vtex not appering in hammer?


Jul 27, 2004
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ive set the gameinfo.txt to my mod folder, have compiled the .tgas into .vtex and have the .vtf files in the materials dir.

how do i get them to show up in hammer?
VTEX isn't a file format, it's merely a program. The file formats that are real are .vmt and .vtf.
that doesnt help me...

I have the .vtf files in the materials dir.
how do i make the vmt? ive just been dragging and droping the tgas on vtex and it creates vtf's but not vmt's.

how do i get them to show up in hammer?

a simple step by step explanation would be much apprieceated.
When you run vtex, specify a shader. To start just use a basic "-shader LightMappedGeneric". So now you get VMTs with your VFTs.
Well in the end i just made a text file for each .vtf and copy pasted the source sdk generic shader into it and renamed it to .vmt

now if i can only get the sky box to line up properly and light_environment to work with my custom bg...
Could you explain in a little more detail exactly how you got your VTFs to work? I am having the same problem as you were having.