Waiting for HL3 in how many years?

Oct 6, 2004
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It takes six years worth of wait between HL1 & HL2, so how many years you think it'll take for us to wait for HL3?
A couple of weeks? Nah.. more like 3 years or summat methinks.
kayjay said:
A couple of weeks? Nah.. more like 3 years or summat methinks.

Yea, three years sounds about rught. More would be to much.
They have their own engine now... so yeah, upgrading that and making another game should take nowhere near close to 6 years.

I say one year till the expansion pack and three years to the sequel.
Yeah, I would say less than it took to create Half-Life 2 from Half-Life 1, maybe because VALVe are more experienced in Engine creation now, they can use the knowledge gained creating Source and use it to create Source 2 or whatever they'll be calling it.
mortiz said:
Yeah, I would say less than it took to create Half-Life 2 from Half-Life 1, maybe because VALVe are more experienced in Engine creation now, they can use the knowledge gained creating Source and use it to create Source 2 or whatever they'll be calling it.

The Source engine was designed to be easily updated, they will probubly use an updated source engine for HL3.
HunterSeeker said:
The Source engine was designed to be easily updated, they will probubly use an updated source engine for HL3.

Perhaps, but they're going to have to do a lot of work on it to make it a next next gen FPS.