War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

I think this belongs in the politics forum. :)
The US has the manpower and energy, but probably not the homeland support :p Its hard to say: "these guys have nukes, we should invade" after that last fiasco of lies :p
Ome_Vince said:
I think this belongs in the politics forum. :)
The US has the manpower and energy, but probably not the homeland support :p Its hard to say: "these guys have nukes, we should invade" after that last fiasco of lies :p

Exactly my point.
the US is doing exactly what they did with Iraq ..why havent they gone to the security council? because they now they would never vote for invasion ..the US is really putting them in a bad position. Iran has every right to enrich uranium ..they signed the non-proliferation act (which the US pulled out of before the war in iraq) ..the US has also drawn up plans to hit 425 targets in iran, some with low yield nuclear bombs ...who's being the aggressor here? ..the war machine's wheels are turning and we sit back and do nothing to stop it from happening



the US has been talking about regime change in Iran since early 1998 ..and was clearly on their list after Iraq
Don't worry, Iran will use them on isreal. ;)

No, really. Invade now, no conflict later.
This definetly belongs in the politics forum. But since im here, I dont like Irans attitude and i've been itching for another country to fight (considering 65-75% of Iraq is under Iraqi army control already, so the US will be out of there soon). I havent spent everyday for the last 8 months working out and studying the 11 general orders of a sentry, marine rifle creed, USMC core values, m16a4 rifle specs, and the USMC code of conduct for nothing. When I join in about 10 months I want something to be happening. Point is Iran isnt stable enough or trustworthy enough to have enrich its own Uranium. That is why Russia agreed to do it for them to make sure they wont use it to make nukes, but im pretty sure Iran refused. There a very shady country.......
Darkboy said:
No conflict later.

Cool. But for the love of pete, filter the term 'Iraq' out of your RSS news feed before it's too late.
..the US has also drawn up plans to hit 425 targets in iraq,

It's about Iran, not Iraq.

From the begining we could see where this was going. To be hones, I don't think the US have the energy, manpower and suport to invade a second country. To each is own : http://news.yahoo.com/fc/world/iran

Well ... should we involve ourselves with Iran? If they hit us with whatever they can ... rock, plane, Hezobellah [translates to Palestinian Hillbillies] should we even hit back?

I say, lets let America get whiped off the map. Then Canada could occupy the former Northern States, and Mexico could have Texas back. :D
short recoil said:
I say everyone shuts up and the world has a huge tea party.

Didn't you "leave" a week ago?
I say laws come that force us to all start smoking Crack. Seriously :p no more war, jihad, oppression etc! :p
Drugs are the holders of peace!
jondy said:
Cool. But for the love of pete, filter the term 'Iraq' out of your RSS news feed before it's too late.

I would if I knew what you were talking about.
Wait can't the US simply bomb the sites that Iran uses to enrich uranium before they get enough to make a nuke, I mean it's pretty dammed har to hide a uranium enrichment plant.
Grey Fox said:
Wait can't the US simply bomb the sites that Iran uses to enrich uranium before they get enough to make a nuke, I mean it's pretty dammed har to hide a uranium enrichment plant.

what gives them the right to do that? israel hasnt declared it's nuclear stockpile, they havent signed the non-proliferation treaty, they havent given the IAEA a list of the 50 or so nukes they have
Many of these factories,labs,etc. are underground. But we do have the means to target them,blow them up and laugh in Irans face. Unfortunatly there is a think called diplomacy......
Screw diplomacies. When someone's going to get blown up, you do something.
they're going to blow you up? wasnt saddam going to do the same? my oh my how people memories are so short
Didn't the presodent of Iran say he wants to wipe Isreal off the map?
CptStern said:
what gives them the right to do that? israel hasnt declared it's nuclear stockpile, they havent signed the non-proliferation treaty, they havent given the IAEA a list of the 50 or so nukes they have

Yes,but Israel is our ally,a democracy, and stable. Iran on the other hand is an Islamo-theocracy,hates the western world, supports terrorists, and is corrupt.

Darkboy said:
Didn't the presodent of Iran say he wants to wipe Isreal off the map?
He sure as hell did.So guys, do we want these guys to have nukes?
I know for 100% sure Israel will do something, i doubt the US atm.
Israel cannot tollerate Iran having nukes. For multiple reasons including the threats and likelyhood of being anihilated.
But then again, perhaps Bush wants to fire his new rockets freshly bought with the "Patriot Act" and new defence budgets :)
Codcommando said:
Yes,but Israel is our ally,a democracy, and stable. Iran on the other hand is an Islamo-theocracy,hates the western world, supports terrorists, and is corrupt.

not one justifies invasion ...I can pretty much say the same about the US ..they attacked and destroyed a nation, should they be invaded because they pose a threat to the free world?
They should collect up all the enriched uranium in the world and put it in a massive pile away from everybody......it'd be safe there :LOL:
CptStern said:
not one justifies invasion ...I can pretty much say the same about the US ..they attacked and destroyed a nation, should they be invaded because they pose a threat to the free world?

I dont think toppling an oppressive nutcase fascist regime counts as an attack against the free world
not one justifies invasion

So, hating the west and declaring to massacre the Jewish state of Israel is no cause for alarm? Apathy is death.

So, supporting the terrorists that bombed the train station in Madrid, thats no cause for alarm? Of course its cause for alarm!

Iran corrupt? Give nukes to them? Heck no. Look what corruption does with weapons -- it misuses them.

He sure as hell did.So guys, do we want these guys to have nukes?

No. Hell no. No nukes for them. ... but we should'nt have nukes anyway. :D
So, hating the west and declaring to massacre the Jewish state of Israel is no cause for alarm? Apathy is death.

So, supporting the terrorists that bombed the train station in Madrid, thats no cause for alarm? Of course its cause for alarm!

Iran corrupt? Give nukes to them? Heck no. Look what corruption does with weapons -- it misuses them.
I would like to see someone argue that lol.

but we should'nt have nukes anyway.
Sure we should because we are responsible and have enough left wingers to keep right wingers like me from bombing all these primitive countries back to the stone age.....which isnt to far back in time for them. :)
K e r b e r o s said:
I say, lets let America get whiped off the map. Then Canada could occupy the former Northern States, and Mexico could have Texas back. :D
Sorry, just to clarify - you consider Iran a direct threat to the USA?
I still dont understand why the Iranian president is just asking + begging to be invaded....
At first:
-We just want Nuclear energy, for peacefull purposes
-Israel should be whiped off the face of the earth
-Holocaust is a myth
-Hey man we will start the nuclear research whenever we feel like it. Screw you.
-We will cause the US pain and agony for whatever punishments they pursuade the UN to give us.

That can all be translated into:
-please Israel and USA bomb us

Why? I dont understand. Is this guy really THAT STUPID? or are there more things at play here.
Now that I think about it, This:
"Iran warned the United States on Wednesday it could inflict "harm and pain" to match whatever punishment Washington persuades the U.N. Security Council to mete out over concerns Tehran is secretly seeking atomic bombs"
sounds like a DIRECT threat to me. They have said it themselves,they not only intend to irradicate Israel, they also intend to harm the United States. These Iranian "officials" are nothing but jihadists with three piece suits and checkbooks instead of IED's.
It's like me going into a pub and saying "Hey if i punched that guy in the face he'd attack me!!!!, i must destroy him he is a threat"

Your an idiot for interepting the American Policy on Nuclear Weapons arriving in the hands of extremists who vow to Massacre an entire Country. We never even threatened Iran with invasion, but our actions have been defensive because the situation is becoming increasingly precarious.

They want Nukes, badly. Otherwise, why threaten us first?