wal mart

Who cares if they are considered toys? Does that magically make bicycles not bicycles?

The Walmart supercenter near me is awesome. They have a big variety of food that no one else around here can match. Plus they have electronics and all the other "things" that you might want. Plus its pretty much always cheaper to buy there.

I would however, hate to work there, and I would probably hate their buisness practices if I ever learned what they were.
Who cares if they are considered toys? Does that magically make bicycles not bicycles?

They are still bicycles... but they need to be purchased with more serious intent than toys. Read the website. It's pretty much universally respected in the bicycling community.
Something tells me you're passionate about bikes.
Hope that's not directed at me, I was just pointing out something. :p

Although I do enjoy biking.

And that site, Raziaar, is so annoying with their corny puns and bolds and red fonts and exclamations and what-not. :p
Hope that's not directed at me, I was just pointing out something. :p

Although I do enjoy biking.

And that site, Raziaar, is so annoying with their corny puns and bolds and red fonts and exclamations and what-not. :p

<chuckles> But it's still chock full of useful information.

Buying a decent used bike is the first thing i'm going to do when I get some money. I've always wanted a nice one. The walmart ones i've tried are always so uncomfortable because they never were sized to fit me. I've either been too tall, or the bike has been too big, handlebars non adjustable and all that crap.
That's kind of biased. The bikes I had when I was a kid were awesome and they weren't any fancy shmancy custom builds.

The website is only biased against department store bicycles. It's not affiliated with any particular bicycle company.

I had a department store bike as a kid too, and loved it. But the truth is they are very prone to problems, and have even been known to break as people are riding them(do searches, it's happened many times).

The website doesn't promote fancy shmancy custom builds either. It's not about buying expensive bikes, its about buying bikes wisely. Buying bikes that fit your size... do not cost any more or less. So obviously you'd want to buy one that fits you.

Anyways... not gonna talk more on bikes, cause if you wanted to know, there's lots of research already done out there in exactly the reasons that department store bicycles should be avoided. Things such as being more dangerous, built from heavier parts more prone to break down, etc etc.

I'm not saying to NOT buy one from there... just that it's not the best decision.
It's not just that they are considered toys, but take a look at that site.

Ok, I just did. Now I will point by point agrue against it.

The fact is, you still get a bike from the "toy store".

1) You pick a bike you like (without a "professional" salesman, whos main goal is probably to make you spend more money without needing to).

2) If you dont like the sizes at the "Toy store" then you are one picky motha-***er

3) You may not get a "test ride" but you can still see how it feels in the store. If you dont like it afterwards, return it for a new one or your money back. Most stores have a fairly lenient return policy.

4) You can take any bike to a repair shop, whether or not you bought it from them. Its a moot point.

5) Not everyone is a lasy-ass who can't put shit together. I have assembled all my own bikes without problem.

6) Here that site says its 25 bucks for adjustments at a "toy store". It also says that the warranty from the bike shop covers it. What they dont say is that those extra warranties usually cost extra, so its likely the same price, or close enough to not matter.

7) I havent had any problems, and dont know of anyone who has had problems without doing something stupid to the bike. If it does break from normal wear and tear, its usually after a long while. Even then, they are not "costly repairs." The parts just cost a few bucks, and usually you can put it together yourself. If its something you cant do yourself, you can take it to a shop and pay someone to do it. One other thing... that site makes these "bike shop" bikes seem invincible. They are made out of materials that are found on earth, and are still subject to laws of physics, and therefore can also break. Perhaps not as often, but close enough to make the price difference worth it.

8) If you know what you are doing (and who the f**k doesnt know how to ride a damn bike) then it doesnt matter where you buy it from. Most people dont need "training" to ride their bike. Most people know the basics of cleaning.

9) This is one of the dumbest catch phrases / insults I have ever heard. They need to stfu.

EDIT: Oh, and im speaking strickly from the casual rider point of view. If your doing tricks off ramps or griding or off roading and etc... then get a good bike specifically for that. If you are riding to and from school, and just want a little fun on the side, you can get a good bike from a department store.
Hmm, made some confusion with the supermarket comment i see!

What i meant is that you hang out in a store? Thought you Yank's went to Malls etc.

Was mentioned because at the supermarket i work at we often get loads of little kids hanging around...chavs if you will. So so sad to go to a supermarket to 'hang' (imo)
Ok, I just did. Now I will point by point agrue against it.

I'm sorry... but obviously you're clueless when it comes to bicycles sold in department stores. You think the quality is just the same. It obviously isn't. But i'm not going to continue arguing against it because the facts are on my side.

Bicycle store bikes that are of a certain brand... aren't completely that brand. They're intentional assembled with inferior parts to reduce costs.

There's many links out there that explain this, you just have to look.

If you do not care about quality, safety, proper sizing for a more comfortable, longer ride without any problems... then please by all means, get a department store bike. But if you care about any of those things, you cannot find them at a department store. This is a fact. The adage "You get what you pay for" applies perfectly to this situation.

Go onto a cycling forum... ANY cycling forum, and ask them their opinions about department store bicycles. And no, cycling forums aren't just for pro's or serious people... they're ordinary forums just like this one full of people who's interest levels vary between pro riders... and those who are just riding down the street once or twice a week, to school or work, to lose weight or whatever. Trust me, i've been a member of one of these forums for a long time... they are full of people who have the same opinion as me. Why? Not because they're only into buying expensive bikes. Quite the contrary, they like finding the best deal, but they've had problems with department store bikes failing on them in *NORMAL*, non off road, non heavy riding.

Bicycle quality from most retailers these days is not what it used to be back when we were kids.
Obviously you're clueless when it comes to bicycles sold in department stores.

Well, you got me there. I dont even know why I put such an effort into something I dont even really care or know much about. Its probably because it was like 2 in the morning, and I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before.

I officially retract my previous post, and secede from the arguement. Raziaar wins!
Well, you got me there. I dont even know why I put such an effort into something I dont even really care or know much about. Its probably because it was like 2 in the morning, and I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before.

I officially retract my previous post, and secede from the arguement. Raziaar wins!

No dude... it's not like that. I'm not trying to win or 'be the victor'. I'm just trying to show you the reasons behind why department store bicycles are not really the best purchases. I'm not a bicycle expert, and far from it... but I have listened to many speak, and things i've learned in my research is the quality, or lack thereof, in DSB.

I just didn't understand why you were defending the bikes sold in walmart. The only thing they have going for them is price... except for when your bike needs to be repaired and the costs start to skyrocket. And that nearly happens 100% of the time.

It's especially notable that there is almost, literally NO divide when it comes to this opinion. People who know about bikes stand on the side against department store bikes... and the only real people on the other side, are generally parents looking to spend 100 dollars or less on a kids bicycle, or their own. When I talk to my dad about it... i'm frusterated, because he doesn't look at the obvious facts pertaining to them... He just goes on about "they're just as good". And it's just not true.
i think krynns point is that bikes r gay....