War of 1812

Theres been a good bit of evidence that Erikkson may not have been the first. Either way it sure as heck wasn't Columbus.
What? Leif and his Norse-Christian ship-mates weren't the first, you say?
Well, what do you have to say to this?

/me jumps out and moons Direwolf.

Booga booga booga!!!
we learned all about the war of 1812 back in 9th grade.....it was not canadians anyways....it was britan, which was what canada was back then.
What about the so called "indians" that have been there thousands of years before? Oh yea they don't count because they were just "uncivilized savages", right? No, they were the first to truely set foot on America.
I'm sure you can find all kinds of information on possible pre-Columbian contact on the internet, but its hard to seperate the intriguing from the crackpot, and I won't presume to do that for anyone. Suffice it to say that there are little bits an pieces out there that hint at the Celts, the Phoenicians and a few other people maybe making the trip first.
And the American Indians certainly have first dibs on the place, but the question is who from the Western world first made contact.
Pressure said:
they were the first to truely set foot on America.

True, but my Ancestors aren't credited in this Thread, so there's no need to bring that up. Besides, we're talking more or less about other foreign explorations, Western World to be precise. Leif, Murderous Columbus, etc.
If you put it that way it was John Titor in his magical time machine.
Pressure said:
If you put it that way it was John Titor in his magical time machine.

More like John Titor and MY Magical Time Machine. The bastard stole it from me.
not to sound stupid or anything but what does greenland belong to?
I noticed that some of you were writing about the first civilizations in America; well I watched a story on the Discovery Channel that proved that the Australian Aborigenees (how do you spell it?) were actually the first race to live in the Americas. Continents were much closer together then and they came over on giant canoe like boats. After the Asians, or American Indians, crossed the ice bridge they wiped out all of the Aborigenees living in the Americas and took over.
Oh, and one more thing: how did this thread go from a discussion on the War of 1812 to the colonization of America?
Colonel Sanders said:
I noticed that some of you were writing about the first civilizations in America; well I watched a story on the Discovery Channel that proved that the Australian Aborigenees (how do you spell it?) were actually the first race to live in the Americas. Continents were much closer together then and they came over on giant canoe like boats. After the Asians, or American Indians, crossed the ice bridge they wiped out all of the Aborigenees living in the Americas and took over.

As King of Greenland, I am putting you in charge of the Discovery Channel.
What I meant was that Columbus was the one to show that America existed to all the pre-modern civilizations. Several other civilizations walked around in America, but only in the XV century it was shown to the rest of the world (when the world cared).

And the whole Indian slughter - not our fault, we needed slaves.
lavrik, greenland currently belongs to denmark. i've been there twice.. once to the jakobshavn glacier, and once to this icefiled in the northeast that i can't recall what it's called.. there was a glacial valley up there that was surprisingly beautiful.. i mean, i didn't expect greenland to have much of that kind of beauty anyway.

also, currently, there is absolutely no reliable evidence for any pre-siberian population of the americas (10-15,000 years ago), indeed the fossil record of potential big-game animals (mammoths and whatnot) would seem to indicate the exact opposite. just to clear up an apparent misconception, the "continents" where not in a significantly different configuration 50,000-40,000 years ago (when the australias were probably populated), nor even 1 million years ago, about when the first humans probably left africa. just fyi.

tbh, the discovery channel standards have really gone down-hill.. i mean, they'll put just about any whacked-out nonsense on there nowadays and get some crack-pots to try and legitimize it.. and then people take it seriously.. oh well, somethings they have on are good, and it's still better than watching american idol at least.

edit: oh yeah and i learned more on my own than i did from school, so i really can't recall if we were taught about the whitehouse being burnt down where i went to school.
america always lose wars they are crap at wars... i think they are still in the process of winning their first! THE WAR OF TERROR! as bush calls it
um.. what? world war 1? world war 2? the revolutionary war? we win wars that matter, putz.
Wars that matter? So basically the ones you win?
Anyway, fighting in wars is nothing to be proud of, but just for the record...Britain would, as they say "pwn" you.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wars that matter? So basically the ones you win?
Anyway, fighting in wars is nothing to be proud of, but just for the record...Britain would, as they say "pwn" you.
lol.. britian.. aren't you guys just a territory of the USA now? tony blair is my personal bitch :)

anyway, not that i'm proud of it, but literally, there is no military out there that can stand up to the US. china has the manpower, but that'd only last for a while, technologically they're not there.. isreal has a lot of our arsenal, but it's a relatively small force, and besides, we're not giving them our best stuff. russia would be a hard nut to crack, still, but i imagine their fragile econamy would eventually collapse (more) in a prolonged war (same with N. korea, though they'd probably collapse much faster). literally, the US (with a draft or proper propaganda to motivate enlistment) could take on half of the world all at once, imo. this is assuming americans would actually want to fight though.. compared to n. korea, russia and israel, for example, i think we're pretty squemish and soft as a people.
I think our (British) army is full of very good, well trained, well motivated, but poorly equiped soilders. I mean for christ sake, have you seen the stuff we use.
Our navy and airforce are, erm. Small.

I think the only part of the UK military I am trully amazed with is the SAS.
They actually get some decent stuff and are generally quality.

And to all you americans, our SAS pwns you special forces :P

I think.....

I remember reading that the SAS trains alot of your guys lol.

I don't want to sound anti USA by the way. I know your army pwns everyone elses. Just poking a bit of fun :)
USA tactics = shoot everything that moves with as many SAW's as posible lol... i mean yea america have the technology and the man power but come on they carnt use it for shit. Britan lost more men in the golf from american friendy fire then from enemy fire.

Black Halk down :/ now that was a mess... thing is with america they think that there army is amazing and they are invinsable, then they just get owned. If britan had your equipment we would make alot better use of it. i believe, during the assault of bazra we lost 3 men. (pld England :D).

the way the americans conduct war fair is poor... now, because they took out so many civilians they are all just getting blown up by suiside bombers. any one watch the program the other week about irqu? ... americans set up a road block and just shot the crap out of any thing that came near it. some woman lost her hole family to american fire. she was in her truck, 300 m from the road block and americans opened fire with no warning. its just madness