Wanted: Cheerleaders/Groupies


Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, our mod is doing fairly well atm during it's production stages and we have a small to medium sized community on our forums (when compared to other mods, but extremely large compared to our direct rivals community). We also have a large staff, but could always used another coder to help our our current one, and this without going overboard with advertising ourselves (we waiting until closer to release for that ;)). But we are lacking something.

Forum Cheerleaders & Mod Groupies.

As explained above, we are doing fine in all areas atm, but our forums are lacking the typical few n00bs you get hanging around that merely post to get attention or do some random spam thread on the forum that is only made to try and gain extra post count, and as a result, we seemed to have gained a forum without obvious n00bs. n00bs are n00bs, but we require obvious n00bs, it's just not a proper forum without them :(.

The Mod:
We are a Dragonball Z anime enspired mod, adding a little bit of realism into an unrealitic environment, while remaining true to the source material. All applicants are prefered to have a pasion for anime, but it isn't a requirement.


Forum Cheerleaders...
1) To have the ability to agree with 90% of other forum members, even if they posted gibberish
2) Go offtopic to welcome someone to the forum as soon as you see a post by them, and then welcome them again if you see their Newbie/Welcoming thread.
3) Use "lol", "rofl", "lmao", or any other abreviation to show your amusement at least twice per post.
4) Agree with staff members no matter how unreasonable their requests may be, unless they get annoyed at you and request you never return to the forum ever again.
5) if someone gets annoyed with your antics, post twice as often and twice as fast, and double post if you get the opertunity.
6) try to make sure your always the person with the highest daily post count.
7) If you get the first reply to a news item, make sure you let everyone know it's the first reply by posting "1st reply", or "#1" if you want to be sure that you post faster than everyone else.
8) A comical Avatar
9) A quote in your signature from an IRC chatroom that is funny to you but no one else

Mod Groupies...
1) Put all staff on your MSN/AIM/Y!/ICQ/etc friendlist and try to talk to them all daily, and as soon as you see them appear online.
2) Put all staff on your forum's buddy list.
3) Obey the forum rules like your life depends on it incase your banned from the forums and it makes you feel like killing yourself so you must go on IRC and cry to everyone, then PM everyone in the IRC room about it if no one replies to try and help get you unbanned so that your life has meaning again.
4) If a staff member posts, agree with them asap, even if they didn't post something that needs agreeing with
5) If mod development work is posted and crits are asked for, reply asap using words similar to "OMG it's good".
6) if someone posts something that sounds like it's against the mod, explain their painful death that you plan to give them if you ever meet
7) At every available opertunity, mention on the forums that you are great friends with all the staff, and if they say your not make some reference to having some kind of gay love affair with the staff by saying "thats not what you said last night" or something equally lame.
8) Never admit your wrong, even if you know your wrong, and everyone in the world has proved you wrong..
9) Apply for a staff position, usually bi-weekly, and if you are refused, apply for a different position next time. All applications must request being a beta tester as well.
10) Most important of all, the ability to apprently be blind to what everyone says about you in front of your face, and then think that they all love you really so you must stick around and entertain them some more.

You can reply here to apply, or head straight over to our forums to see if you have what it takes at... Dragonball Source

Benefits of joining:
1) the belief that you helped make a mod.
2) the belief that people enjoy you doing whatever your doing to make an idiot out of yourself
3) being best friends with the mod leader, and enjoying him joking around by shouting "F*CK OFF YOU RETARDED W*NK SHAFT!!!" at you over MSN/whatever, then blocking you so you have to make a new account in order to talk with your best friend.
4) the belief that everyone respects you
5) the belief that if the mod staff gains employment through making the mod, you'll join them as a beta tester on whatever they are working on.
I am a guy, can I still try out to be a cheerleader? :D
guys can be cheerleaders as well :) whatever takes your fancy. you just need to promiss to wear a dress while at your computer though
nagash. remember when we talked about you taking your medication.
I've yet to work out whether this thread was made as satire, or if you actually do want groupies.

-Angry Lawyer
Hahaha! Satire at it's best, wether you wanted it to be or not...

I dont have AIM but i do have MSN Messenger so be a groupie anyday :p
laughing at your own jokes make them unfunny, so i'll let you decide :D
no laughing at your own jokes makes you an idiot it doest effect the funnyness of the joke. i have a phd in joke analyasis.
I'm amused, disgusted, puzzled, and about to assume a snooty air of amused condescention.
I will take the message to heart and not give a shit about whatever mod this is.
well anywayz, it's just a non-serious thing made up to look like a proper application :) All these help wanted threads are way to serious these days, well, the replies are, so it's just to lighten the atmos a little :D