Wait...So when's the game coming out?

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September 30th, DUH!
But that means.... *looks at date* SHIT!

*runs to store*
Hey spitcodfry, we found the avatar again


(we mentioned that in my thread to try and get Mr pink to change his avatar)

man i thought i lost it forever

*goes back to staring
Originally posted by Xtasy0
get back in the kitchen woman.

yeah thats right bitch!

(no, only kiddin, made me lol though)

reminds me of that joke

Why did the women cross the road?

Never mind that, what the **** was she doin out of the kitchen.

sorry to any of the ladys, you know i love you.

*goes back to staring
She's obviously checking for lumps, and I think it's very noble of SerialCarpens to make the effort of heightening cancer awareness
:cheers: ;)

Release date? bleh, who knows? Next year wouldn't suprise me tbh. I want to believe next month but if it's not ready, it's not ready....
Originally posted by ignot
She's obviously checking for lumps, and I think it's very noble of SerialCarpens to make the effort of heightening cancer awareness
:cheers: ;)

Release date? bleh, who knows? Next year wouldn't suprise me tbh. I want to believe next month but if it's not ready, it's not ready....

Oh, you'd better believe it is, my friend. It's ready like a fox.

Points noted.. we are only human after all

but aren't we getting away from the point of the post :)

So long as Valve don't give an official release date, they can't miss one. Even Gabe himself said they always mess them up for one reason or another.

Hopefully it will come out in November / early December; but even amazon.co.uk has updated its release date to April 2004, so perhaps that is when it's being released. ;(

Edit: All the different Amazon sites are giving different release dates so perhaps .co.uk have the wrong date.
Wow...that's mesmerizing. I could stare at it all day! To the ladies in this thread, don't be offended, it's just the way we guys are wired. Regardless of age or overall maturity, every guy turns into a raging adolescent when presented with the female form sans clothing. If you want to see it for yourself, take off all your clothes and stroll into a room full of guys. They will all turn into gibbering idiots in a split second. Or to quote something I once heard, "Men begin life emerging from the woman's womb and spend the rest of their life trying to get back in."

As for the release date, I'm really torn. I have my money set aside, and if the game really is coming out next April then I'd just as soon spend that money on Max Payne 2 (which is getting some very positive buzz). But if it's coming out next month, I'd hate to have to wait because I already spent all my money on other games.

Damn it, Valve, just tell us the truth!
im not too sure when its going to be release.

i love that avatar
The Booby-woman must be freakin tired. She kneeded the breasts all morning, and when I came back 10 hours later she's still doing that stuff. Incredible ;)
This has pretty much gone off-topic, closed.
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