w00t we reached 1000 post's


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I made this post to selebrate that badger and me are the first 2 memberst that reached the 1000 post's

haha I already set my custom title as you can see wich makes us 1337
I said i wasnt going to post again for a while but here i am. Il soon be catching up to you. Just you wait.
Yeah, ive got my Custom Title too... pity they won't let us have vB code in our titles... but still

w00tage :)
haha yeah..
/me pm's Starmonkey for adding the use of vbcode in subtitles

so i can make my title red!
I wanted mine in Italics... that would be cool :)

/me struts, showing off his fancy new title
The reason why you got up to 1000 posts is that you post sh*t like above, while other people post smart things
Shut up man, they dont spam. Of course they are going to post this thread though. They reached 1000 posts first and at the same time before the end of the month. I dont tihnk i have ever seen them spam. They only reply to threads with real answer and dont start new ones unless its about something interesting.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Shut up man, they dont spam. Of course they are going to post this thread though. They reached 1000 posts first and at the same time before the end of the month. I dont tihnk i have ever seen them spam. They only reply to threads with real answer and dont start new ones unless its about something interesting.

This thread is spam though.. anyone can see that they have 1000 posts when they post in any topic, so there's no point in attracting their attention in this thread.

What do you want me to say? "Congratulations, you've managed to spend as much time as humanely possible on this forum posting at anything you can get the chance to"

I once again request that post counts be removed, it'll make this forum a better place.
Guys, they are happy. They done something insane. W00t.

Not really, but it is a cause for celebration. Even if you ain't jelous, you can't :flame: them for expressing their opinions. For instance, the fluffy one doesn't have much mod work to do, as he is the coder, so he spends his time increasing his own knowledge and sharing it with others. I personnally think - even if he has been spamming - it is still a achivement to reach 1000, especially when most of his posts consisted more then TWO LINES.

Thank you for your time.
YAY, people... In celebration, I'm off to make smite the unbeliever...no wait, wrong game?!?

Anywho, well done people... And when It comes to the British Mod Expo, We'll all have to wear T-shirts or something so we know, who each other are... :p

I'm talking randomly now.... so...

oh and xXSM....whatever, they don't spam, most posts are quite interlectual and funny..so shhh
I'm planing reaching 1000 posts before the HL2 release.
Wish me good luck :)
/me wishes A.A good luck!

I hope to reach a 1000 post before i die:bounce:
1000 posts... I'll get there in a few months :dork:

gj, Badger and Evil on your 1000.

you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. now ph34r me!
Originally posted by EVIL
you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. now ph34r me!
You may have fungus growin inside you! We must operate immediatly!
by the end of august I should be at 1000 posts, the summer is long and I have plenty of time to kill :)
Sad when we have to result to racing to customizable titles under our name. We need more HL2 info.
Originally posted by guinny
Sad when we have to result to racing to customizable titles under our name. We need more HL2 info.

Agreed... a bunch of numbers and a custom title under your name is really going to mean something in the end, isn't it?
Originally posted by Tull91
/me wishes A.A good luck!

I hope to reach a 1000 post before i die:bounce:

Danke schön.
Thank you.
Wow, 1000 already. But I won't P|-|34r anyone. My L33T p3r50|\|4|_1tY forbids it.
Congratulations guys, you can post inane banter consisting of one line per post and whore the forum! I aspire to be like you both.
Originally posted by mrBadger
right.... ok sure:

look at these two thread (oh yes, inane banter all the way)

real inane

I thought most of it was :)

Only joking.