Vote for the orginal Half-Life



Guest is having a contest named "Best. Game. Ever." and Half-Life is current losing to METROID PRIME!!

We, as original Half-Life fans, cannot take this treachery lying down. I encourage everyone to go to and VOTE FOR HALF-LIFE!
If you know of any other HL boards...please feel free to post my message there too. Half-Life must win!
Uhh, this site is OBVIOUSLY retarded, because Gamespy had a little sumpthin called the "Title Fight" and Half-Life 1 whooped arse.
Is metroid prime for xbox?
If so, than this is a site where alot of xboxer's go, so you see the result...
Metroid Prime is for is an excellent game but HL is way better.
why are people copying gamespy? It was intended to determine the best game ever, but i think a double elimination tourney would have been better tho.

Anyway, its been done. No need for another.
Ever year for the past 3 years GameFAQs holds a summer contests to determine the best video game character. This year, they're also doing a "Best. Game. Ever" contest.
A console game will never beat a pc game in sound/graphics/technology/controls/gameplay, dont even get me started with online gaming, obviously a load of console fan boys who have'nt got a pc good enough to play games.
Alig said:
A console game will never beat a pc game in sound/graphics/technology/controls/gameplay, dont even get me started with online gaming, obviously a load of console fan boys who have'nt got a pc good enough to play games.
Yes, I have tried to explain this to sooo many console gamers. :x

I don't give a crap who wins this console biased remake contest.
I have Finshed HL1 for the Fifth times 2 hours ago. I must say that THIS IS THE HARDEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED in my life.

And I LOVE it. It earns my Vote.
the only 2 games that should even be on that list are HL1 and Starcraft. The rest are either sequels of a better version or just something for the console junkies. Console sequels rarely ever have any advancements due to the restriction of hardware. Their basically big expansion packs, tho their are a few exceptions, especially when theres a platform jump (NES to SNES, PS1 to PS2)

Dont forget, every game on that list has been made in the last 5 years...if you ask me, i think the last 5 years have been kinda...dry.

Anyone remember the two greatest fighting games ever...Street Fighter 2 and Tekken 3? How about some Super Mario World. Dont forget Final Fantasy VII or Doom. What about Quake 2? I took 30 seconds and my list is already much much better then theres.
amneziac85...if you look at the complete tourney tree you'll see different divisions for different video game eras...

Division 8, Division 16, Division 32-64 and Division 128...
Hey, I have respect for console gamers. Why not play both and get the best of both worlds. Although platform games on consoles are way better, some great platformers were released on the computer.
*sigh* Sweet memories of Commander Keen. *sigh*(I played/finished them all) I was also addicted to simcity 2000 when I was little. :D

Anyway, enough about my rants. Metroid Prime is a great game. By far one of the best on the gamecube. However, my vote goes to Half-Life.
That's a good question...

I'm not sure about who choose the tourney bracket for the contest. I know that for the GameFAQs character contest, the characters are given a ranking based on where they finished the previous year.

I don't think it's a question of FPS vs. RTS because if you look at the other matchups you have Grand Theft Auto: Vice City VS. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and stuff like that. I think that it just so happened that the matchup resulted that way.

The StarCraft VS. Halo voting was very close. Halo was winning by 400 votes most of the day and StarCraft came back and won by 300 only. Closest "battle" yet.
I enjoyed Metroid Prime more than Half-Life's singleplayer. :)
You lie letters! You lie! LOL...

But the game as a whole...HL is much better...
Likwit said:
You lie letters! You lie! LOL...

But the game as a whole...HL is much better...

It's a tough one - Metroid Prime is a damn good game :)
My vote went to HL as I've been playing it and various mods for years now but Metroid Prime is the best console game I've ever played, actually its probably my most enjoyed single player game since HL.
No one here is considered a true fan of Half-Life unless they vote 5 times for it. That's the American way!
Well I just voted for half-life about 50 times, I don't care if it is wrong because if Metroid Prime wins that is worse then Hitler killing the jews.
I can't vote for Far Cry then? Pah. Half-Life.

I've never played Metroid Prime but what's wrong with it? I play both PC games and console games. Best of both worlds - Tony Hawk's, Gta and Metal Gear etc on the PS2 and Half-Life, Broken Sword, Far Cry etc on PC.

Okay, so PCs are better. But you should have both!
I'd have to second Foxtrot there

My vote went to HL1.

Metriod prime is a damn excellent game though.


Theres a cool forum that I go to, doesn't have that many members, but it has a decent selection of threads discussing best games and best gaming platforms. Why not register, and spread your half life goodness?
Sorry about the resurrection, I didn't notice the date on the topic. As the topic on gmpiglet forums is similar (Halo games versus Half Life games) I think discussion about it shouldn't be on a separate thread on these forums. It does make you register to post, but I really want half life to win this poll.
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