want to help me with my french?


Oct 3, 2003
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I've just written a french news, which im due to presentate tomorrow, the problem is that im sucky in french, anyone whats to see if i've used worng word ect...? thanks

Le nouvelle francais


Je suis presenter le deux nouvelle.

Hier soir, le president au Palestine, Yasir Arafat est mort. Apres une semaine dans l’hospitale a paris, le tres malade president ne respirez pas toujours. C’est un situation tres critical au Palestine maintenant, en particulier apres son mort. Le jour d’enterrement est a jour’hui en Egypt.

En Irak, C’est un grand combat a la ville Falluja, ou les etais-unis et les Irakien terrorists ont impliqué ((innvolvert)). En tout il y a 15 000 (quinze mill) soldat militaire dans la ville. 600 (six-cent) irakien est mort dans les attaquer.

C’est tout!
corrige autant que je pouvait said:
Les Nouvelles Francaises


Je vais presenter les deux nouvelles.

Hier soir, le president du Palestine, Yasir Arafat, est mort. Apres une semaine dans un hospitale parisienne, le president, tres malade, avait cesse a respirer. C’est un situation tres critical au Palestine maintenant, en particulier apres son mort. L'enterrement commence aujourdh'ui en Egypt.

Et, en Iraq, il y a un grand conflit dans la ville de Falluja, ou les soldats de les Etats-Unis et les insurgents se combattent. En tout il y a 15 000 (quinze mill) soldats militaires dans la ville. 600 (six-cent) iraqis sont mort a cause de l'operation.

Ca y est!

It's been a while since I was in class, but that should be pretty accurate. I'd run it through a spell check a few times though. I always make a few mistakes.
I couldn't mark down where the accents go though, like on "cesse" (which probably only has one 's').

So, wait for a second opinion. :p
ok, here's what i wrote, after reading your report. i fixed some typos and improved the language. the french may be more advanced than what you are supposed to know by this point, so don't use it if it seems that way. oh and don't assume it's perfect or anything, i'm not that great in french either :|

also, i may have misunderstood what you meant in some places, so double check it all.

Les Nouvelles Françaises


C'est Koffern, et je rapporte deux nouvelles. La hier soir, le président palestinien Yassar Arafat est mort. Après une semaine dans l'hôpital de Paris, Arafat, très en difficulté, arrêté respirant. Le situation en Palestine est en état critique, en particulier après que la mort du président. Arafat sera enterrée en Egypte vendredi.

En Irak, le combat à grande échelle continue dans la ville du Falluja, où les forces d'états-unis combattent les insurgés irakiens. Là sont 15.000 soldats de coalition dans le Falluja. 600 Irakiens ont été rapportés tués jusqu'ici.
How'd you get accents on the vowels?
Oh well, timmy did better than I did. I spotted a few mistakes in his version though, so here's a bit of a combined forces "definitive" version:

Les Nouvelles Françaises


C'est Koffern, et j'ai deux nouvelles a rapporter aujourd'hui. Hier soir, le président palestinien Yassar Arafat est mort. Après une semaine dans l'Hôpital de Paris, Arafat, très malade, avait arrêté a respirer. Le situation en Palestine est en état critique, en particulier après la mort du président. Arafat sera enterrée en Egypte vendredi.

En Irak, le combat à grande échelle continue dans la ville de Falluja, où les forces des États-Unis combattent les insurgés irakiens. Il y a maintenant 15 000 soldats du coalition en Falluja. 600 Irakiens ont été rapportés tués jusqu'ici.

(The bold "e" needs an accent.
Edit: not anymore!)
assuming you are using windows, the accented leters are jsut alt keystrokes (although the full character list can be accessed by going start>programs>accessories>system tools>character map)

É is alt+0201
How could anyone remember all those number codes though?
I have enough trouble typing as is. :p

In any case, thanks for the e!
thanks alot!

I'll use some of it (60%), since there was a bit too advanced.

I'll tell you how it went
Mechagodzilla said:
How could anyone remember all those number codes though?
I have enough trouble typing as is. :p

In any case, thanks for the e!
if you type in french enough, you'll become very familiar with alt+0201, alt+0233, alt+0232, alt+0224, alt+0225, alt+0244, alt+0231 etc :)
I think I can help for this

Here is a correct way to say it:

Les nouvelles françaises

Bonjour, j’ai deux nouvelles à vous présenter :

Hier soir, le président palestinien, Yasir Arafat, est mort. Après une semaine à l’hôpital de Paris, Arafat cessa de respirer. La situation en Palestine est dans un état critique, en particulier depuis la mort de son président. Son enterrement aura lieu aujourd’hui en Égypte.

En Irak, le combat à grande échelle se poursuit dans la ville de Falluja, où les forces Américaines combattent les insurgés (in 20 years, i`ve never used that word lol, your should use the word « rebels » if that`s what you want to say) irakiens. Quinze milles soldats occupent maintenant la ville. Depuis le début des attaques, on rapporte que 600 Irakiens auraient perdus la vie.

C’était Koffern pour les nouvelles de l’heure.
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Französisch? Ihre schwache Armee steht nicht bis zur Macht der Deutschen, wir zerquetscht die Aufrührer, brennen sie alle zu Boden. Gott segnen Hitler!

Wait..wait thats german. Bad german. Nevermind.
ja, Ritz.
Französisch ist nicht so gut, deutsch ist besser.... noob...

ich leibe deutschland, frankreich ist langweiglig
How about we just invade France and make them speak English. Would solve all this stupid French lessons crap.
no, make everyone speak german, its so much better anyway!

man im wierd... the only person i kno who thinks their native language is 2nd best to german...
neptuneuk said:
no, make everyone speak german, its so much better anyway!

man im wierd... the only person i kno who thinks their native language is 2nd best to german...

Its so similar to English anyway.
Thanks alot everybody...very nice translation Ti133700N, even i can see that its good...

some things i dint understand tho:
un État critique
Son enterrement aura lieu aujourd’hui en Égypte
on rapporte que 600 Irakiens auraient perdus la vie.

any way to put them a bit easyer? It dont matter if the are a bit wierd/wrong, i've only had french for 4 years (sounds alot i know, but only 4 hour a week..hmm, still sounds alot... well its a hard language)
Yea french is a tough language to learn. I'm happy it is my native language... hum wait, my native language is c++... ;)

"État" means a state of something. Like if someone is dying you could say that "cette personne est dans un état critique". Or if something is in broken or not really in good condition you could say "cette automobile est en mauvaise état". In the context, you can completly remove the word état and it will still be good. "La situation en Palestine est critique"
In french we usually add alot of words to add subtility, this way we can precisely describe what we want to say. There are alot of words in french, much more than english.

"Son enterrement aura lieu"... In english, when you want to say something you go straight to the point, in french sometimes we take another approach. There are often alot of way to say something, some of em are more polite. Basicaly what it means is : his funnerals will take place (pretty hard to translate words by words but hopefully you will understand what i`m saying :) Oh and in english you alway use "you" when you are talking to a person but in french we use "tu" for friends and "vous" for people like our boss or older people (50yrs+). It's more polite.

"on rapporte que 600 Irakiens auraient perdus la vie." Again this is a kind of polite way to say that 600 people are dead. I used "auraient" conditionnal, cuz it must be an approximation so when we are not sure about something we use that form. If you are 100% sure that 600 people are dead, you can say "600 personnes ont perdu la vie", but that is unlikely in the context. When I think about it it`s kind of funny cuz if you translate it word by word it would be: "600 people have lost the life", french peoples live in a video game :)

Hope that helps
Ti133700N said:
In french we usually add alot of words to add subtility, this way we can precisely describe what we want to say. There are alot of words in french, much more than english.
i'm sorry sir but that is quite incorrect. the OED lists ~500,000 words in the english language. french is generally regarded to have ~100,000 words. both of these figures ignore scientific and technical words. this makes sense when you consider that english is a bastard language cobbled together from many others.. it incorporates many words meaning the same thing, etc.

the problem with english speakers is that we only use about 30-40 of our 500,000 words :|
I think we should force every country to speak English, especially America! :D
Lil' Timmy said:
i'm sorry sir but that is quite incorrect. the OED lists ~500,000 words in the english language. french is generally regarded to have ~100,000 words. both of these figures ignore scientific and technical words. this makes sense when you consider that english is a bastard language cobbled together from many others.. it incorporates many words meaning the same thing, etc.

the problem with english speakers is that we only use about 30-40 of our 500,000 words :|

You are correct about the last part but I still think there are more words in french than in english.

Mais criss que le quebecois c'est une osti de belle langue pareil calice! Kes vous en pensez bande de caves?
I didnt enjoy french in school, but when i can get away with it, i love speaking what i remember.

J'ai voudrais la Half-life 2, j'ai adore la halflife2.net. bon !
oldagerocker said:
I didnt enjoy french in school, but when i can get away with it, i love speaking what i remember.

J'ai voudrais la Half-life 2, j'ai adore la halflife2.net. bon !

Shush or i'll set the Scottish on you. Speak English, no one likes French :p