Wait, how does the HUD show up if Gordon doesn't have a helmet?

Because it's a video game.

I mean...if they didn't have the HUD, it would be pretty hard to play.
Little needles in his suit full of nanomites are injected into his bloodstream from his wrists. The nanomites have little wireless databases and flow all over his body, and give readings based on blood pressure, total number of all cells and other important things, and then pool all that information into total health and send them wirelessly into the nanomites in his vitreous humor. The nanomites stimulate his vitreous humor and give the illusion of an HUD and stay in his peripheral vision. At least, that's my uneducated guess that came at least 56% out of my ass. :p
Some speculate that the HUD projects onto his glasses. I think he wears the helmet.
No helmet. Just look at all the pictures. Also, helmets are for girls.
No helmet. Just look at all the pictures. Also, helmets are for girls.
So Gordon absorbed the lethal dose of radiation in the Citadel's reactor using just his beard?
no, no please not this again
I think he wears the helmet; he just takes it off for publicity shots. I will now remind us about the headcrab attack argument.
I support the invisible helmet inference, like Joker had in Mass Effect 2.
How does he carry all those weapons and ammo?

It's a ****ing video game holy shit.
Tell me, do you see a helmet? No? Confirmed, in game by valve I'd say. But the verdict is still out on the force field however.

Edit: Stop being lame Vegeta. We figured out along time ago that he uses mini portals to Xen to store his equipment.
RtB describes a monster that would have knocked off your glasses. How would it knock off your glasses if you had a helmet on? Huh? HUH?!
It would suck to have glasses on inside a hazmat helmet. If your glasses slipped down your nose, there would be little recourse!
It would suck to have glasses on inside a hazmat helmet. If your glasses slipped down your nose, there would be little recourse!

In the army I had "corrective lens inserts" for the inside of the gas mask, and they would slide and distort my vision. That is indeed a frightening thought :v
Obviously, he is a robot. Made of stone.
Being 'just a game' doesn't satisfy me at all. We should really start using our heads to think of content for the game, not just rely on Valve.
Back to topic, I'd say the HUD is either projected on the inside of his glasses (as he DOES NOT have a helmet) or it is some kind of hologram (not literally) small enough to be projected just infront of his eyes. Third option, Gordon uses special lenses rigged with Combine technology and connected to the HEV (not with cables definitelly).

About that weapon storage? I would say black hole-like areas somewhere on Xen. Gordon also carries that mid sized green box on his back which is basically a mini-computer recognizing user commands and allocating weapons and ammo from the storage areas to Gordon's hands and vice versa.
We basically have two options (ignoring the boring "it's a game" argument). He either wears a helmet (which HEV suits have been shown to possess and which Gordon has been depicted using on one occasion) and the pictures of Gordon are artistic licence or his HUD is due to some unnamed and convoluted system involving contact lenses, his glasses or an invisible hologram machine. I think occam's razor says the former.
I dunno, I always just took it as "Gordon" doesn't see the HUD, only you as the player do for gameplay reasons. I figured Gordon would be aware of his health situation by how well he feels, which is something the player obviously can't experience.
Sigh... Yeah thanks Kaptain.

Obvious that is.
Suspension of disbelief. As in: Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, winning every fight against trained Combine soldiers. With a crowbar.
Suspension of disbelief. As in: Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, winning every fight against trained Combine soldiers. With a crowbar.

That can be explained with the suit though, he's weak as a 6 year old girl without it.

"You, pick up that can".
I dunno, I always just took it as "Gordon" doesn't see the HUD, only you as the player do for gameplay reasons. I figured Gordon would be aware of his health situation by how well he feels, which is something the player obviously can't experience.
Your HUD is mentioned by holo-Gina in the hazard course and also by the guy who upgrades your car near the end of Episode Two. It's for Gordon, not just the player.
now that the thread is over, we can discuss gordon's ponytail next
now that the thread is over, we can discuss gordon's ponytail next

Has the topic of hygiene in the Half-Life universe been discussed yet? I've always felt strongly about this one.
Your HUD is mentioned by holo-Gina in the hazard course and also by the guy who upgrades your car near the end of Episode Two. It's for Gordon, not just the player.

I highly doubt that Gina or the GPS guy are breaking the fourth wall. The HUD exists; I know that for a FACT, now OW CAN HE SEE IT SANS A HELMET?

Also, why the heck does it have a weapon system?
Gordon doesn't have a helmet, riomhaire! Also, why is this thread still going on?
In after noobs not reading the counter-arguments against their posts.