Vote for Rick Astley

never viseted 4chan was told its for noobs so i stayed away and rick rolling always failed it never even got a smile out of me :P
rickrolling is such a massive declaration of complete lack of brain, originality and sophisticated honed sense of humour that if I could shake my head and look upon a person with complete disappointment and disgust who posts it, I would.


Thread over.
its a man

I say the same thing when I looked one of theyr videos "that girl is weird...*info about the band*..oh my ****ing good!"

The Japanese pop culture ability to so utterly demasculate a man until he actually looks and acts like a woman in all his shoots, interviews and shit, is scary.

Almost as scary as the fact Japanese girls actually get off on that shit.

Its like a country of lesbians.

...except the one I found, but she was a crazy stalker so meh.

Anyway, my point. Japan is crazy.


Yeah, I know, Jin. Truth be told, the old vanguard has long since departed. It's more accurate to say, "/b/ is made completely of newfags, you know." Any oldfags who knew what was good for them got on a boat and sailed West for the Undying Lands.

Lol, haven't laughed at anything on that much in ages, cookie for Darkside for making me chuckle.
The Japanese pop culture ability to so utterly demasculate a man until he actually looks and acts like a woman in all his shoots, interviews and shit, is scary.

Almost as scary as the fact Japanese girls actually get off on that shit.

Its like a country of lesbians.

...except the one I found, but she was a crazy stalker so meh.

Anyway, my point. Japan is crazy.

I'm not gonna contradict you, but Tokei Hotel is German.
is that a guy really I suspect it's a guy but it might be a girl it a girl?
What difference does it make when you're pretty?

But yes, as has been pointed out before me, that is a guy.
I wouldnt say he's "pretty" but then again I'm not attracted to androgenous males
He's clearly going to get more votes than the total population of the planet.
Those words shall never pass my lips.
Rick Astley can fly. True story.
Because the alternatives nominated are SO MUCH BETTER!!

No matter who wins, we lose.

Yep. The final straw was the whole Scientology newfag influx, /b/ finally fell. It was never awesome but it used to be a lot more awesome. My only contact with it these days is my roommate who still checks it sometimes.

Right, it was the whole scientology thing, not "Hey, lets go ruin busy chatrooms and Habbo Hotel and spew memes, website addresses and type ****** over and over INTERNET HAET MACHINE SO RANDUM xD"
That's exactly what /b/ does though Ninja.

The idea of using /b/ for a cause killed it, I guess?
Man, I remember when /b/ was nothing but crappy turn on a dime shops and people trying to forceably make Milhouse into a meme. Haha.

Yeah, it was shit then too.
I'll never understand people who lament over some sort of end to the /b/ glory days. When was /b/ glorious? If this happened since it's conception -- it was behind my back, because the /b/ I know has always been contrived, full of pre-adolescent proclaimed jokesters and dead inside. It's occasionally funny but the people who piss and moan about better days on 4chan are a little bit ridiculous.
/b/ was once full of adults pretending to be pre-adolescents, where you could be a complete asshat because it was humorous to do so.

/b/ is now full of actual pre-adolescents, who act like complete asshats because they think it makes them edgy, grown up and part of the in-crowd.
To get him nominated I voted 30,000 times. :3

So far for best act ever I've voted about 7,000.
I've voted now over 1,400 :) cant wait to (hopefully) see him win.
If was a bar, there would be people with lead pipes, chains, and brass knuckles standing outside waiting for Xen and Phobes.

We'd all have motorcycles and tattoos that said "Mudder" on our right arms.
