wallpaper #3 - HL2 Emboss

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some new wallpaper for you guys
as always you can IM 'the unconformed' for a higher quality version

For me, the flames and the "Breakthrough to the next generation" should be there, but the rest of it is nice :)
really nice. You should try it without those flames though.
heres an attachment if my bandwidth fills up


  • hl2embossedlow.jpg
    99.1 KB · Views: 273
yea it looked pretty plain without the flames.. i still have the psd so if anyone wants an edited version just IM me
the flames are good, but mabey something different would work better there, i dont know what, but your right it would look plain without the flames. i really like the "breakthrough to the next generation," its a good catch phrase!
Looks good, just i think it is a little too busy, in my opinion of course. Other than than great skills!!:cheers: Keep up the great work!
Just noticed, the top left has some boxes or something that you used in an old wallpaper, am i right? It's not bad or anything, i like the wallpaper, just curious where i saw those before.
To busy. YHis is just some silly embossed layer with some brushes on top. man. make something with a feel of design. Not some cramped up wallapaper with TO MUCH Stuff going on
Yea well I think you're just a little mad about the truth that I spoke about you, EVIL, so I made you a tribute. Are you sad that you can't show off your 2000+ posts anymore?
ROFL. Evil got pwned. And yea evil stop acting like the drag queen of art. Your wallpapers suck in my opinion, so I think we're all best keeping critical or negative comments to ourselves to prevent uprisings.
actually he didnt give him nothing but C/C telling him what not to do....he didnt go "OMG YOU ART SUX=R!11!1" now did he? ...

oh and btw Desolate that "tribute" is absolutely uncalled for...you should be banned for that.

and no Im not an "EVIL fanboy" or soething like that... i just respect him alot more than i respect you...
Originally posted by guinny
ROFL. Evil got pwned. And yea evil stop acting like the drag queen of art. Your wallpapers suck in my opinion, so I think we're all best keeping critical or negative comments to ourselves to prevent uprisings.

Can someone give me a link to EVIL's wallpapers? I cant seem to find them anywhere..

As for the wallpaper, its got a bit too much going on for my tastes. Id like to be able to see my icons without having to look through the wallpaper for em.
lol i made a version of this wallpaper with placement for icons. guinny suggested it. IM 'the unconformed' if you want it
Yea I got a custom version. Mines got blue flames, a games section where i put all my games icons in, and a relatively sharper wallpaper. Looks hot as hell.
yea i had to save that shit on 2 of 12 quality just so its compressed enough to post
Lol.. I dont feel that I am owned. Atleast my part of the piece is better then his. I hate newcomers with Ego's bigger then thier brains.

+ Thats you oppignion guinny. Those where the first 2/3/whatever wallpapers I ever did and I will ever do. I am not a big fan of wallpapers and I like to have Wallpapers nice clean and simple. not busy crowded ones. Maby my comment was a bit on the "OMG you suck" side and I apolegize to Desolate for that, but he should take all critique as a way to help him on his way. Even the negative ones. So his Reaction was also a bit on the "OMG I am going to flame your ass for saying that about my thingy" way.

+ Desolate. I do not have 2000+ post's and I have not as much post's as badger or farrowlesparrow who joined this forum before the same week or a bit earlyer. So only picking @ me for posting alot is not right. and you are picking on to me whenever I said you should watch your mouth. and i said that to keep you out of trobble of getting banned to ealy. (even copypasted the part of the rules for yah!.)

post on
stone.. you scare me sometimes... Serious
will someoen help me with my photoshop problems? plz read my post!

kiss evil while removing makeup stains from my rim then licking the cleaning utensil