VU to French Paper for Economy: HL2 to be delayed until March 2004

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I just mailed rec about this, but hope one of the french members can confirm this news.

Gamestar, the biggest german mag for pc games just posted news on their website that Christophe Ramboz(VU) told "Les Echoes" a French newspaper for economy that HL2 is to be delayed until March 2004 in order to fix code that is now unsecure due to the Source leak.

It seems that there is news on VU for today. Unfortunately it can`t be read because it`s a payed service. And even if I could access it, my french is not that good i fear.

Gamestar just added some new columns to their news post about Gabe telling halflifesource that the leaked code was just a small bit of the source. Gamestar seems not to believe him. This far, Gabe Newell did not give word to the news from "Les Echoes" or VU.

Original text to be found on:
Original text:

"07.10.2003 11:16 - Half-Life 2 viel später

Der geleakte Quellcode von Half-Life 2 (siehe News) wird nicht nur den Hersteller sondern auch die Spieler ärgern: Christophe Ramboz vom Publisher Vivendi erklärte gegenüber der französischen Wirtschaftszeitung Les Echoes, dass sich das Spiel deswegen wahrscheinlich auf April 2004 verschieben werde. So viel Zeit bräuchten die Programmierer, um die kritischen Stellen wie Steam und Multiplayer neu zu entwickeln.

Gabe Newell äußert sich momentan nicht über eine mögliche Verspätung. Gegenüber HalfLifeSource spielte er die Auswirkungen des Leaks sogar runter: Es wäre nur ein kleiner Teil des Quellcodes an die Öffentlichkeit gekommen. Dafür ist er sich ziemlich sicher, dass die Schuldigen demnächst ermittelt werden.(cm)"

Greetings from Switzerland
Then I will get a nice birthday present, my birthday is in march :E !!
If its true Im going to try my best to forget about HL2. It better not be true.
If its true.... I give Valve all the support...
Little update:

From what I read, the newstitle is:
"Le vol du code source d'un jeu pourrait coûter cher à Vivendi"

"The theft of sourcecode for a computer game could get very expensive for Vivendi Universal" or something (sorry neither french or english is my nat. language :-).

It seems like the news is gonne be for free by tomorrow... let`s hope so. But perhaps there`s a french reader that already has access?

Dodgy translationwebsite version:

"07,10,2003 11:16 - help Life 2 the gel document source code of help Life 2 (see News) will many later annoy not only the manufacturer but also the players: Christophe Ramboz of the Publisher Vivendi explained Les Echoes opposite the French trade journal that the play will therefore probably shift on April 2004. As much time braeuchten the programmers, in order to develop the critical places again as Steam and Multiplayer. Gift Newell does not express itself momentarily over a possible delay. Opposite HalfLifeSource it even played the effects of the Leaks down: Only a small part of the source code would have come to the public. But it is rather sure itself that determines the guilty ones shortly werden.(cm) "

I beat babblefish (or what u used).

The newstext from has already been translated by me. There`s no more content to that. But if someone could provide the original french text from les echoes we would have the original source for this rumours... That would be helpful.

Shurakai (yes, lunch break now! horray!)
march is my birthday too :p
hey i'm french, i'll look for that news :p
and i also got some stock on vivendi and i hope i wont loose any MORE money than i already did.. :(
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
If VALVE didn't say it, it wont be true.

Yes, just like Valve said the game would be released on sep 30th. :cheese:
The latest is Gabe said only part of the source code was leaked. And he also said they are still on track. Business as normal.

That doesn't sound like a delay to me...

it's a french well known gaming website

VU say they are going to delay the game to april 2004, the time for valve to rewrite some compromised codes.
valve still plan the game to the end of the year but they say they were probably to busy putting a decent firewall to check the calendar

vivendi who lost 52millions of euro was expecting much about halflife2
it's kinda like valve saying "it'll be out on sep 30th" when VU allready announced the delay months before

if this is an official VU statement, then i'll put my trust in them this time around...that's a HL2 release march 2004 -the earliest-
x-mas seems more accurate to me.
There is a Forum for this kind of topic
I don't know who to believe, but I don't think the game will be released holidays 2003 just because Valve said so. Gabe said they were focusing on getting the game done, well that doesn't mean anything, because if it takes a few months to recode the parts, then he wouldn't have lied. I suppose we just keep it quiet, because I don't think anyone has forgotten what happened a few weeks ago, and I honestly believe that Fragmaster was laughing his ass of (altough not officially).
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