than being squished under the combine boot.

They are useful for generating power, performing experiments, patrols, etc.

They don't wear body armour and the electricity strikes take too long to charge, so are more suited staying out of the way.
They don't wear body armour and the electricity strikes take too long to charge, so are more suited staying out of the way.
That's all true, but if it's an all-out war between the Resistance and the Combine, it would only make sense if everyone took part. Rather odd, they were suitable for combat during the Black Mesa Incident (e.g. against the Human Grunts). How are they different now? Apart from the fact that they have free will, and they aren't being controlled anymore (i.e. slaves).
Xen was leaking into Black mesa.

The remaining leaked vorts no doubt wanted to be safe instead of shoved in a tube like headcrabs and fired like defence for the combine.
The remaining leaked vorts no doubt wanted to be safe instead of shoved in a tube like headcrabs and fired like defence for the combine.

The best way of putting it yes.
sfc_hoot said:
Now, my question is, why didn't the Vortigaunts take part in the uprising that broke out after Freeman destroyed Nova Prospekt? If the Vortigaunts are here to truly help the resistance, why didn't I see a single Vortigaunt in the all-out street wars during Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman?
Well, you have to remember that when you teleported back to City 17, Kleiner said you were gone for over a week. Maybe in that time period, the Combine may have killed off the Vortigaunts, in an attempt to weaken the resistance. Lets face it, their were not nearly as many as them as compared to resistance members, or any humans really. It seems logical to me.
Vorts were origanaly soposed to fight. Spawn a Vort then a Combine.
They also have sound files like
"We will follow The Freeman"
They joined the resistance cause G-man's people now control them.
Did anyone notice the vortiguants in the interloper had the same role as the stalkers in the citadel...but the vortiguants didn't undergo any horrible transformation to reach that stage (apart from the collar and bracelets).
combine have: glowing sticks, gunships, cool guns, nades, immobile snipers, underused tanks, striders, badass white guys and world domination.

Vortigaunts have: wierd philosophy ( the one in the sewer that talk a lot) , short range electricity shocks and the ability to power up a TV.

soo... in theory... even if a TV is quite fun and distracting it does not make a good battle weapon against a gunship... an AA TV does not exist yet.

anyway. the Vortis have the background support role, i did not see any fighting.
If you go into the Half-Life 2 sound files, you can find whole conversations between the rebels and the vortigaunts, within the context of battle. Whatever happened to all that? It seems like there was a level or two cut, and the vortigaunts were involved in the fighting at one point.
maybe the development team didn't have time to put it all in
Vortigaunts RULE. you people think they are weak? did you ever play half-life on hard? they kill you in 1 or 2 hits.
I thought the Vortigaunts job was to help Eli with his research, not to attack. However they should of have done a level where there are vortigon helping you fight. But i wonder what their battle cry going to be like.
The Vortigaunts have knowledge that supposedly dwarfs what the human mind is capable of. Therefore they would function better behind the scenes as strategists.

Also I think including them would make things too easy in the later levels as they are essentially walking batteries to us.
Combine Hybrid said:
I agree, voltiguants were one of the powerful enemy in Half Life.
Unfortunately... they die way too easily... lol :cool:
sfc_hoot said:
It's an all out war, I'm just wondering what happened to the Vortigaunts. As for being over-powered allies, I don't think it would matter, really. I mean, the Combine had Striders, for example, as if they weren't powerful.

Striders were only in a few parts of the game, they weren't as frequent as resistence would of been
Danimal said:
Striders were only in a few parts of the game, they weren't as frequent as resistence would of been
yeah... I agree to that comrade! killing striders is damn so hard! :cool:
Sid Burn said:
yeah... I agree to that comrade! killing striders is damn so hard!
I bet a few Vortigaunts weilding RPGs would be a help. :cool:
I wish there could have been at least some in action to be honest, i specifically remembering doug lombardi saying they were a major ally, not that they arn't, i mean theyre a major help to the resistance but at the time it conjured images in my head of vorts kicking combine ass :D
i never went into the secret sewer with the vortigaunt. What does it say?
I think its forgotten that Vortigaunts are few, and are also telepathically linked i believe. thus the statement "we are coterminous, we see you still in Black Mesa, clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber. you leap, you fall, we see you crash between the barriers" they are a little mroe important than humans in some ways, thus not as expendable as they are limited in number and have more powers.
DC9884 said:
i never went into the secret sewer with the vortigaunt. What does it say?
well, he'll be saying all those same phrases you heard from other Vortigaunt. but you should check out his cave instead. you can see how vorts managed to survive. :cool:
Wonder why the escapee Vort didn't go the Black Mesa East - it's just around the corner if you think about it. Better than hiding in a cave. :/ ... or was he running from Black Mesa East? :O
sfc_hoot said:
Wonder why the escapee Vort didn't go the Black Mesa East - it's just around the corner if you think about it. Better than hiding in a cave. :/ ... or was he running from Black Mesa East? :O
Maybe he's the look out for the resistance... or he decided to live there until the combines are destroyed... :smoking:
... or maybe he's just sick of cooking headcrabs, or playing chess against the resistance. :p
the vorts in black mesa were fighting because thay had to, remember they were called alien slaves in hl1.
Vorts have realy strong attacks. They kill Combine and zombies in 1 hit.
The are all telecaneticaly linked. So does the slave one have that blocked off?
I agree

...the Vortigaunts still have enough juice to kill. When you are done playing with Dog for the first time and the cave collapses between you and Alyx and you can hear the Vortigaunts defending the scientists, noclip past the rubble and watch them lay waste to the incoming combine. Sure it's somewhat scripted, but I'm in agreement that there are only a handful of Vortigaunts around and I'd rather have them available for support (mounting gunship turrets onto my hovercraft, for example) than on the front lines.
How about i put it this way?

Vortigaunts: Short-Range electrical shocks (Devestating as hell, but useless against: Striders, Gunships.) Unfortunantly, their bodies are flimsy as hell. (They can't stand much punishment). I think since they are all part of a hive mind, than if one dies it causes much pain to others in the same hive.

(I think of vortigaunts as intelligent, shock-weilding bees, without the heirachy)
But they're electric shocks are incredibly easy to avoid.

The vortigaunts were apparently too cool, to trouble themselves with this pesky war.

After years, maybe decades of being bred for subservience and submissiveness maybe they're just scared? Or maybe you just didn't see any fighting, after all they're didn't seem to be lots of them.

Also I think them being a Hive mind is optional, sort of they can tune in and out of it. Else how would they play chess against each other? :p
ríomhaire said:
Vorts have realy strong attacks. They kill Combine and zombies in 1 hit.
The are all telecaneticaly linked. So does the slave one have that blocked off?
well, only Nihilanth made them slaves... without Nihilanth... im sure they could've taken care of the combine invasion on Xen. :smoking: