Wallpaper request

I tried making one but it didnt look good...
And i dont have big experience with PS.
Theres really no good way to enlarge a pic like that without alot of distortion.
Oh ok well nice try then guys.That Band of Brothers pic would have looked good as a wallpaper to :(
I must find the person who did this picture and ask him if can make make a wallpaper of it.It just looks so cool!!!!
Yeah, first when i saw the pic i thought it was a 1024x768 pixel wallpaper that you wanted to make bigger but when i saw that it was that small i thought it would be really cool as a wallpaper.
its only distorted if you change the current picture to 1024x768, you need to figure out the porportional bottom length and side, so there will be blank at the top and then use the clone brush and some talent to finish the sky
Originally posted by switch
i've done one in 5 mins, dont think my webspace is working tho..
got the infamous |X|
This is what I came up with.

Insted of enlarging the guys I came up with something more original and cinematic :)
Looks good.But lets see what these other guys come up with.I want the nice sky in the background to be ass big as my screen.I don't really want black lines.But it's good tho.
WOOT with Teh meh post i turned in to COMBINE STATUS!!!

/me jumps around
Someone get Flash, edit the bitmap thingy (forgot the name of the button) that turns it flash'y, then enlarge it.
Originally posted by Nuclear_Gerber
Someone get Flash, edit the bitmap thingy (forgot the name of the button) that turns it flash'y, then enlarge it.
I'm no ps wiz but I wanted to give it a try so here you go: :)
Originally posted by Idolon
I'm no ps wiz but I wanted to give it a try so here you go: :)
YES YES!!!!You are the home dog.Very nice.But is that 1280x1024?For some reason when I put it as my back ground the soldiers got pixelated.
Originally posted by Idolon
that would be to much work. :p
Crap :( I had to go to properties and un-stretch the pic so it wouldn't be pixelated.
Since i'm the nicest guy on these forums (if not in the world) I made it bigger, just for you. :)
The soldiers are getting kind of small.
And the grass looks a bit repetitive. (sp?)
I don't have time to mess around with this forever. :)
Perfect!!!!You are the nicest guy!!!!Soliders are perfect size they look like there standing on my taskbarand the grass looks likes it's apart of the taskbar to.IT'S COOL!!!Sorry mindless no money for you. :p
If you want I could show you what it looks like on my desktop but I don't know how to put it up on here.