

Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
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Well, I started wondering if the vortiguants on earth are the remaining after their enslavement from the mind controler, or they are just ones who decided to help out the humans for freeing them?
They're the ones who got stuck on earth after nihilianth was killed. They were freed but stuck on earth.
I wonder just how many of them are here stuck. Is it possible the other vortigaunts are able to go through the storm portal like the xen wildlife?
The Vortigaunts are stranded on Earth, and joined the humans in their battle against the Combine after Eli dispatched some wise-cracking negotiation.
omg i hope we will see xen in half life 3 , who knows maybe the vortigaunts build up a new strong army on xen :)
Samon said:
The Vortigaunts are stranded on Earth, and joined the humans in their battle against the Combine after Eli dispatched some wise-cracking negotiation.
Do you know if it is a large amount of vortigaunt population on earth? or just a small number stranded. I wonder if in the future, valve will consider letting vortis from xen do something about the story line of half life
Letting Vorts from Xen? I'm sure there aren't many at all. Most are dead, thanks to Gordon, and the rest are stuck on Earth. They are hive-minded, so wherever the last remaining Vorts are the ones on Earth will be able to communicate with them. But it is the ones on Earth that are the important.
I wonder how many are under the influence of the Combine/g-man and how many are free.
Samon said:
Letting Vorts from Xen? I'm sure there aren't many at all. Most are dead, thanks to Gordon, and the rest are stuck on Earth. They are hive-minded, so wherever the last remaining Vorts are the ones on Earth will be able to communicate with them. But it is the ones on Earth that are the important.
so your pretty much saying the vort race is near died out? what a bummer.
Samon said:
Most are dead, thanks to Gordon, and the rest are stuck on Earth.
Is that official info or your impression?

Still don't have RtB :(
Samon said:
Letting Vorts from Xen? I'm sure there aren't many at all. Most are dead, thanks to Gordon, and the rest are stuck on Earth. They are hive-minded, so wherever the last remaining Vorts are the ones on Earth will be able to communicate with them. But it is the ones on Earth that are the important.

uh you think what we saw of xen in hl1 was everything? really you cannot measure how many vorts are or were on xen but i think there are still alot and after the last 15 years they had enough time to recover their population.
It is fair to say though, that is the impression I get from what we've been shown etc. And Eber, don't even start.
well you should start explaining why you are of that opinion.
would the vorts on earth maintain their connection with those on xen, now that nihilanth is dead?
certainly the portal storms are still going on, but the stable tear between the worlds is gone
jimmyjam said:
would the vorts on earth maintain their connection with those on xen, now that nihilanth is dead?
certainly the portal storms are still going on, but the stable tear between the worlds is gone
The Vortessense?
eber said:
well you should start explaining why you are of that opinion.
Doing so would require him to dig up previews and valve interviews from before HL2's release. I don't recall it having been mentioned in any official context since then...
On a slightly relevant point how many humans would you say are left compared to vortigaunts? More humans than vortigaunts? It seems that way but I wonder what the exact number is. Human population has gone down from 6.5 billion to ? in 17 years (Well valve said NEARLY two decades I think) since Black mesa?

If City 17 was meant to be the largest remaining collection of humans and its now been blown to smithereens killing vast numbers of people I wouldnt say there are many humans left now. (all the ones along the coast and canals are dead as well now. Well along the parts we travelled at least.) Makes sense why the vorts teamed up with humans. They're both endangered species now left on a god forsaken rock called earth. (I think one of the vorts lines called earth that).
Lawnmower233 said:
If City 17 was meant to be the largest remaining collection of humans and its now been blown to smithereens killing vast numbers of people I wouldnt say there are many humans left now.

There are other Cities out there. In HL2 in the beginning of the game, you hear citizens complaining about Breen and saying "Damn, I thought I saw the last of him in city thirteen!" -That seems to indicate that there are more more cities left in the world, so the human race isn't totally ****ed yet.
Cpl_Facehugger said:
There are other Cities out there. In HL2 in the beginning of the game, you hear citizens complaining about Breen and saying "Damn, I thought I saw the last of him in city thirteen!" -That seems to indicate that there are more more cities left in the world, so the human race isn't totally ****ed yet.

Yeah I suppose it wouldnt matter. We dont have to worry about humans numbers as such. There were only like 10,000 of us in the last ice age and our population swelled alot. So with the suppression field down humans dont really have to worry about being extinct anymore. Except for the horrible uninhabitable planet they're left with now. Thats a bit different then the times after the ice age.
Yeah, nothing to worry now... Nothing at all... Except for, you know, the intergalactic race of synthetic war-machines hell-bent on exterminating every last trace of humanity...
Well the combine are quite machine like so I doubt they would want to "exterminate" humanity. That in itself is quite sadistic which is a human trait. Although marc laidlaw may make them seem more human by adding stuff like them getting revenge and trying to exterminate humanity so I can't really say they wont.

They just want to harvest the planet and everything on it, which is so much better... :O
Lawnmower233 said:
Well the combine are quite machine like so I doubt they would want to "exterminate" humanity. That in itself is quite sadistic which is a human trait. Although marc laidlaw may make them seem more human by adding stuff like them getting revenge and trying to exterminate humanity so I can't really say they wont.

Well, they are in process of turning the entire human population into transhuman soldiers or Stalkers, so in essence they are exterminating the humanity as we know it.
Yeah good point.

What I always wondered is if the suppression field is emitted from the citadel does it engulf the whole earth so no human on earth can breed? It must be this way because we see no children on the coast or any other place that is a fair distance from the citadel.

It spawns an interesting question though. Will valve include pregnant women, babies and children in further episodes/games now that the main citadel is down and earth is no longer enveloped in the suppression field? Apart from the combine spawning another citadel in the old ones place I think Valve is going to have to put kids in the game.

Although they could just not show us the actual kids and just speak about them in subtle ways, in the coming episodes. Either way I cant wait until we get to the vortigaunt camp in Episode 2 and get to walk around and look at a rebel bases innards.
I always liked the start of Hl1 and the quiet parts in hl2 where you got to look around a place where the scientists/citizens/rebels lived.
Feels like you're not just contantly running through boring twisty environments and actually are at a place where people wake up do stuff and sleep. The normalcy of it breaks up the monotomy of constantly shooting things.

Oh back in October I was going to make a mod that included kids. Its back in the archives. Im not sure if a concensus was ever reached whether kids should ever be included in games or not but it might be interesting to check out for people who wonder similarly if valve will include kids in future games or not.


It'd be funny if Gordon fell into a 4 month slow time-warp, and when he gets spat out, every single female NPC is 4-months pregnant.
haha :p. It'd be easy to do. Just change the model to make a bump :p Although it would be really disturbing if they got hurt or killed. I dunno it probably isnt such a good idea. Pregnant women and children should really stay out of violent sequences in computer games. Not even GTA stooped that low. (Or did they. I havent played San Andreas. From what I see old grannies as near as you can come to completely disturbing gameplay in that game.)

Even if valve kept them out of violent situations people could still use the entities in their maps or gmod. Or maybe just spawn them via the console. Even if they didnt include death animations, ragdoll versions or in-pain .wavs someone would probably use gcfscape to extract the textures at least and use it in some custom mod where you get to kill them.

Its a slippery area. You either include them fully in the game will all the bells and whistles or someone will mod the game ala the Hot Coffee Mod for GTA to be able to get them killed. It is Source after all. Its renouned for its modding capabilities. In this area that may be a problem.
I can see it now in the news "A new violent game called Half Life 3 allows you to indiscriminantly killed children and pregnant mothers. Half Life first came on the scene in 1998 where the player scored points by killing innocent scientists."

The episodes will probably take place over less than a week, hardly enough time for women to start poping out kids.
Yes I love the line when Kliener tells the rebels "now that is a perfect time to procreate" I want to know why the Combine did make the suppressor fields, did they do it because they feared the humans might reproduce too fast and rebel completely and out rightly against them. Did they just want total control.

ANd though riomhaire less than a week might be a little too short for women to be popping out babies maybe our bodies have evolved and now we can give birth WITHIN a week, I am speaking absoulute toot in the paragraph so just forget this and ignore it lol.