War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

Ome_Vince said:
I still dont understand why the Iranian president is just asking + begging to be invaded....
At first:
-We just want Nuclear energy, for peacefull purposes
-Israel should be whiped off the face of the earth
-Holocaust is a myth
-Hey man we will start the nuclear research whenever we feel like it. Screw you.
-We will cause the US pain and agony for whatever punishments they pursuade the UN to give us.

That can all be translated into:
-please Israel and USA bomb us

Why? I dont understand. Is this guy really THAT STUPID? or are there more things at play here.

They really do have dillusions of grandure dont they?
It's odd, that the Iranian theocratic Fasso' Israel bashers would want such a devastating weapon.

"It's odd, to be so close to heaven, yet so close to hell." Commentary on a Atomic Detonation. Anyway care to remember who made that statement?
Let them have their uranium. They will probably blow themselves up.
Everyone wins.
K e r b e r o s said:
So, hating the west and declaring to massacre the Jewish state of Israel is no cause for alarm? Apathy is death.

still not a justification for invasion

K e r b e r o s said:
So, supporting the terrorists that bombed the train station in Madrid, thats no cause for alarm? Of course its cause for alarm!

what does Madrid have to do with Iran?

K e r b e r o s said:
Iran corrupt? Give nukes to them? Heck no. Look what corruption does with weapons -- it misuses them.


K e r b e r o s said:
No. Hell no. No nukes for them. ... but we should'nt have nukes anyway. :D

especially since you're the only who's ever used them ...there is no bigger threat to global stability than the US
I wish we hadn't screwed with Mossadegh in the first place. But if we've got to do this to restore democracy, then I say let's roll.

CptStern said:
especially since you're the only who's ever used them ...there is no bigger threat to global stability than the US

Stability is hardly preferable to fascism or Islamic fundamentalism. Also, we used the nukes after a four-year war. That's not exactly unprovoked or unjustified.
unprovoked and unjustified, japan was defeated ..but I'm not answering that again so dont bring it up ..every time it is brought the thread instantly derails and becomes a debate about ethics

Pajari said:
Stability is hardly preferable to fascism or Islamic fundamentalism

yet christian fundamentialism is ok ..who cares if your freedoms are eroding one by one ...so long as you keep those scary fundamentalists at bay

20 years from now americans will say something to the effect of "if it wasnt for america you'd all be speaking arabic"
I believe that this Iran's gun waving is nothing but unification of it's own cohorts. Iran is one of the most advanced islamic countries (as you can see, they can make a nuclear energy/bomb on their own). Technology and science usually scare the religion away, like it did in Europe, to a certain extent. They have internet, they use it very well, eventhough it is crippled and supervised. Some Iranian critics got jailed for writing dissident blogs. And read this article, for example, to have an insight on what Iranian society really is.

Having said this, I believe it is clearly enough that Iranian president is trying to find an external enemy to make his people more unified. Be it Israel, US or any other country, he can afford to say ridiculous things that are of no real value to anyone but those who want to have an excuse to invade Iran. If there's a nuclear threat, you can bomb their facilities, you don't need to topple the whole regime. I mean, in case of Iran, you don't even need to search the whole country, since we all know they quarell over the facilities that are known.

But I'm afraid that Bush's appetites might get too big and will try to invade and occupy, not the whole country but the single province, the one which holds 90% of the Iran's oil resources. Might seem a little, within a grasp for the Pentagon hawks, but this would cause another spawn of terrorists and other political changes in the world. As you probably know Chinese have the same appetites, but other means to achieve it. That's why the Russians and Chinese back Iran in the UN Security Council.

Please, read 1984. Things are not even in grayscale when they seem to be black and white.
Iran is 5 years away from enriching enough uraniaum to produce a single low yield nuke ..compared to the 7400 that are exactly 3 minutes from deployment at any given time by Bush ..in comparison russia has 2200 at the ready ..the rest the nuke owning world have less than 50 in total at the ready

now you tell me who is the bigger threat? it is completely absurd to think iran would ever use a nuke in an act of aggression ..they'd be vapourized in a matter of seconds ...nope, the war in iraq gave that entire region a precedent for wanting wmd: a deterent to invasion ..if Iran had nukes right now the US wouldnt dare make a move on them ...just like they wont with NK
And let's not forget that nice little phrase called "pre-emptive strike".
We wouldn't occupy Iran, we would just simply bomb the crap out of them. :p
Some_God said:
We wouldn't occupy Iran, we would just simply bomb the crap out of them. :p

not true:

from september 2000

"Over the long term, Iran may well prove as large a threat to U.S. interests in the Gulf as Iraq has. And even should U.S.-Iranian relations improve, retaining forward-based forces in the region would still be an essential element in U.S. security strategy given the longstanding American interests in the region"

it's a blueprint for dominance in the middle east through war

it's an excerpt from this passage:

"Although Saudi domestic sensibilities demand that the forces based in the Kingdom nominally remain rotational forces, it has become apparent that this is now a semi-permanent mission. From an American perspective, the value of such bases would endure even should Saddam pass from the scene. Over the long term, Iran may well prove as large a threat to U.S. interests in the Gulf as Iraq has. And even should U.S.-Iranian relations improve, retaining forward-based forces in the region would still be an essential element in U.S. security strategy given the longstanding American interests in the region"

which is from this document written by these people (some familiar players at the bottom of the page)
"The United States has the power to cause harm and pain. But the United States is also susceptible to harm and pain. So if that is the path that the U.S. wishes to choose, let the ball roll," the Iranian statement said.
This is the actual quote.
Its funny that when you read it in full, it doesnt seem anything like as threatening as other reports have tried to make it sound.
Not that not having all the facts has stopped the infinite monkeys from schreeching the usual warcry .
Not in the slightest.
yet christian fundamentialism is ok ..who cares if your freedoms are eroding one by one ...so long as you keep those scary fundamentalists at bay

Since when are we Christian fundamentalists? Our president goes to church and scores points with the religious right, that's a world apart from the Sharia or the Taliban.

Also, you're right. Our freedom to bear arms is being slowly crushed out of existence and ambigious, supposedly implied rights like abortion are being enshrined as unassailable doctrine. Or is that what you meant?
comparing the right to use a weapon who's sole purpose is to kill with the right to choose what a person does with their body hints at your state of mind.
I cant even comprehend peoples logic when they say Iran is not a threat. They support terrorists,the president said he wants to "wipe israel off the map" and they have been doing secret nuclear research. Why would Iran nuke israel, knowing that the western nations could wipe the floor with them. Hmmmm why do suicide bombers blow themselves up to kill US soldiers? Its called "Jihad". And cpt. stern for the record : We dropped the bomb on Japan to save lives both American and japanese. The japanese government had women and children ready to fight to the death with pitchforks rather than surrender to the US. Why? Because the japanese government had there people believing we were literally "demons" and were throwin there babys off of cliffs to keep the US soldiers from "eating" them or whatever they thought we would do to there children. Many more innocents would have died iff we had taken Japan by invasion.
Codcommando said:
I cant even comprehend peoples logic when they say Iran is not a threat. They support terrorists,the president said he wants to "wipe israel off the map" and they have been doing secret nuclear research. Why would Iran nuke israel, knowing that the western nations could wipe the floor with them. Hmmmm why do suicide bombers blow themselves up to kill US soldiers? Its called "Jihad".


But Iran thinks we're "weak" right now. And im telling you they dont care either way because there Fanatics . Like I posted before,There terrorists in three piece suits with checkbooks.
I don't get what that matter is with you people? I mean our glorified president is saving us from the evils of this world by invading another arabic country! I say we fight side by side by him for this crusade. Seriously, Sometimes the things you people say make me wanna put a jar on my head.
I hate to get in the middle of this, but there are a couple of things to consider:

1. There is no way Israel would let Iran ever get their hands on a nuclear weapon, let alone a nuclear device--a pre-emptive strike would be their answer.
2. If Iran really wanted to develop nuclear weapons, they would have done it under conditions of extreme secrecy like Israel, India, the US, Russia and China have, not like North Korea where they just want to get everyone's attention.

This isn't to say that war with Iran is out of the question, but its going to be much harder this time around after everyone has seen how difficult Iraq has been. I doubt we will see this in the too near future, but it sure gives the media something to scare everyone with!!! :rolling:

(And of course the idiots that the general public are, they lap it up like kittens. Pity....)
CptStern said:


There's a difference between the guy in my article, who is still on the Iranian government's side and heard boasting about pulling the wool over the EU's eyes, and the guy in your article who may or may not have been correct at that time (2002) and who spoke directly with a reporter and may or may not have had his own agenda. But I suppose it's all a bunch of hooey...:rolleyes:

Man, what's it been, 3-4 months since I last posted? Been REAL busy of late.
A.I. said:
I believe that this Iran's gun waving is nothing but unification of it's own cohorts. Iran is one of the most advanced islamic countries (as you can see, they can make a nuclear energy/bomb on their own). Technology and science usually scare the religion away, like it did in Europe, to a certain extent. They have internet, they use it very well, eventhough it is crippled and supervised. Some Iranian critics got jailed for writing dissident blogs. And read this article, for example, to have an insight on what Iranian society really is.

Having said this, I believe it is clearly enough that Iranian president is trying to find an external enemy to make his people more unified. Be it Israel, US or any other country, he can afford to say ridiculous things that are of no real value to anyone but those who want to have an excuse to invade Iran. If there's a nuclear threat, you can bomb their facilities, you don't need to topple the whole regime. I mean, in case of Iran, you don't even need to search the whole country, since we all know they quarell over the facilities that are known.

But I'm afraid that Bush's appetites might get too big and will try to invade and occupy, not the whole country but the single province, the one which holds 90% of the Iran's oil resources. Might seem a little, within a grasp for the Pentagon hawks, but this would cause another spawn of terrorists and other political changes in the world. As you probably know Chinese have the same appetites, but other means to achieve it. That's why the Russians and Chinese back Iran in the UN Security Council.

Please, read 1984. Things are not even in grayscale when they seem to be black and white.

This actually makes sense.
Same deal with Osama, by drawing out the USA into invading Afghanistan and Iraq he's hoping to unite the Islam, polarize the world and act as if he is the new "Sala Hu Din".
Since the muslims are more and more becoming like Turkey -> moderate and secular, the religious ones will take drastic measures to ensure religious unity.
Dam thats frustrating, especially since its actually working.... :(
I doubt the US would be dumb enough to go ahead with an invasion. We saw the outcry in the Islamic world over Iraq, and the increase in terrorism. Can you imagine what it'd be like if they went and tried the same thing with Iran? Also, like Iraq, I could imagine the actual 'war' would be over relatively quickly - its the occupation where you'd start having trouble. Think of whats going on in Iraq, but on a much much larger scale. I doubt the US public would stand for it.

If anything is going to happen, it'll be Israeli airstrikes.
Its foolish to believe that Iran wants to "use atomic energy for peaceful purposes", isn't it? Um, hello!? Iran is one of the most energy rich places in the world with enough petroleum to supply several nations year round!

Why the **** would a little oil-rich nation like Iran want a nuclear plant where if there was an accident it would wipe the nation out, when its clearly not needed by them. They can't make money off of their atomic energy - not for export I mean.

Isreal - to me, while they have great defence, nukes cancel out defence. So why are they are so cautious? Becuase they are the good guys and don't want to kill people if they don't have to. But nice guys finish last too often. I know the alliance has their back like a dog, so it will be disasterous for the many that are innocent citizens of Iran if they would mess with Isreal.

Thats just what the world needs, Iran producing nukes for terrorists to smuggle into our country via our soon to be Arab owned ports. lawl. its a trap bitch. we are the juggernauts bitch! Please! with open arms, try to smuggle a dirty nuke over here, so we have an excuse to annihalate you. And we got your money when you bought the ports, and then we sieze the ports back too. Triple wammy. GG

I don't know

But that said, Iran is just as much threat as Iraq. As a nation, they pose no threat. As individual people, many are extremely dangerous.

But have no fear commrades, things have a way of working themselves out.
VirusType2 said:
Its foolish to believe that Iran wants to "use atomic energy for peaceful purposes", isn't it? Um, hello!? Iran is one of the most energy rich places in the world with enough petroleum to supply several nations year round! -At the current rate, oil will run out by 2040.

Why the **** would a little oil-rich nation like Iran want a nuclear plant where if there was an accident it would wipe the nation out, when its clearly not needed by them. They can't make money off of their atomic energy - not for export I mean. -Spent uranium fuel can be a profitable thing for military purposes

Isreal - to me, while they have great defence, nukes cancel out defence. So why are they are so cautious? Becuase they are the good guys and don't want to kill people if they don't have to. But nice guys finish last too often. I know the alliance has their back like a dog, so it will be disasterous for the many that are innocent citizens of Iran if they would mess with Isreal.
-There are no ****ing good guys anymore. At least not in the middle east.

Thats just what the world needs, Iran producing nukes for terrorists to smuggle into our country via our soon to be Arab owned ports. lawl. its a trap bitch. we are the juggernauts bitch! Please! with open arms, try to smuggle a dirty nuke over here, so we have an excuse to annihalate you. And we got your money when you bought the ports, and then we sieze the ports back too. Triple wammy. GG -Aweshensness.

I don't know

But that said, Iran is just as much threat as Iraq. As a nation, they pose no threat. As individual people, many are extremely dangerous.

But have no fear commrades, things have a way of working themselves out. -Sometimes in a really bad way, though.

See qoute.
Some people here, why on Earth do you have the internet if can watch the CNN and all the similar bull* on TV?

Go here, for starters. Read, before you open your mouth. :|
A.I. said:
Go here, for starters. Read, before you open your mouth. :|

*opens mouth*


*closes mouth*

*runs away*
Anyone who says, "Hey, maybe Iran just wants to have some uranium and research nuclear stuff!" should run off a cliff.
Hey, maybe Iran just wants to have some uranium and research nuclear stuff.
Can anybody prove that Iran is planning to (or attempting to) do anything more than make fuel and generate power?


Thought not.
Clearly you haven't realized yet that the president of Iran want to wipe Isreal off the map.
Darkboy said:
Arguing is fun.

Darkboy said:
Anyone who says, "Hey, maybe Iran just wants to have some uranium and research nuclear stuff!" should run off a cliff.


Darkboy said:
Clearly you haven't realized yet that the president of Iran want to wipe Isreal off the map.

This just in! The world is indeed comprised of black and white!
Darkboy said:
Clearly you haven't realized yet that the president of Iran want to wipe Isreal off the map.

look for the last freakin time. It would take 5 years for iran to accumulate enough enriched uranium to produce a single low yield nuke. The US has 7400 of ready to be launched on 3 minutes notice. It would be sheer suicide to attack the west with nukes ..they would be vapourized before they launched. Nobody is THAT stupid