War is Coming : Iran Nuclear Crisis

CptStern said:
look for the last freakin time. It would take 5 years for iran to accumulate enough enriched uranium to produce a single low yield nuke. The US has 7400 of ready to be launched on 3 minutes notice. It would be sheer suicide to attack the west with nukes ..they would be vapourized before they launched. Nobody is THAT stupid
Well, I've seen fanatic people that have done some pretty stupid stuff :|
yes but notice it's never the leaders who blow themselves up

no one would deliberately risk the lives of 68 million people in a nuclear war they have no hope of winning.
Darkboy said:
This guy's crazy. Who knows what he'll do.

And I know 5 years. I'm saying we should do something now.

Oh, and



I'm assuming you're american, correct me if I'm wrong. Didnt Bush just send you to attack a nation because he said they had wmd? how did that turn out? You have no right to attack a nation unprovoked ..you signed (and helped create) the UN charter that forbids pre-emptive strikes. Your country has been hijacked by people with an agenda and YOU are the cannon fodder/the means to that end. Bush and his cronies dont care about the american people ..if that were true they wouldnt have sent over 2000 americans to their graves by lying

you people have alarmingly short attention spans ..Bush lied about the last war yet your willing to jump in again? You've learned nothing from 9/11. You are doomed to repeat it
I'm not american. I'm English. And pointing at someone and saying "You went to war for no reason" is just stupid, especially if that person didn't go to war. You know what? If we didn't go into Iraq, Saddam would still be beating the shit out of his own country. I think it is stupid to go on a crusade of Terrorism in the middle east, but we sort of had a reason to go there. Though, I think we should not be in Iraq anymore, especially because we'll never stop all the suicide bombers blowing themselves up. For all we know, everyone in the middle east could think this is the end of the world, as the Qur'an said it would end. 9/11? terrorists who hated us drove planes into two great buildings. We learned that we should go in there and kick the leader of the action's ass. We haven't found him, but we will kick his ass once we do find him.
Darkboy said:
We learned that we should go in there and kick the leader of the action's ass. We haven't found him, but we will kick his ass once we do find him.

People like you haven't learned a thing, mate. Does causality mean anything to you? Like I said, black and white.
If someone walks up and kicks oyu in the leg very hard, what do you do?
Darkboy said:
I'm not american. I'm English. And pointing at someone and saying "You went to war for no reason" is just stupid, especially if that person didn't go to war.

your country did:

"UK government documents that provide further evidence of the illegality of the invasion, the search for justification at the UN, and the lack of planning for the aftermath"


Darkboy said:
You know what? If we didn't go into Iraq, Saddam would still be beating the shit out of his own country.

the invasion has to to date caused the deaths of far more iraqis than saddam caused in that same time frame ..at least 10 fold

Darkboy said:
I think it is stupid to go on a crusade of Terrorism in the middle east, but we sort of had a reason to go there.

which was?

Darkboy said:
Though, I think we should not be in Iraq anymore, especially because we'll never stop all the suicide bombers blowing themselves up. For all we know, everyone in the middle east could think this is the end of the world, as the Qur'an said it would end. 9/11?

yes because everyone in the middle east thinks exactly the same way

Darkboy said:
terrorists who hated us drove planes into two great buildings. We learned that we should go in there and kick the leader of the action's ass. We haven't found him, but we will kick his ass once we do find him.

are you suggesting that saddam was responsible for 9/11? that's just idotic and inst supported by any evidence in the least
Darkboy said:
If someone walks up and kicks oyu in the leg very hard, what do you do?

Darkboy, that's one of the worst analogies I've ever heard. And I hang around the politics forum often... I've been witness to some classics.
Invading Iran would only hurt the Iranian people which is what i think the Iranian president wants-> he can then stir up hatred vs the west as the west would have provided a Nr1 argument.
Just let Israel bomb the Nuclear plants and thats it, nothing more needed.
They build more nuclear plants? Bomb those too, no facility is deep or high enough to avoid bombardment. Reminds me of that song:
"there's no mountain high enough.." :p
@CptStern: I really don't give a shit about what my country did. And I didn't say Saddam was responsible. I know we killed more people than Saddam did, or could, but that's Bush's fault. Not mine. We had a reason to go into the middle east: Catch Osama. I shouldn't have said "Everyone", though. That's my bad.

@Jondy: I don't care about how good or bad of an analogy that is. I don't just sit in my basement all night writing them. And that's great for all the people whose analogies were good. I bet they could be president.
CptStern said:
your government did:

Darkboy said:
We had a reason to go into the middle east: Catch Osama.
Sorry, you don't think that al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein were complicit, do you?
Darkboy said:
@CptStern: I really don't give a shit about what my country did. And I didn't say Saddam was responsible. I know we killed more people than Saddam did, or could, but that's Bush's fault. Not mine. We had a reason to go into the middle east: Catch Osama. I shouldn't have said "Everyone", though. That's my bad.

afghanistan isnt in the middle-east
Omg. I'm so sorry. I mean, of course it isn't. Jeez, thank you very very much for pointing that out, stern.

el chi: No. We still have to do something about him, though.
Darkboy said:
@Jondy: I don't care about how good or bad of an analogy that is. I don't just sit in my basement all night writing them. And that's great for all the people whose analogies were good. I bet they could be president.

That's fantastic! So, back to the point you were making.
سر زد از افق مهر خاوران

فروغ ديده حق باوران
بهمن فر ايمان ماست
پيامت ای امام استقلال ازادی نقش جان ماست
شهيدان پيچيده در گوش زمان فريادتان
پاينده مانی و جاودان
جمهوری اسلامی ايران

For anyone wondering what the hell I posted, it's the Sorud-e Melli-e Iran, Irans national anthem!

Oh yea, sure, Irans not a threat. Here this guy's encouraging their supporters.

Do you want America to be whiped out in a wave of Mushroom clouds? Does anyone for that matter?
Although the US makes some mistakes (like all countries do..) i'd die before i see that happen! ( as in no i dont want that ).. :)
Do you want America to be whiped out in a wave of Mushroom clouds? Does anyone for that matter?

Some people do. They choose their words very carefully.
K e r b e r o s said:
Do you want America to be whiped out in a wave of Mushroom clouds? Does anyone for that matter?

Raziaar said:
Some people do. They choose their words very carefully.

Well, if you don't mind, I'll just leave you two to masturbate over America's foreign policy
jondy said:
Well, if you don't mind, I'll just leave you two to masturbate over America's foreign policy

What? How am I brought into this?
Raziaar said:
What? How am I brought into this?

Sorry :) I was being facetious, but I didn't fully understand what you meant. What did you mean?
jondy said:
Sorry :) I was being facetious, but I didn't fully understand what you meant. What did you mean?

I meant, there are some people who want the united states to go out in a big cloud of nuclear radiated dust.

It's just that they choose what they say about the matter carefully... they veil it, yet its there.

I'm not saying anybody on this forum wants it to happen... but there are people who think the world would be a better place if the hundreds of millions of americans were nuked.
I'm not saying anybody on this forum wants it to happen... but there are people who think the world would be a better place if the hundreds of millions of americans were nuked.

Oh, there are people on the forums like that. I'm not saying names, but I agree with Raziaar's statement here.
mercy me, I wonder who you could possibly mean? ...I'd like to see you try to prove it ...on second thought dont, the less interaction we have the better
CptStern said:
mercy me, I wonder who you could possibly mean? ...I'd like to see you try to prove it ...on second thought dont, the less interaction we have the better

I don't think you want America Nuked. You want more 9/11's to happen to it(at least I gather this from your posts, even if a little bit of stubborn naivety is thrown in on my part) due to your comments all the time of how america is going to have hundreds of more 9/11's because they caused it... but I dont think you want America Nuked.

Obviously, the reason for this is, alot of the fallout will go to Canda, making the entire americas uninhabitable :LOL:
alot of the fallout will go to Canda, making the entire americas uninhabitable

Brings a song to mind actually, a good Techno one to boot;

The words in Chorus:

Oooooo, sucks to be you!
I'm not alone ...
Hmm [moan*], sucks to be you!
K e r b e r o s said:
Oh, there are people on the forums like that. I'm not saying names,

It's all very well painting a picture of a defensive America surrounded by enemies, but that's beyond the ****ing pale.

Raziaar said:
You want more 9/11's to happen to it(at least I gather this from your posts, even if a little bit of stubborn naivety is thrown in on my part)

What Stern is trying to get across is that with the foreign policy America is persuing, more 9/11 situations are inevitable. His argument is backed up by considerable evidence and study from experienced scholars, so the way people simply read 'I hate America' when they read Stern's posts is really rather odd.
Raziaar said:
I don't think you want America Nuked. You want more 9/11's to happen to it(at least I gather this from your posts, even if a little bit of stubborn naivety is thrown in on my part) due to your comments all the time of how america is going to have hundreds of more 9/11's because they caused it... but I dont think you want America Nuked.

well you're wrong, I shed tears on 9/11 but you wouldnt understand

Raziaar said:
Obviously, the reason for this is, alot of the fallout will go to Canda, making the entire americas uninhabitable :LOL:

meh I have dual citizenship ..I'll just move to spain :E
meh I have dual citizenship ..I'll just move to spain

Hamas will have already nuked Seville by that time. :p

well you're wrong, I shed tears on 9/11 but you wouldnt understand

Help me to understand.
Oh, get over yourself, mate. It's all very well painting a picture of a defensive America surrounded by enemies, but that's beyond the ****ing pale.

I don't think you had a clue as to who I was replying to.

Well, going back to that song.

*Sucks to be you ...*

In truth, I hope Iran does'nt get crap ... then we would'nt have to worry. Why does it want nukes anyway?
K e r b e r o s said:
I don't think you had a clue as to who I was replying to.

It was a comment on your attitude :|
Raziaar said:
Hamas will have already nuked Seville by that time. :p

sure they will ...like they have in the past?

Raziaar said:
Help me to understand.

I saw it coming ..well not the actual event but I knew sooner or later "blowback" was inevitable

the very first thing I said after the second plane hit was "omg there's going to be war in iraq" (I had been following the neo-cons push to invade iraq since 1998)
K e r b e r o s said:
Do you want America to be whiped out in a wave of Mushroom clouds? Does anyone for that matter?
Do I want Middle East to be whiped out in a wave of mushroom clouds?
Do I want the world to be left to deal with the theoretical nuclear winter and nuclear summer?
Am I a ****ing nutcase?
I'm not saying anybody on this forum wants it to happen... but there are people who think the world would be a better place if the hundreds of millions of americans were nuked.
I think nukes would have to be a last resort, if regime change in washington doesnt work, and if the carefully targeted assassinations failed to reverse the pre-fascist political climate in that town.
Then, and only then would anyone consider nukes.......small civillian-friendly bunker busters mind you.
SAJ said:
I think nukes would have to be a last resort, if regime change in washington doesnt work, and if the carefully targeted assassinations failed to reverse the pre-fascist political climate in that town.
Then, and only then would anyone consider nukes.......small civillian-friendly bunker busters mind you.

Nothing is civilian friendly when it comes to nukes.
Darkboy said:
You know what? If we didn't go into Iraq, Saddam would still be beating the shit out of his own country.

Tell me wise guy...do you call the police if you know that your distant neigbour is beating the shit out of his wife? If you did then i belive you, otherwise you're just 12 years old!

Well the nations who have nukes cannot judge other nations for having them!
But speaking out of my ass...yes, i wouldn't be too happy seeing that someone who publicaly says things like that, to have nuclear weapons! At least i didn't hear Bush say he want's some country erased from the map....or am i wrong (you can pwn me Stern if you like :stare: )!
see the people who scream and yell that they're going to kill everyone rarely follow through ..it's the ones who keep silent about it that you have to keep an eye on it.
CptStern said:
see the people who scream and yell that they're going to kill everyone rarely follow through ..it's the ones who keep silent about it that you have to keep an eye on it.

Oh, you're such an expert. Tell me, if you're so smart predict what will happen in 5 years? That way, if this forum still exists after the said 5 years, I can PM you and inform you that you're wrong. :p
Anyone who honestly thinks Iran is a national security threat to America in the near future needs to be shot. (hyperbole, for those of you who take things too seriously)