Wallpaper to symbolize the unity of hl2 and doom3

Don't really want to reban you but the site / forums have rules.

"If you log onto the Halflife2.net forums and receive a message that you have been banned, please submit an unban request and wait for a Halflife2.net staff member to get in touch with you. You may NOT re register under a new name if the software lets you. But, if you try to sign up again and we catch you, then it will become a permanent IP Ban. We do NOT send out notices that you have been banned."

I haven't IP banned you. Just banned your new name. Suggest if you want back in that you either go under a new alias and keep it hidden from us or request an unban for your original name.

Create a new Doom3>HL2 account and I will follow the set rules and IP ban you whether I want to or not.
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
lol i can change my IP 3 times i have 3 lan cards

You mean MAC address? A MAC address is a unique string of numbers that is found only on your network card. It includes information about the manufacturer and also a serial number type of thing, to create an ID of you that will remain the same, no matter if you switch internet providers, or get a new computer and keep the same NIC. Getting a new NIC ( lan card ) would change your MAC address but not IP address. To change your IP address, you actually go through your ISP. Most of them use DHCP to assign IP's automatically, and if you are on DSL, it changes everytime you log on (same with dial up). Us cable people get stuck with the same IP address for a while, until it automatically renews :x. I'm not trying to preach to you on terminology or anything, just felt like in an informative mood and wanted to enlighten you guys. Also, im really tired right now... so if anything is incorrect or spelled wrong, don't hesitate to tell me :p
I hope he wasn't banned for making those pictures... The people who have responded like they are somehow taking personal offense to the pictures need to grow up. He (and us) are speaking about a computer game.This has obviously been forgotten since people are posting responses such as "You're an asshole" and "your pic sucks major cojones," when he obviously put some effort into the pictures. If he was banned for a good reason, fine, but if he was banned for posting those pictures, I personally think that is a very immature way to "defend your favorite unreleased game." If I get banned for saying this, I've proved my point even more.
He was banned for a lot of stuff. Those pictures were the least of it.
I personally found them funny, but i wouldnt have posted them because its just flame bait.
Originally posted by CptTrips
I hope he wasn't banned for making those pictures... The people who have responded like they are somehow taking personal offense to the pictures need to grow up. He (and us) are speaking about a computer game.This has obviously been forgotten since people are posting responses such as "You're an asshole" and "your pic sucks major cojones," when he obviously put some effort into the pictures. If he was banned for a good reason, fine, but if he was banned for posting those pictures, I personally think that is a very immature way to "defend your favorite unreleased game." If I get banned for saying this, I've proved my point even more.

i believe he was banned for this thread http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5485

it's obvious he's here to troll.


WAS here to troll, before he got banned.
no, the pictures actually had some humor to them, the rest was pure troll "oMg DOoM3 iz teh ROXorz HL2 SuxORZ Omg OMG OwnAGe!" type drivel
The pictures had nothing to do with it. He was banned because 99% of the time he posts it's to turn a normal thread into a flame and unfortunately too many people fall for his tricks instead of ignoring him.

He adds very little to the community without breaking the rules. The only reason he was banned in this thread is because of the rule that if you are banned, if you create a new account then you are IP banned.

Alas I just banned his new name not his IP. If people read my original post they'd know this. He doesn't deserve a 3rd chance but I'm giving it to him none the less. For his sake I hope he doesn't waste it if he wants to continue using these forums.
hang? I rather eat em alive *takes knife and fork*
well i got a 2nd chance and look at me :) im a good guy now

Edit: ducky thinks so too give him a cracker
/me gives ducky a cracker

Gorgon is better now too

/me gives gorgon a cracker.
This thread proves I was right. Doom, if your reading this, go do something useful with yourself rather than trying to instigate problems.