Vortigaunts name.


May 31, 2003
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I found out that the guys at valve peiced the vortigaunts name together off two words.

I broke up vortigaunt into vorti and gaunt and i found out this.
Closest thing to vorti i can find is Vortical, which means "Of, relating to, or moving in a vortex; whirling."
And everyone knows that a vortex is sort of like a portal.
And they did teleport through the portals in hl1.
And gaunt means "Thin and bony; angular"
Which does describe the vortigaunts structure quite well.

So maybe there are some other hidden things like that. :p

And of course the enemy guys are called the combine, because they obviously combine with the other races.

Edit: just did some more searching at dictionary.com and look.
Another definition of gaunt
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold;

The end of the name perfectly suits them, because they were slaves.

The closest thing i can find to alyx is Alex
That means Protector of Mankind

Eli comes from elijah which means
The Lord is My God

Gordon means
Round Hill

Freeman means
Free Man

Gordon Freeman
Round Hill Freeman??!??

Gman - According to dictionary.com
An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
G-man n : a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

So that means the gman might represent some future organisation trying to enforce the law on the combine, but they are too strong in the future, so he sends gordon back in time to kick their asses.
He places him in the black mesa place.
Seems very likely.
Everything falls into place if the gman sent gordon back in time to own the combine forces.
He placed him in black mesa so he would trigger, and survive the experiment, therefore gordon is able to kill nilitanth from the sequence of events that unfolds.
Therefore the combine seek revenge, thus having gordon remove them from earth (supposedly freeing it)
Then that creates the scenario that gordon has to rid the universe of the combine.
Maybe he was placed there so that all of those events could unfold, could of just been the best situation they could find.
Put one race into war to free another race, they ally, and overthrow their oppressor.
And of course if gman is from the future, he knows what he must do to help gordon, because those events have already happened for him.
So thats why the gman is everywhere making deals with everyone, because he knows he has to do it.

He mentions highest bidder though.
To issue a command to; direct.
To invite to attend; summon.
To offer or propose (an amount) as a price

Breen mentions his contract being open...
An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law
The writing or document containing such an agreement.
A paid assignment to murder someone (oooooooooooo thats an interesting one)

Maybe gordon was hired by an unknown party to destroy the combine.
Who would he be hired by though?
He was placed on the train at the start of hl1, and gman is talking to the scientist in that lab at the start.
Maybe the scientists know whats happening.
Maybe its kleiner that has hired him! :O
Maybe Gman insures that gordon gets his task completed.
Maybe Gman had a grudge against the combine, or he was just offered a high amount of money, or something else.
But as far as we can assume gordons contract is open, meaning anyone can hire him.
Which means that the gman is an operative from some society that sells of people to do their bidding for the highest price.
That means that Gman is a leader/member of some sort of group.
That means that gordon is a servant/slave to gman.
That means that there is one big reason for everything happening.
That means that gordon is a mercenary (in a way)
That means there might be one large plot twist
That means that gman is not gordons father
That means that lots of people on the forum are wrong.
That means that there is lots to be explained in half life 3.
Unfortunately, you're wrong about most of those names. Buy Raising the Bar and you'll see what I mean.
Yes, most are wrong. Like He who is steve said read raising the bar...it says how gman is just a simple name that means nothing