War between Ethiopia and Somalia?


Mar 19, 2005
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has anyone heard anything about the war between Ethiopia and Somalia, theres been nothing on the news and I've only heard a passing reference.
Cause everybody seems to care more about Iraq and whatever happens in the MidEast.
War between Ethiopia and Somalia will cause some new humanitarian disasters, but aye, who cares :(
they've been fighting for over 10 years: it's an ongoing humanitarian disaster which no one wants to touch
and why the war?

btw which countryes are still in war today?

but is true everything you see in the news like cnn is pure "omfg iraq""ofmg the terrorist!"
They speak about it all the time in the news here. They say the Islamic Courts (in Somalia) might be backed by Eritrea.

Then it would be
Old Somali government (Transitional Federal Government) + Ethiopia
New Smali government (Islamic Courts Union) + Eritrea

There's also talk that other countries in the region, such as Sudan and Kenya might be drawn in. Before we know it, the whole East Africa might find itself in a full-scale war.