Wacky London... Thing.


Dec 27, 2004
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A pencil drawing I did in art at school! I think its pretty cool.

C&C welcome!

Real psychedelic, I like it. :)

Makes me think of Jefferson Airplane's "Follow the white rabbit", hehe.
CrazyHarij said:
Real psychedelic, I like it. :)

Makes me think of Jefferson Airplane's "Follow the white rabbit", hehe.
I really like it. Sort of thing you'd definately have found on record covers back in the good old days hehe.
Cheers guys.

Now I've got to do an A3 Acrylic painting of it

:Oh Noes!
I only have an A4 sized scanner!

I'll just have to do half and half :D
Pfff - I'm a GSCE student and we have a shitty sub teacher because our real teacher broke her neck. We haven't even been introduced to oils yet!
MetalPiranha said:
Pfff - I'm a GSCE student and we have a shitty sub teacher because our real teacher broke her neck.
Ouch, sounds bad..

I taught myself acrylics (and most other stuff too, art teachers are pretty bad from my experiences), and i'de do the same with oils if it weren't for the fact that they're more expensive :p
I love the way you've interweaved the aspects of London into the twisted enviroment, like the towereing pigeon, dominating the landscape and irritating the inhabitants... well, just like real Lobdon, really :)

Personally I prefer oils to acrylic, as you don't have to worry about your pallete drying lol :)
u dont get introduced to oils at gcse, u intro yourself.......

cos they are oil based u cant use em like properly ins chool u gotta get your own and do it like that,,,,
Suicide42 said:
I love the way you've interweaved the aspects of London into the twisted enviroment, like the towereing pigeon, dominating the landscape and irritating the inhabitants... well, just like real Lobdon, really :)

Personally I prefer oils to acrylic, as you don't have to worry about your pallete drying lol :)

A good set of Acrylics won't dry out for months if you keep em covered when you're not using them.

Personally I've not used one blob for that long, heh